This package, if loaded replaces the draw procedures for texts to check for tioga fonts. If a text is a tioga font, and no fontsubstitution takes place, the draw procedure expand the text into a label and draws the label instead of the text. This prevents the imager scan conversion to run for ever scanning huge tioga fonts. This is a special package and loaded on demand only because it eats your gfi's [one for itself, one for CDCreateLabelsImpl, and, one for CStitchingImpl]. Since this package does not export anything, it will not add to the maintenance load but could be decommissioned anytime when maintenance gets painfull or the Imager improves scan conversion of Tioga fonts. žCDSpecialCaseForTiogaFontsImplDoc.tioga Copyright c 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Christian Jacobi, August 12, 1987 11:42:16 am PDT ΚT˜šœ'™'Icodešœ Οmœ1™