Copyright Ó 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Bertrand Serlet, May 18, 1987 2:16:05 pm PDT
Bertrand Serlet, May 18, 1987 11:08:00 pm PDT
DIRECTORY Boole, BooleCore, Core, CoreCreate, CoreOps, PW, PWCore;
BooleExamples: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS Boole, BooleCore, CoreCreate, CoreOps, PW, PWCore
Decoder: PROC RETURNS [cellType: Core.CellType] = {
inputs: BooleCore.Inputs ← NIL;
outputs: BooleCore.Outputs ← NIL;
inv: Core.CellType ← BooleCore.GetCellLibraryCell["InputDriver"];
out: Core.CellType ← BooleCore.GetCellLibraryCell["OutputDriver"];
pas: LIST OF CoreCreate.PALIST[["VRef", "VRef"]];
bus: Core.Wire = CoreCreate.Seq[name: "bus", size: 3];
ctl1: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "ctl1"];
ctl2: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "ctl2"];
ctl3: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "ctl3"];
ctl4: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "ctl4"];
out0: Core.Wire = CoreCreate.Seq[name: "out0", size: 8];
out1: Core.Wire = CoreCreate.Seq[name: "out1", size: 8];
inputs ← CONS [[input: ctl4, driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: ctl3, driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: ctl2, driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: ctl1, driver: inv], inputs];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. 3) DO
inputs ← CONS [[input: bus[i], driver: inv], inputs];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. 8) DO
outputs ← CONS [[
output: out0[i], driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[ctl2, ctl3, Or[ctl1, BooleCore.EqualInt[bus, i]]]
], outputs];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. 8) DO
outputs ← CONS [[
output: out1[i], driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[ctl2, ctl4, Or[ctl1, BooleCore.EqualInt[bus, i]]]
], outputs];
-- Generate the block Alps
cellType ← BooleCore.AlpsCell[
name: "MakeDecoder",
public: CoreCreate.WireList[LIST [
bus, ctl1, ctl2, ctl3, ctl4, out0, out1, "Vdd", "Gnd", "VRef"
inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs
CanBeSimplifiedRandom: PROC RETURNS [cellType: Core.CellType] = {
inputs: BooleCore.Inputs ← NIL;
outputs: BooleCore.Outputs ← NIL;
inv: Core.CellType ← BooleCore.GetCellLibraryCell["InputDriver"];
out: Core.CellType ← BooleCore.GetCellLibraryCell["OutputDriver"];
pas: LIST OF CoreCreate.PALIST[["VRef", "VRef"]];
in0: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "in0"];
in1: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "in1"];
in2: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "in2"];
outWire: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "out0"];
inputs ← CONS [[input: in0, driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: in1, driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: in2, driver: inv], inputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: outWire, driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Or[in0, in1, And[in0, in2, Not[in1]]]
], outputs];
-- Generate the block Alps
cellType ← BooleCore.AlpsCell[
name: "MakeDecoder",
public: CoreCreate.WireList[LIST [
in0, in1, in2, outWire, "Vdd", "Gnd", "VRef"
inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs
CreateJMF: PROC RETURNS [cellType: Core.CellType] = {
ByteType: INT=13; -- random
LongType: INT = 7; -- random
inputs: BooleCore.Inputs ← NIL;
outputs: BooleCore.Outputs ← NIL;
inv: Core.CellType ← BooleCore.GetCellLibraryCell["InputDriver"];
out: Core.CellType ← BooleCore.GetCellLibraryCell["OutputDriver"];
pas: LIST OF CoreCreate.PALIST[["VRef", "VRef"]];
gateRD: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "gateRD"];
gateWR: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "gateWR"];
RdCmd: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "RdCmd"];
IORange: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "IORange"];
IsCy2: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "IsCy2"];
IOType: Core.Wire = CoreCreate.Seq["IOType", 2];
MType: Core.Wire = CoreCreate.Seq["MType", 4];
A1: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "A1"];
A0: Core.Wire = CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "A0"];
IORangeRdCmd: Core.Wire = CoreCreate.Wires[IORange, RdCmd];
IOByte: Expression = Nor[Not[IORange], IOType[0], IOType[1]];
nIOInta: Expression = Nand[IORange, IOType[0], IOType[1]];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "A1", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "A0", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "IsCy2", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "gateRD", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "gateWR", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "RdCmd", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "IORange", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "IOType[0]", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "IOType[1]", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "MType[0]", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "MType[1]", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "MType[2]", driver: inv], inputs];
inputs ← CONS [[input: "MType[3]", driver: inv], inputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "nDEN", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Xor[Nand[RdCmd, gateRD], Nand[gateWR, Not[RdCmd]]]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "nDTR", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: RdCmd
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "WR", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[BooleCore.EqualInt[IORangeRdCmd, 0], gateWR]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "RD", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[BooleCore.EqualInt[IORangeRdCmd, 1], gateRD]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "IOW", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[BooleCore.EqualInt[IORangeRdCmd, 2], gateWR]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "IOR", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[BooleCore.EqualInt[IORangeRdCmd, 3], gateRD]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "INTA", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[Not[gateRD], nIOInta]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "EnB3", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Nor[Not[gateRD], And[IsCy2, nIOInta]]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "EnB2", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Nor[Not[nIOInta], IOByte, IsCy2, Not[gateRD]]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "EnB01", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Nor[Not[nIOInta], Not[IsCy2], Not[gateRD]]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "A1Out", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Not[Xor[IsCy2, A1]]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "nSwap", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Nand[A0, nIOInta]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "A0Out", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[A0, Nor[IOByte], BooleCore.EqualInt[MType, ByteType]]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "nBHEOut", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: And[Not[A0], Nor[IOByte], BooleCore.EqualInt[MType, ByteType]]
], outputs];
outputs ← CONS [[
output: "X2Cy", driver: out, pas: pas,
expr: Or[BooleCore.EqualInt[MType, ByteType], And[IOType[0], IORange]]
], outputs];
-- Generate the block Alps
cellType ← BooleCore.AlpsCell[
name: "MakeJMFCell",
public: CoreCreate.WireList[LIST [
gateRD, gateWR, RdCmd, IORange, IsCy2, IOType, MType, A1, A0,
"nDEN", "nDTR", "WR", "RD", "IOW", "IOR", "INTA", "EnB3", "EnB2", "EnB01", "A1Out", "nSwap", "A0Out", "nBHEOut", "X2Cy",
"Vdd", "Gnd", "VRef"
inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs
MakeDecoder: PW.GeneratorProc = {RETURN [PWCore.Layout[Decoder[]]]};
MakeCanBeSimplifiedRandom: PW.GeneratorProc = {RETURN [PWCore.Layout[CanBeSimplifiedRandom[]]]};
MakeJMFCell: PW.GeneratorProc = {RETURN [PWCore.Layout[CreateJMF[]]]};
PW.RegisterGenerator[MakeDecoder, "MakeDecoder"];
PW.RegisterGenerator[MakeCanBeSimplifiedRandom, "MakeCanBeSimplifiedRandom"];
PW.RegisterGenerator[MakeJMFCell, "MakeJMFCell"];