Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by Louis Monier, October 22, 1985 11:08:27 am PDT
Louis Monier, December 6, 1985 2:27:40 pm PST
CD, CDAtomicObjects, CDDesignRules, Core, CoreClasses, Properties, PWPins, RefTab, Rope, PW;
This module provides the basic primitives for describing a circuit at a level which is in between Core (net list) and ChipNDale (mask). The basic object is a Core.CellType decorated with Stix instances (StickPtr). The description is design-rules independent and mostly topological.
The design-rules independence is expressed through the use of very simple objects and layers (the colors). These objects and colors are general enough to cover most MOS-like technologies and can be translated easily in valid masks when one provides the design rules. The hope is to obtain all the information from CDDesignRules (an extension of CDSimpleRules).
The symbolic objects are defined in the topological domain: symbolic objects (contacts, wires, transistors) are described in reference to nodes. These nodes have positions, and are constraint by the objects: for example all the nodes of a wires are constraint to be on the same horizontal or vertical axis.
The input can be done through creation procedures, or by parsing a simplified "stick" notation using ChipNDale rectangles and a few symbols. The technology used to do this input does not matter.
Various compactors are available: they need to be able to decompose a circuit in plates (the sub-atomic entities, a rectangle and a layer; would you prefer "quarks"?) and the knowledge of electrical connectivity between plates. So far, virtual grid compactors exist. More will be written.
Common types
-- for convenience
Techno: TYPE = CD.Technology;
Layer: TYPE = CD.Layer;
Layers: TYPE = LIST OF Layer;
Rect: TYPE = CD.Rect;
Object: TYPE = CD.Object;
Instance: TYPE = CD.Instance;
Position: TYPE = CD.Position;
Orient: TYPE = CD.Orientation;
InstanceList: TYPE = CD.InstanceList;
Side: TYPE = PWPins.Side;
Tab: TYPE = RefTab.Ref;
Properties: TYPE = Core.Properties;
CellType: TYPE = Core.CellType;
Wire: TYPE = Core.Wire;
RecordCell: TYPE = CoreClasses.RecordCellType;
CoreInst: TYPE = CoreClasses.CellInstance;
-- new
Color: TYPE = ATOM; -- for design-rules independence; something like $pol or $met2
Colors: TYPE = LIST OF Color;
DRect: TYPE = CDAtomicObjects.DrawRec; -- [r: D2Basic.Rect, lev: CD.Layer]
DRects: TYPE = LIST OF DRect;
DRules: TYPE = CDDesignRules.DesignRules;
Properties connecting Core to Stix
layoutProp: ATOM; -- StickPtr (cell) on Core.CellType
errorsProp: ATOM; -- LIST OF ROPE (list of errors after check) on Core.CellType
pinsProp: ATOM; -- StickPtrs (wire, contact) on public Core.Wire
wireGeometryProp: ATOM; -- StickPtrs (wire, contact) on internal Core.Wire
instanceProp: ATOM; -- StickPtr on CoreRecord.Instance
extractedCoreProp: ATOM; -- CellType on StickPtr (cell or transistor); same as Sinix
wireNodesProp: ATOM; -- Nodes on internal Core.Wire
GetStickPtr: PROC [cellType: CellType] RETURNS [StickPtr];
PutStickPtr: PROC [cellType: CellType, stickPtr: StickPtr];
GetWireGeom: PROC [wire: Wire] RETURNS [StickPtrs];
PutWireGeom: PROC [wire: Wire, stickPtrs: StickPtrs];
AppendWireGeom: PROC [wire: Wire, stickPtr: StickPtr];
GetInstance: PROC [coreInst: CoreClasses.CellInstance] RETURNS [StickPtr];
PutInstance: PROC [coreInst: CoreClasses.CellInstance, stickPtr: StickPtr];
Topological representation
-- Sizes and positions are expressed in the target unit system!
Class: TYPE = REF ClassRec;
objectType: ATOM,
LayoutMe: LayoutProc,
ExplodeMe: ExplodeProc,
MyOriginNode: OriginProc,
AllMyNodes: EnumerateNodesProc,
properties: Properties ← NIL
LayoutProc: TYPE = PROC [stickPtr: StickPtr, cell: Object, dr: DRules] RETURNS [inst: Instance];
OriginProc: TYPE = PROC [stickPtr: StickPtr] RETURNS [node: Node];
EnumerateNodesProc: TYPE = PROC [stickPtr: StickPtr] RETURNS [nodes: Nodes];
ExplodeProc: TYPE = PROC [stickPtr: StickPtr, dr: DRules];
-- A node is a point in a topological space
Node: TYPE = REF NodeRec;
pos: Position ← [0, 0],
private: BOOL ← FALSE]; -- a private node (e.g. from a transistor) cannot be shared
Nodes: TYPE = LIST OF Node;
-- A plate is a rectangle of color pointing toward a node
Plate: TYPE = REF PlateRec;
PlateRec: TYPE = RECORD [dr: DRect, node: Node ← NIL];
Plates: TYPE = LIST OF Plate;
-- The symbolic object
StickPtr: TYPE = REF StickRec;
class: Class,
data: REF, -- type is depending on the class
dP: Position ← [0, 0], -- position of the origin of CD.Instance wrt to node.pos
plates: Plates ← NIL, -- all the plates composing the CD object
properties: Properties ← NIL -- could put the plate-related stuff here?
StickPtrs: TYPE = LIST OF StickPtr;
-- The specific types
ContactRef: TYPE = REF ContactRec; -- a contact is defined for two layers only
node: Node ← NIL, -- contact is centered on the node
dx, dy: NAT ← 0, -- size for larger contacts
color1, color2: Color ← NIL -- colors underneath
WireRef: TYPE = REF WireRec; -- defined by two nodes
origin: Node ← NIL, -- lower left
other: Node ← NIL, -- upper right
color: Color ← NIL, -- wire color
width: NAT ← 0 -- width
TransistorRef: TYPE = REF TransistorRec; -- straight transistors only
gate, ch1, ch2: Node ← NIL, -- centered on gate
color: Color ← NIL, -- tr. color (e.g. dif)
width, length: NAT ← 0 -- size of the channel
StickCell: TYPE = REF StickCellRec;
allNodes: Nodes ← NIL, -- all the nodes; very important field
IRect: Rect ← [0, 0, 0, 0], -- the interestRect
tab: Tab ← NIL, -- node -> Core.Wire
origin: Node ← NIL, -- one of the nodes
name: ROPE ← NIL -- used to name the CD cell ("foo-compacted-XY")
contactClass, wireClass, transistorClass, stickCellClass: Class;
Creation procedures
-- Always use the creation and inclusion procs
-- Never delete something from a cell
CreateStickCell: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [stickPtr: StickPtr];
CreateNode: PROC [pos: Position, wire: Wire, cellType: CellType, private: BOOL ← FALSE] RETURNS [node: Node];
CreateContact: PROC [node: Node] RETURNS [stickPtr: StickPtr];
CreateWire: PROC [n1, n2: Node, color: Color, width: NAT ← 0] RETURNS [stickPtr: StickPtr];
CreateTransistor: PROC [gate, ch1, ch2: Node, color: Color, width, length: NAT] RETURNS [stickPtr: StickPtr];
-- Must be called when all StickPtrs are in the cell
FinishCell: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType];
-- Must be called before layout or compaction
ConvertToDR: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType, dr: DRules];
PlatesAreConnected: PROC [p1, p2: Plate, table: Tab] RETURNS [BOOL ← FALSE];
NodesAreConnected: PROC [n1, n2: Node, table: Tab] RETURNS [BOOL ← FALSE];
nTrColor, pTrColor, trGateColor: Color;
Easy access to OO procedures
Layout: LayoutProc;
AllNodes: EnumerateNodesProc;
Origin: OriginProc;
Explode: ExplodeProc;
EachStickPtrProc: TYPE = PROC [stickPtr: StickPtr, wire: Wire] RETURNS [quit: BOOL ← FALSE];
EnumerateInsts: PROC [cellType: CellType, proc: EachStickPtrProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOL];
OtherEnd: PUBLIC PROC [stickPtr: StickPtr] RETURNS [node: Node]; -- wire only