2. User Interface
The following commands are accessed through the <Space-P> Program menu.
AssociateIcon - just prompt for a name and put the property $IconNameProp on the object.
BindSatellites - one non-text instance (master instance) and any number of text instances are selected. This command binds the pieces of text to the master instance. Double link: the master has a property [$Satellite, LIST OF CD.Instance] and the satellites have [$IsSatelliteOf, CD.Instance].
Q: do we sometimes want to put satellites on objects instead of instances ?
SelectGroup - you select an instance (master or satellite), and this command finds all the other members of the group and displays them selected.
Extract - you select an instance of a schematic cell (why this restriction?), and this command returns the cellType. Any algorithmic definition should be running. The resulting cellType is attached to the instance under the property Sinix.extractedCoreProp
PutUnnamedPropOnInstance - puts property $UnnamedProp onto the selected instance with value the same as the "Value:" field in the control panel. Useful for properties whose value can be determined completely from context. Puts a text object in the design at the position the mouse was clicked. Inserts an association.
PutUnnamedPropOnObject - same as PutUnnamedPropOnInstance but indirects to object instead of applying directly to instance.