Versatec plotting with Chipndale
Subject: chipndale, cmos, versatecplots
To: chipndaleusers^
Cc: Jacobi
Chipndale is hacked such, that cmos-designs (in addition to nmos)
can be ploted on the versatec plotter, whenever still somewhat painfull.
To create a plot:
-Get Cedar 5.
-Get Chipndale from the df file
bringing over everything.
-Read your design, by typing
(or readnmos),
to the commander, which starts chipndale and reads a Chipmonk ...chip
file. (You must not err which technology your design is.)
-Do the plot:
Hold down <TAB-V> and draw a rectangle with the Mark button.
Chipndale answers with a menu were to put the plot. (discarding
the entries in the menu stops plotting).
Chipndale needs a fair amount of time to do the plot.
Chipndale CMOS does NOT implement busses.
Have fun