<<--chipnsil14.tioga>> <<--Christian Jacobi April 24, 1984 3:57:50 pm PST>> ChipNSil, a new chipndale technology Sil <-> ChipNSil ChipNSil does not want to compete in general with Sil; ChipNSil wants: - demonstrate chipndale's wide range of technology independence - be a base for experimenting in integrating schematic capturing to chipndale - be a documentation facilty for chipndale design's ChipNSil has a chipndale (chipmonk) like userinterinterface, not a Sil like. ChipNSil has no colors; it is thought to run together with other chipndale technologies and leaves the definition of a color map to the other technology. Commands @chipnsil.cm starts the program cdnewsil to create a new design create or modify a macro DF file /indigo/chipndale/top/chipnsil14.df Restrictions Characters can not yet be plotted. Fonts ChipNSil supports 8 fonts; which are initialized with the user profile. The user profile designates the font used on creation of the text; once a text is created, its font can NOT be changed with the user profile. Example user profile: <> <<-- Fonts do not have defaults>> Chipndale.chipnsil.Font0: "TimesRoman14.strike" Chipndale.chipnsil.AlternateFont0: "/indigo/AltoFonts/TimesRoman14.strike" Chipndale.chipnsil.ScaleFont0: 32 Chipndale.chipnsil.Font1: "Gates32.strike" Chipndale.chipnsil.AlternateFont1: "/indigo/AltoFonts/Gates32.strike" Chipndale.chipnsil.ScaleFont1: 64 Macros There is a new chipndale object type, calld macro. Macro's are a subclass of cells, but with user definable bounding box. Macros are created, or their bounding box changed, with the command. Pushing and popping with "replace" option from macros does not modify the bounding box; Popping and creating a new cell creates a cell, not a macro. Popping out of a macro can move its application; Sorry, but pushing into macros is thought to be a non standard feature, used only to create macro libraries.