6. ChipNDale and Chipmonk 6.1. What's really different from Chipmonk Some few commands... All the fuss about technology independency. Its more than you would expect. Large designs, (32 bit numbers) Easy to use for clients: All useful commands can also be accessed from calling procedures: Open ended client interfaces. Its own implementation is based on the client interfaces. Its list of object types is open ended, including their representation on files. Multiple viewers per design. Multiple designs. Runs on Cedar, gets all the advantages of an integrated environment. NMOS and CMOS are incompatible, they are implemented as different technologies. Pop-up menu's. Extensible pop up menus. Terminal viewer for log. Imports of (References to) other designs Real repetitions Generator concepts Powerful use of property lists, including saving properties on files. Checkplots on both color and B&W Versatec plotters. BCDOldDocuments.tioga Jacobi, March 26, 1986 3:57:13 pm PST rIcode%head1head*JJLJJxJ9JPJJJDJOJ(JJ(JJJEJ3JN