--  Copyright (C) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
--  Jacobi, May 29, 1985 6:19:46 pm PDT.
--make sure all is brought over, not only the public stuff;
--needed to make the interpreter happy
run cdvplot
--set crazy mode...
← CDBWVersatecImpl.outLine ← FALSE
← CDBWVersatecImpl.skipLayers ← TRUE
← CDBWVersatecImpl.allBlack ← TRUE
← CDBWVersatecImpl.handleSignalNames ← FALSE
--tell that you want to plot this layer; here cmos metal
← CDProperties.PutPropOnLevel[CMos.met, $DrawMeOnBWVersatec, $DrawMeOnBWVersatec];
--now tell that you don't want to plot this layer next time
← CDProperties.PutPropOnLevel[CMos.met, $DrawMeOnBWVersatec, NIL];
--reset normal mode of operation
← CDBWVersatecImpl.outLine ← TRUE
← CDBWVersatecImpl.skipLayers ← FALSE
← CDBWVersatecImpl.allBlack ← FALSE
← CDBWVersatecImpl.handleSignalNames ← TRUE