Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
by Christian Jacobi, August 14, 1985 2:35:33 pm PDT
Last Edited by Christian Jacobi, August 26, 1985 5:48:40 pm PDT
A Core CellType is supposed to have a $GenLayout property; whose value is a LIST OF REF ANY. The first entry of the list denotes a tool which is able to generate a ChipNDale object.
List of registered tools
implemented by CDSomeCoreGeneratorsImpl
property value: LIST[$CDGenerate, tableName, keyName]
uses the CDGenerate mechanism to create an object
keyName is optional; if ommited, defaults to Core CellType name
if both, tableName and keyName are ommited this genartor defaults to $CDGet
this simple tool does not deal with pins
property value: LIST[$CDGet, name]
fetches the object
name is optional; if ommited, defaults to Core CellType name
actually, uses the CDGenerateRemote mechanism to fetch:
uses the $CDFrom property of the Core Design to figure out from what design to fetch.
The value of the $CDFrom property is either a
Rope.ROPE: fetch from the design with this name
CD.Design: use this design
CDGenerate.Table: this table
NIL: this defaults to the directory of the cdDesign into witch the output is stuffed
this simple tool does not deal with pins
property value: LIST[$CDImport, designName, objectName]
makes an import
objectName is optional; if ommited, defaults to Core CellType name
this simple tool does not deal with pins
property value: LIST[$CDFetch, designName, objectName]
makes a copy of an object found in an other design
objectName is optional; if ommited, defaults to Core CellType name
this simple tool does not deal with pins
implemented by CDMoreCoreGeneratorsImpl
might be implemented differently by Louis anyway
but this allows making non trivial test cases
property value: LIST[$Abut, direction]
direction: one of: $right, $up, $left, $down
recasts CellType into a CoreRecord;
checks every instance of the CoreRecord for an $CDOrient property, one of
NIL, make an atom out of the Orientation name as found in CDOrient
this simple tool does not deal with pins (yet?)
?? will certainly be provided by Bertrand