(FILECREATED "20-Jul-86 15:26:26" {ERIS}<TAMARIN>UCODE>RIVER.;7 3759 changes to: (FNS MakeCifRiverOutput RiverRoute DisplayRiverRoute) previous date: "15-Jul-86 19:32:08" {ERIS}<TAMARIN>UCODE>RIVER.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RIVERCOMS) (RPAQQ RIVERCOMS ((FNS DisplayRiverRoute MakeCifRiver MakeCifRiverOutput MakeDatRteSpec RiverRoute) (VARS RouteSpec))) (DEFINEQ (DisplayRiverRoute [LAMBDA (res) (* agb: "17-Jul-86 17:34") (CLEARW xWIN) (for i in res do (for j in i as height from 0 by 3 bind lpoint do (* PRINT (LIST height j)) (DRAWLINE (IQUOTIENT (CAR j) 5) height (IQUOTIENT (IPLUS 0 (CADR j)) 5) height NIL NIL xWIN) (DRAWLINE (IQUOTIENT (CADR j) 5) height (IQUOTIENT (CADR j) 5) (IPLUS height 2) NIL NIL xWIN]) (MakeCifRiver [LAMBDA (rte file) (* agb: "25-Feb-86 21:47") (PROG (size) (ChipHdr file) [SETQ size (PLUS 16 (TIMES 8 (LENGTH rte] (MakeCifRiverOutput rte file 10 200) (ChipTrailer]) (MakeCifRiverOutput [LAMBDA (res file bot top base) (* agb: "19-Jul-86 13:17") (for i in res bind lpoint maxH do (ChipWire 3 3 (CAAR i) base (CAAR i) bot) (for j in i as height from bot by 6 do (* PRINT (LIST height j)) (ChipWire 3 3 (MIN (CAR j) (CADR j)) height (IPLUS 3 (MAX (CAR j) (CADR j))) height) (ChipWire 3 3 (CADR j) height (CADR j) (IPLUS height 6)) (SETQ maxH height) (SETQ lpoint (CADR j))) (ChipWire 3 3 lpoint maxH lpoint top]) (MakeDatRteSpec [LAMBDA NIL (* agb: "25-Feb-86 22:24") (* This needs to skip the seal ring and to handle the Ras/cas lines) (SETQ DatRteSpec (for i from 0 to 28 as j from 3 to 32 collect (LIST (ITIMES 144 i) (PLUS -140 (TIMES 40 (IREMAINDER j 4)) (TIMES 180 (IQUOTIENT j 4]) (RiverRoute [LAMBDA (spec) (* agb: "17-Jul-86 20:17") (PROG (taken res last) [for elt in spec when (IGEQ (CAR elt) (CADR elt)) do (SETQ last (CAR elt)) (SETQ res (CONS NIL res)) [for limit in taken as limitLoc on taken until (EQ last (CADR elt)) do [RPLACA res (NCONC (CAR res) (LIST (LIST last (MAX limit (CADR elt] (RPLACA limitLoc (IPLUS last 6)) (SETQ last (MAX limit (CADR elt] (if (NEQ last (CADR elt)) then (SETQ taken (NCONC1 taken (IPLUS last 6))) (RPLACA res (NCONC (CAR res) (LIST (LIST last (CADR elt] (RETURN (LIST res taken]) ) (RPAQQ RouteSpec ((50 0) (100 10) (150 20) (200 30) (250 40))) (PUTPROPS RIVER COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (452 3591 (DisplayRiverRoute 462 . 1151) (MakeCifRiver 1153 . 1440) (MakeCifRiverOutput 1442 . 2185) (MakeDatRteSpec 2187 . 2688) (RiverRoute 2690 . 3589))))) STOP