DIRECTORY PW; TamLib: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN bitcell: PW.Object; decdrveven: PW.Object; decdrvodd: PW.Object; nordecode0: PW.Object; nordecode1: PW.Object; decodepullup: PW.Object; spacer: PW.Object; spacerend: PW.Object; norplym2cnt: PW.Object; norpullupyspacer: PW.Object; drvevenyspacer: PW.Object; drvoddyspacer: PW.Object; yxspacer: PW.Object; yxspacerend: PW.Object; bitcellyspacer: PW.Object; bitgnd: PW.Object; bitgndspacer: PW.Object; bitgndendspacer: PW.Object; norcellgnd: PW.Object; decpullupgnd: PW.Object; decdrvoddgnd: PW.Object; decdrvevengnd: PW.Object; bit0: PW.Object; bit1: PW.Object; romspacer: PW.Object; dswap: PW.Object; lu1base: PW.Object; shlogicA: PW.Object; shlogicB: PW.Object; shlogicC: PW.Object; shlogicD: PW.Object; bbusroute0: PW.Object; bbusroute1: PW.Object; bbusroute2: PW.Object; bbusroute3: PW.Object; bbusroute4: PW.Object; bbusroute5: PW.Object; bbusroute6: PW.Object; bbusroute7: PW.Object; bbusroute00: PW.Object; cpAddR: PW.Object; cpAddB: PW.Object; lu2: PW.Object; ccCellAL: PW.Object; ccCellAR: PW.Object; ccCellBL: PW.Object; ccCellBR: PW.Object; ccCellCL: PW.Object; ccCellCR: PW.Object; ccCellDL: PW.Object; ccCellDR: PW.Object; ccCellEL: PW.Object; ccCellER: PW.Object; ccCellFL: PW.Object; ccCellFR: PW.Object; ccCellGL: PW.Object; ccCellGR: PW.Object; ccCellHL: PW.Object; ccCellHR: PW.Object; ccCellIL: PW.Object; ccCellIR: PW.Object; ccCellJL: PW.Object; ccCellJR: PW.Object; InitRam: PROC [myLib: PW.Design] RETURNS []; InitRom: PROC [myLib: PW.Design] RETURNS []; InitDP: PROC [myLib: PW.Design] RETURNS []; END. hTamLib.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Created by: Ross, April 10, 1986 2:58:14 pm PST Last Edited by: Ross June 17, 1986 10:08:48 am PDT Cell Definitions RAM Base Cells: Spacer Cells (for X and Y directions): Ground Tap Cells: ROM Base Cells: Spacer Cells (for X and Y directions): DataPath Initialization Routines ΚΦ– "cedar" style˜™ Icodešœ Οmœ1™