(FILECREATED "25-Mar-85 16:05:07" {INDIGO}<LOOPS>SOURCES>TESTER>LTFILES.;3 2799 changes to: (VARS LTFILESCOMS) previous date: "18-Mar-85 12:08:08" {PHYLUM}<MITTAL>LISP>LTFILES.;2) (* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT LTFILESCOMS) (RPAQQ LTFILESCOMS [(* File created by MITTAL) (* this file contains pointers to the actual files containing the test data bases) (VARS (AllTestFiles (QUOTE (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTKBTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST))) (CoreTestFiles (QUOTE (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS))) (StandardTestFiles (QUOTE (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST))) (SmallLoopsTest (QUOTE (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST))) (FullLoopsTest (QUOTE (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST LTKBTESTS))) (InterLoopsTest (QUOTE (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTINTERLOOPSTESTS))) (LOOPSTESTGROUPS (QUOTE ((All AllTestFiles "All known test files") (Core CoreTestFiles "Basic set of tests") (SmallLoops SmallLoopsTest "Standard set of for SmallLoops (Core + PutMethod)") (FullLoops FullLoopsTest "Standard set for FullLoops (SmallLoops + KB)") (InterLoops InterLoopsTest "Core tests plus those specific to Interloops"]) (* File created by MITTAL) (* this file contains pointers to the actual files containing the test data bases) (RPAQQ AllTestFiles (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTKBTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST)) (RPAQQ CoreTestFiles (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS)) (RPAQQ StandardTestFiles (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST) ) (RPAQQ SmallLoopsTest (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST)) (RPAQQ FullLoopsTest (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTHARMONYONLYTESTS LTPUTMETHODTEST LTKBTESTS)) (RPAQQ InterLoopsTest (LTCORETESTS LTLISPFUNTESTS LTMETHODTESTS LTINTERLOOPSTESTS)) (RPAQQ LOOPSTESTGROUPS ((All AllTestFiles "All known test files") (Core CoreTestFiles "Basic set of tests") (SmallLoops SmallLoopsTest "Standard set of for SmallLoops (Core + PutMethod)") (FullLoops FullLoopsTest "Standard set for FullLoops (SmallLoops + KB)") (InterLoops InterLoopsTest "Core tests plus those specific to Interloops"))) (PUTPROPS LTFILES COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL))) STOP