(FILECREATED "20-Dec-85 11:11:52" {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>DEMO>LOOPSSITE.;1 5865 changes to: (VARS LOOPSSITECOMS) previous date: " 4-Dec-85 15:59:56" {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>LOOPSSITE.;5) (* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT LOOPSSITECOMS) (RPAQQ LOOPSSITECOMS ((* * All site-dependent stuff for building a Loops sysout. This file is the loaded automatically by the file LoadLoops.) (COMS (* * Set up all site specific directories, file lists, etc. These vars need to be set, but their values might vary from site to site.) (VARS (LOOPSDIRECTORY (QUOTE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>)) (LOOPSTESTDIR (QUOTE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>TESTER>)) (TRUCKINDIR (QUOTE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>TRUCKIN>)) (PLAYERSDIR (QUOTE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>PLAYERS>)) (DEMODIR (QUOTE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>DEMO>)) (LOOPSCOURSEFILESDIR (QUOTE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>COURSE>))) (VARS (LOOPSCOURSEFILES NIL) (PLAYERFILES (QUOTE (TRAVELER PEDDLER PLANNER))) (DEMOPROPFILES NIL) (DEMOFILES (QUOTE (LOOPSDEMO))) (OptionalLispuserFiles NIL))) (* * The rest of the file is all optional, in that Loops does not depend on it. It is here to tailor the system according to our liking.) [COMS (* * Set up the position and shape of the initial windows on the screen) (VARS (deditPos (QUOTE (426 227 512 581))) (edComsPos (QUOTE (0 430 426 32))) (eeIconPos (QUOTE (851 . 789))) (eePos (QUOTE (426 0 598 812))) (histPosition (QUOTE (426 . 0))) (promptPos (QUOTE (0 748 426 60))) (ttyPos (QUOTE (0 430 426 318))) (ueIconPos (QUOTE (104 . 410))) (uePos (QUOTE (0 0 426 430))) (BACKGROUNDSHADE 34850) (loopsIconPosition (QUOTE (350 . 0))) (histIconPosition (QUOTE (275 . 0] (COMS (* * Make ↑R mean QUIT in TEdit. This is how you exit the rule editor.) (FNS LoopsTeditQuit) (P (TEDIT.SETFUNCTION (CHARCODE ↑R) (FUNCTION LoopsTeditQuit) TEDIT.READTABLE))) [COMS (* * Set up so that TEDIT will automatically load the Loops image objects package when it is first referenced.) (ADDVARS (IMAGEOBJGETFNS (LoopsImageObjectGetFn FILE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>USERS>LOOPSIMAGEOBJECTS.DCOM] (COMS (* * Hack to make it easy to get the TAB key back) (ADDVARS (BackgroundMenuCommands (FixTab [QUOTE (KEYACTION (QUOTE TAB) (QUOTE ((9 9] "Make the TAB key work"))) (VARS (BackgroundMenu NIL))) (COMS (* * Misc. tailoring) (FILES (SYSLOAD FROM LISPUSERS) PageHold (FROM {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>USERS>) BreakMenuPatch) (VARS (DEditLinger NIL)) (ADVISE CNDIR)))) (* * All site-dependent stuff for building a Loops sysout. This file is the loaded automatically by the file LoadLoops.) (* * Set up all site specific directories, file lists, etc. These vars need to be set, but their values might vary from site to site.) (RPAQQ LOOPSDIRECTORY {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>) (RPAQQ LOOPSTESTDIR {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>TESTER>) (RPAQQ TRUCKINDIR {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>TRUCKIN>) (RPAQQ PLAYERSDIR {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>PLAYERS>) (RPAQQ DEMODIR {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>DEMO>) (RPAQQ LOOPSCOURSEFILESDIR {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>SOURCES>COURSE>) (RPAQQ LOOPSCOURSEFILES NIL) (RPAQQ PLAYERFILES (TRAVELER PEDDLER PLANNER)) (RPAQQ DEMOPROPFILES NIL) (RPAQQ DEMOFILES (LOOPSDEMO)) (RPAQQ OptionalLispuserFiles NIL) (* * The rest of the file is all optional, in that Loops does not depend on it. It is here to tailor the system according to our liking.) (* * Set up the position and shape of the initial windows on the screen) (RPAQQ deditPos (426 227 512 581)) (RPAQQ edComsPos (0 430 426 32)) (RPAQQ eeIconPos (851 . 789)) (RPAQQ eePos (426 0 598 812)) (RPAQQ histPosition (426 . 0)) (RPAQQ promptPos (0 748 426 60)) (RPAQQ ttyPos (0 430 426 318)) (RPAQQ ueIconPos (104 . 410)) (RPAQQ uePos (0 0 426 430)) (RPAQQ BACKGROUNDSHADE 34850) (RPAQQ loopsIconPosition (350 . 0)) (RPAQQ histIconPosition (275 . 0)) (* * Make ↑R mean QUIT in TEdit. This is how you exit the rule editor.) (DEFINEQ (LoopsTeditQuit [LAMBDA (stream value) (* smL "16-Oct-85 10:24") (if (OR (NOT (TEDIT.STREAMCHANGEDP stream)) (MOUSECONFIRM "TEdit quit -- are you sure?")) then (TEDIT.QUIT stream (COND ((STRINGP value) value) ((type? TEXTOBJ value) (COERCETEXTOBJ value (QUOTE STRINGP))) (T (ERROR value "wrong type"]) ) (TEDIT.SETFUNCTION (CHARCODE ↑R) (FUNCTION LoopsTeditQuit) TEDIT.READTABLE) (* * Set up so that TEDIT will automatically load the Loops image objects package when it is first referenced.) (ADDTOVAR IMAGEOBJGETFNS (LoopsImageObjectGetFn FILE {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>USERS>LOOPSIMAGEOBJECTS.DCOM)) (* * Hack to make it easy to get the TAB key back) (ADDTOVAR BackgroundMenuCommands (FixTab [QUOTE (KEYACTION (QUOTE TAB) (QUOTE ((9 9] "Make the TAB key work")) (RPAQQ BackgroundMenu NIL) (* * Misc. tailoring) (FILESLOAD (SYSLOAD FROM LISPUSERS) PageHold (FROM {PHYLUM}<LOOPS>USERS>) BreakMenuPatch) (RPAQQ DEditLinger NIL) (PUTPROPS CNDIR READVICE [NIL (AFTER NIL (PROGN (WINDOWPROP \TopLevelTtyWindow (QUOTE TITLE) (CONCAT "Connected To " !VALUE " -- TTY Window")) (NILL (CHARACTER 7) "Connecting to " !VALUE]) (READVISE CNDIR) (PUTPROPS LOOPSSITE COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (4383 4838 (LoopsTeditQuit 4393 . 4836))))) STOP