TEdit Dorado Keys A set of convenience keys for the Dorado and TEdit. This package defines a number of meta-keystrokes as TEdit commands, providing much of the functionality of the 1186's expanded keyboard. An effort was made to keep the command set compatible with SEdit's for similar functions. In a number of cases, the meta-lower-case and meta-upper-case commands are different--typically, the lower-case command turns some attribute (like boldness) on, and the upper-case command turns it off. Here's the set of defined functions: meta-u meta-U UNDO meta-f meta-F FIND metaa meta-A ABORT (i.e., do a GET) meta-s meta-S SUBSTITUTE ESC REDO (note that this changes the default definition, which is EXPAND) meta-x meta-X EXPAND (also on control-X) meta-n meta-N Move to NEXT fill-in blank meta-c meta-C Change margins, rotating thru centered, left, right, just. meta-b Turn BOLD on meta-B Turn BOLD off meta-i Turn ITALIC on meta-I Turn ITALIC off meta-= Turn strike-thru on meta-+ Turn strike-thru off meta-- Turn underline on meta-_ Turn underline off meta-^ Superscript (or de-subscript) meta-| Subscript (or de-superscript) meta-space Return to default font/weight/slope/etc. meta-? Show current font in prompt window. meta-( Insert parentheses around the current selection meta-" Insert neutral double quotes (ASCII ") around the current selection meta-' Insert real double quotes (ª and º) around the current selection 2H2 H2 HH2 HHMODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN 4äÊ% G< *%1FB–`zº