Subject: Re: Lispusers packages (updates) In-reply-to:'s message of 16 Dec 86 12:38 PST To: cc: LispUsers^.x Reply-to: Format: TEdit I received this inquiry today: --------------- Date: 16 Dec 86 12:38 PST From: Subject: Lispusers packages (updates) To: cc: When I replace text or documentation of a Lispusers package with new versions, should I message you so that you can do the appropriate thing(s) vis-a-vis phylum? --Dan --------------- ...and I thought this would be a good time to just give an update on how to handle the lispusers packages. --- Directories: {eris}koto>lispusers> is where the frozen, released packages for Koto were put. {eris}koto> is where the Koto packages that have been changed since release should be put. {eris}lispcore> is where new packages that run in LispCore and updates of old packages that are updated to Lispcore should be kept. --- Creating new packages: if you create a new package that runs in LispCore, i.e. to be release with Lyric, write it onto {eris}lispcore>. --- Editing old packages: if you want to change a package that was released with Koto, make changes to the latest version (if it hasn't changed since release this is on {eris}koto>lispusers> or if it has been updated, it should have been put on {eris}koto>) and copy it to: {eris}koto> if it only still runs in Koto {eris}Lispcore> if you know it runs in Lyric. --- What should be included: No package will be released from LispUsers without: - Source file - Compiled file - Documentation Documentation can be made through the template ({eris}LispCore>easytemplate.tedit) or by using the new lispusers package, DOCUMENT ( on {eris}koto>). --- for more information: {eris}lispcore>LispUsers-rules.tedit, LispUsers-Summary.tedit, LispUsers-dependencies.tedit. I will store this on {eris}lispcore>lispusers-info-msg.tedit. --- Nice things to do: When you create a new package, please: - send a note to LispUsers^ announcing it. - add it to LispUsers-summary.tedit (a list of all the lispusers packages) - add it to LispUsers-dependencies.tedit, which is a list of all the lispusers packages and which files they need to run. - Edit LispUsers-dependencies.tedit to reflect the current state of Lispcore lispusers files (right now it is just the info from Koto). If you created a package for Koto, please try to update it to Lispcore and store it onto lispcore>. If the package is un-updatable or useless in LispCore, please take it off of the aforementioned lists and/or message me about it. --- and to answer the question that started all this: Just put your packages on the directories mentioned. Any copying will be done. Thank you very much for your cooperation.... Susana... (( TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN *;&kWg~ #5(,L{6P-  z