XEROX LOGIC 2 4 1 LOGIC 1 4 By: Roberto Ghislanzoni ("Roberto_Ghislanzoni" Uses: TABLEBROWSER This document last edited on (603180064 NIL NIL) . INTRODUCTION This package is devoted to people who want to use a logic paradigm in their programming environment. LOGIC was initially developed in Franz Lisp[4] at the Computer Science Department of the University of Milan: now a modified part of its kernel is running in Common Lisp, so it is possible to use it under every machine running CL: within the Xerox environment, some features are available in order to ease the construction of the programs. All of the source codes are available: sorry if they are awful! But it's better to have efficiency than syntactic sugar ... LOGIC MANUAL LOGIC is essentially a theorem prover based on Horn clauses: the user is allowed to create many theories and within these theories to specify some predicates (clauses); as FOL [3] does, it is also possible to specify some semantic attachements (SA), in order to use all the capabilities of the environment: in our implementation, these SAs are expressed in Lisp. A goal proof is performed within specifed theory(es); the user is allowed to dinamically change the theories involved. These are the elements of the language: f a variable is an atom beginning with '?' f an atomic formula is a list beginning with the name of the predicate and followed by the terms: (on table book) (mother ?x ?y) f a clause is a list beginning with the consequent, followed by the special symbol ':-', and by the sequence of the antecedents: ((grandfather ?x ?y) :- (father ?x ?z) (father ?z ?y)) f a set of clauses is the definition of a predicate (((append () ?a ?a)) ((append (?a . ?b) ?c (?a . ?d)) :- (append ?b ?c ?d))) f a theory is a set of the definitions of some predicates When you for the first time load the LOGIC files, remember to call the function (CREATE-BACKGROUND-THEORY) in order to create the main theory: this function reads the data it needs from the file MAIN.LGC. These are the functions available from the top-level executive of Lisp: (ALL VARS CONJ THS ) [Function] Returns the vars that satisfies the goal (conj) in the list of theories (ths): the background theory is always used.For example you can ask the system to prove: (ALL '(?a ?b) '((append ?a ?b (1 2 3))) '(append-theory)) --> ((NIL (1 2 3)) ((1) (2 3)) ((1 2) (3)) ((1 2 3) NIL)) (ANY HOW-MANY VARS CONJ THS ) [Function] Returns how-many vars that satisfies the goal: (any 2 '?a '((append ?a ?b (1 2 3))) '(append-theory)) --> (NIL (1)) (ATTACH SA-NAME DEFINITION THEORY-NAME) [Function] Allows to create semantic attachments: (ATTACH 'createw '(lambda (name) (IL:CREATEW () name)) 'my-theory) and now: (ANY 1 () '((createw "Kiss me on my lips")) '(my-theory) --> Bxw}xv}}}ﻺ{ﻷﻺvﻷ}﻽ۏ﻽x (CREATE-THEORY THEORY-NAME) [Function] Creates a brand-new theory with that name: return the name of the theory created, not the theory itself. (LIST-ALL-THEORIES) [Function] Return a list of the defined theories, currently available. (LOAD-THEORY THEORY-NAME) [Function] Loads from the current directory the specified theory-name; the name of the theory file has the extension .LGC , and it must be previously created by the corresponding function SAVE-THEORY (LOGIC-ADD PRED CLAUSES THEORY-NAME) [Function] Adds to the definitions of the predicate pred the specified clauses, that hold in the theory theory-name: (LOGIC-ADD 'C '(((C 1)) ((C ?x) :- (A ?x))) 'my-theory) (LOGIC-ASSERT PRED CLAUSES THEORY-NAME) [Function] Replaces all previous definitions of the predicate pred with clauses. (LOGIC-DELETE PRED-OR-SA THEORY-NAME) [Function] Erases from the theory theory-name the definition of pred-or-sa, that may be either a predicate or a semantic attachment (MERGE-THEORIES NEW-THEORY-NAME &REST LIST-OF-THEORIES) [Function] Creates the new theory NEW-THEORY-NAME made up by all the predicates and sas that hold in all the theories LIST-OF-THEORIES: now no control is performed on the consistency in the merging of the theories (PROVE CONJ THS &KEY NO-BACKGROUND-THEORY) [Function] Calls the prover on the specified goals conj. THS is a list of the theory(es) used. PROVE returns only T or NIL (SAVE-THEORY THEORY-NAME) [Function] Writes on the local directory the contents of the theory theory-name. You will find later a file whose name is composed by the theory name and the extension LGC. The format of the contents of the file is the following: theory-name number of semantic attachments .. number of predicates .. A theory file (with .LGC extension) may be created by the user employing a text editor like Emacs or VI (on Symbolics, SUNs etc.), avoiding the saving of the theory every change he performs. (SHOW-DEFINITION ELEMENT THEORY-NAME) [Function] Shows the definition of element, either a predicate or a semantic attachment. (SHOW-THEORY THEORY-NAME &OPTIONAL VERBOSE) [Function] Shows the contents (name of predicates and sas) of the theory theory-name; if verbose is T, all the definitions are shown. THE BACKGROUND THEORY In the background theory, many interesting primitive predicates are available: ! [Predicate] The cut predicate, well-known to the PROLOG programmers: a tipical example of its use can be the definition of the predicate NOT: (((not ?formula) :- (wff ?formula) ! (fail)) ((not ?formula))) (TRUE) [Predicate] This predicate always succeds (FAIL) [Predicate] The predicate that never succeds (PRINT ?arg) [Predicate] Prints the argument ?arg passed by (EVAL&PRINT ?arg) [Predicate] This predicate evaluates and print the result of evaluation of the form ?arg: (prove '((eval&print (+ 3 4))) '(my-theory)) 7 T (LOGIC-ADD ?PREDICATE-NAME ?CLAUSES ?THEORY-NAME) [Predicate] Adds to the clauses that define the predicate ?PREDICATE-NAME in the theory ?theory-name other clauses ?CLAUSES (LOGIC-ASSERT ?PREDICATE-NAME ?CLAUSES ?THEORY-NAME) [Predicate] Replaces all definition for the predicate ?PREDICATE-NAME in the theory ?THEORY-NAME with the new clauses ?CLAUSES (LOGIC-DELETE ?PREDICATE-OR-SA--NAME ?THEORY-NAME) [Predicate] Deletes all definition for predicate (or sa) ?PREDICATE-OR-SA-NAME in the theory ?THEORY-NAME (SET ?var value) [Predicate] With this predicate it is possible to set a variable within the demonstration (remind that a variable always starts with a '?'): (prove '((set ?x (list 'a 'b 3))(print ?x)) '(my-theory)) --> (a b 3) T (RETRACT ?theory-name) [Predicate] Tells the interpreter that it must use no more the theory ?theory-name during the ongoing demonstration; this elision is made only on the current active node of the demonstration tree (USE-THEORY ?theory-name) [Predicate] Tells to the interpreter that it must use the theory ?theory-name for the ongoing demonstration. (WFF ?formula) [Predicate] This is a second order predicate that allows you to prove the truth value of the well formed formula ?formula If you load only the LOGIC files, this is the environment you have. On Xerox machines, you can also load the file LOGIC-DEVEL, that allows you to have the development environment: a new entry in your background menu is created, and so you are able to open a logic demonstration window. This is the control menu: wã aL^3nw`wownýwq |@ @ \HH!"(! HHN#"#"HHBuHA B ! A "BHf" N"TA T N" H$H@  I A KP,PQ!3!LI!!"!I!!"!NQ!"!H""  @ #!B$x$I"AAD̄N'>B $  CLDI"DD$$x  | $A9E$BxDE!#"GH!N|)!!>D"@)!! DH!ND!#"DH"|8a$A  B  %H&$@N$$H$$NHd$$  YÇĈj$H$$@J@$QC$$$QNB$H$$!AӇ   @@-Q"DA!5G! 2D! "DA! @ 3Ў @@    9BA@ @! BA@ND!"B@8g<@   `" `" QGtpzţ QH#$&HJO"$'JH"$$DH"$$$HDGtp#x  @@@<8t=p@BDQ @B  @Bd  @BD ~<:t     "8=p"DQ|  @   D  8   YÇ@j$H&$@@㏃"C H"B$H$!AӇ! o ?$  / ? $` $ $ $`?# ooooooonooooooon SHOW-PROFILE: shows the current profile: the MODE of demonstration (FIRST, ALL, INTERACTIVE), and the tracing flags on unifier and solver TRUTH VALUE ONLY: this flag controls if the prover returns all the goals with the variables instantiated or only the values T or NIL SHOW AXIOM: shows the definition of an axiom or of a semantic attachment EDIT AXIOM: edits the definition of an axiom or of a semantic attachment DELETE AXIOM: deletes the definition of an axiom or of a semantic attachment SET MODE: sets the mode of the demonstration: this may be ALL, FIRST or INTERACTIVE TRACE SOLVER: the solver is the procedure of the interpreter that takes as arguments a tree, a formula and the clauses for that formula, and gives back the new tree obtained by the resolution operation; its behaviour is traced on a debugging window which has the middle menu capability of dribbling; the output file has the extension TRC. TRACE UNIFIER: traces the going on of the unifier on a debugger window; this window too has the middle menu capability of dribbling its output. The pattern, the datum and the unification environment will be shown to the user. CREATE THEORY: creates a new theory DELETE THEORY: all the theories loaded are showed in a tablebrowser at the left of the main window; when you select one or more theories, this means that you want to use them for your demonstration; this command deletes the selected theories; you can however undelete or expunge them with the subitems of this entry. Remember that, for undeleting the selected theories with the tablebrowser mark( ), you must click middle button on it and press CTRL (PROP) key MERGE THEORIES: merges the selected theories in a new theory; the user is prompted for the name of the new theory LOAD THEORY: loads a theory from a file in the current directory SAVE THEORY: save the selected theory(ies) on the corresponding files ERASE ENV: erases all the environment of the window EXIT: exits from the environment Remember that, for every demonstration requested, there must be at least one theory selected in the tablebrowser at the left of the main window I hope these notes help you to use LOGIC. You can find some examples in the theory file EXAMPLES.LGC. Any suggestion is welcome: since it is not fully tested, please notify every kind of error or bug you will find. EXAMPLES Choose LOGIC from the background menu: a new window will appear: choose LOAD THEORY from the control menu and type in EXAMPLES at the request in the prompt window: mark the theory loaded in the theories window and try: GBBBBG x'qp@ D$@ "@ 8hD$@  " @ D" D@p @ D""x@"! @ D">@d@> @ D"""@d@"! @π>8h!"@'"!>p@@pD8 @ a@@ d"$ @  8  d"$A@@ DD@<! @   @ @  @"xp ADH2D!@DH2D( @DH*DP@'*DP @&D0@ @$&D0  B$"x> @  @ @  @ A@@@@@@@@@@!    @BBBBBB a@ 8  D @ @ !D@ 8 Click now on SHOW PROFILE: you will see "<8$@>x 8|A"p"86"D $@ DQ"$"268h"D DK<8q` DQ"$"8Â2*D<0 DL xQ "!"$B**D( H P"Q"<**D$D H H"Q"$D&*D"D H D"!"$D2$B&"8h"8 qD <Â"8 Choose SET MODE ALL (submenu) and retry the same goal as before: you get the answer:   p@ @"x 0 ADH2D@` P@DH2D@  pI"@DH*D!@ @H @'*DB  H @&D I" @$&DB  |pㆂ@ B$"xB  @   CǏ<8 $H"B D @$H"BD@ @$O"B@ ALj"B@ A"B @ A"B@@!<|   `    @     CǏ< @ $H" @$H"A@@ @$O"@@@ ALj"@@@ A"@@@ A"@@@!<! p!  @    `    @     CǏ< @ $H" B @$H"A@A @$O"@@ ALj"@@ A"@@ A"@@!<! p@@  p   p@@  `    @     CǏ< @ $H" @ @$H"A@@ @$O"@@ ALj"@@ A"@@ A"@@!<! Dqd!d!T!T!L!L!Dq  `    @    Dqd!d!T!T!L!L!Dq In the theory EXAMPLESa simple little maze is described: type in the goal: ((search a g)) that will find a path from the room 'a' to the room 'g'. @W 000 0 0 0 0 `0 `0 p80 000 8p0 `0 `0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0? p`8`0`8`  `8  `0  `      `x  ``` 8`  p```x?? p `p`08p8 00 00  p8 ` `  x888? Here are other examples of goals you can try: ((sa-member 3 (1 2 3 4 5))) ((logic-member 3 (1 2 3 4 5))) The first one is a SA, the latter is a predicate. ((NOT (A 1))) --> T ((NOTMEMBER 2 (1 3 4))) --> T and so on. Try now all the other features of the language. You can ask the system for the same goals from the lisp listener: (load-theory 'examples) (prove '((APPEND ?X ?Y (1 2 3 4)) '(examples)) --> T (all '(?X ?Y) '((APPEND ?X ?Y (1 2 3 4)) '(examples)) --> ((NIL (1 2 3 4)) ((1) (2 3 4)) ((1 2) (3 4)) ((1 2 3) (4)) ((1 2 3 4) NIL)) Have fun! (LIST ((PAGE NIL (FOLIOINFO (ARABIC) STARTINGPAGE# 1) (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM) FORMATINFO (ARABIC)) (174 36 288 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 444 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))) (PAGE NIL NIL (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM)) (282 42 72 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 444 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))) (PAGE NIL NIL (0 0 612 792) ((FOLIO NIL (PARALOOKS (QUAD CENTERED) CHARLOOKS (SUPERSCRIPT 0 SIZE 10 FAMILY MODERN OVERLINE OFF STRIKEOUT OFF UNDERLINE OFF SLOPE REGULAR WEIGHT MEDIUM)) (282 42 72 36) NIL) (HEADING NIL (HEADINGTYPE RUNNINGHEAD) (84 744 444 36) NIL) (TEXT NIL NIL (84 96 456 600) NIL))))). 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