(il:filecreated "19-Oct-87 19:12:18" il:{phylum}<cameron>lisp>superparentheses.\;8 3991   

      il:|changes| il:|to:|  (il:vars il:superparenthesescoms)

      il:|previous| il:|date:| "27-Aug-87 17:45:28" il:{phylum}<cameron>lisp>superparentheses.\;7)

; Copyright (c) 1987 by Andrew J Cameron, III and Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.

(il:prettycomprint il:superparenthesescoms)

(il:rpaqq il:superparenthesescoms (

(il:* il:|;;;| " This file provides CommonLisp with SUPERPARENTHESES")

          (il:* il:|;;| " This is done by simply copying the SyntaxClass of [ (LEFTBRACKET) and ] (RIGHTBRACKET) from the original InterLisp readtable to a copy of the CommonLisp readtable which becomes named LISP[].")

          (il:* il:|;;| "This new readtable can be accessed via: (IL:FIND-READTABLE \"LISP[]\")")

          (il:* il:|;;| 
  "The original CommonLisp readtable can be re-obtained via: (setq *readtable* (copy-readtable nil))")

          (il:* il:|;;| "Thanks to Bill VanMelle for suggestions and simplifications.")

                                   (il:prop il:makefile-environment il:superparentheses)
                                   (il:p (let ((rdtbl (copy-readtable nil)))
          (il:* il:|;;| "Copy the original readtable")

          (il:* il:|;;| "Transfer the charMacro definition of [ and ]")

                                              (set-syntax-from-char #\[ #\[ rdtbl 'il:orig)
                                              (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\] rdtbl 'il:orig)
          (il:* il:|;;| "give the readtable a printname")

                                              (il:readtableprop rdtbl 'il:name "LISP[]")
          (il:* il:|;;| "Would actually like it to become the readtable of the primary EXEC window, but this may not be what the used expects.")

          (il:* il:|;;| "(setq *readtable* (IL:FIND-READTABLE \"LISP[]\"))")

(il:* il:|;;;| " This file provides CommonLisp with SUPERPARENTHESES")

(il:* il:|;;| 
" This is done by simply copying the SyntaxClass of [ (LEFTBRACKET) and ] (RIGHTBRACKET) from the original InterLisp readtable to a copy of the CommonLisp readtable which becomes named LISP[]."

(il:* il:|;;| "This new readtable can be accessed via: (IL:FIND-READTABLE \"LISP[]\")")

(il:* il:|;;| 
"The original CommonLisp readtable can be re-obtained via: (setq *readtable* (copy-readtable nil))")

(il:* il:|;;| "Thanks to Bill VanMelle for suggestions and simplifications.")

(il:putprops il:superparentheses il:makefile-environment (:package "XCL-USER" :readtable "XCL"))
(let ((rdtbl (copy-readtable nil)))
          (il:* il:|;;| "Copy the original readtable")

          (il:* il:|;;| "Transfer the charMacro definition of [ and ]")

     (set-syntax-from-char #\[ #\[ rdtbl 'il:orig)
     (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\] rdtbl 'il:orig)
          (il:* il:|;;| "give the readtable a printname")

     (il:readtableprop rdtbl 'il:name "LISP[]")
          (il:* il:|;;| "Would actually like it to become the readtable of the primary EXEC window, but this may not be what the used expects.")

          (il:* il:|;;| "(setq *readtable* (IL:FIND-READTABLE \"LISP[]\"))")
(il:putprops il:superparentheses il:copyright ("Andrew J Cameron, III and Xerox Corporation" 1987))
(il:declare\: il:dontcopy
  (il:filemap (nil)))