by Lanning, Briggs, Masinter

This utility was originally written by Stan Lanning and Nick Briggs;  I'm merely putting a cleaned up version on LispUsers.

After loading in Register-Machine (.lcom), there'll be a new Lafite form under Send Mail labelled "Clearinghouse registry request". If you select it,  it will set up a mail message to ask your local system administrator to add your machine to the clearinghouse database.

To: UserAdministration:PARC
Cc: Larry Masinter:PARC:xerox
Reply-to: Larry Masinter:PARC:xerox
Primary User:  Larry Masinter:PARC:xerox

Name:  "LeParc"
Network Number:     6
Processor Number: 1-435-140-209
Description:  A Dorado (typically running Lisp)

Thank you.

-- Larry

- - - - - - - - - - - In Grapevine mail mode:

To: UserAdministration.PARC
Primary User:

Name:  "LeParc"
Network Number:     6
Processor Number: 1-435-140-209
Description:  A Dorado (typically running Lisp)

Thank you.

-- Larry