(filecreated "22-Jan-88 15:45:48" ("compiled on " {indigo}<gslws>lyric>library>plotandnc-patch.\;1) 
"27-Apr-87 16:48:49" |tcompl'd| |in| "Xerox Lisp  3-Nov-87 ..." |dated| " 3-Nov-87 16:56:41")
(filecreated "22-Jan-88 15:45:26" {indigo}<gslws>lyric>library>plotandnc-patch.\;1 1853 |changes| 
|to:| (vars plotandnc-patchcoms) (fns read.fontintodescriptor))
readfont :d4
(p 0 proplist i 0 stream) &@	Hg'Hg'Hg'Hg'Hg'
(35 fontcreate 3 read)
(30 device 25 rotation 20 face 15 size 10 family)
read.fontintodescriptor :d4
(i 0 stream) g@	
(9 apply 6 read)
(2 fontcreate)
(prettycomprint plotandnc-patchcoms)
(rpaqq plotandnc-patchcoms ((* |;;| 
"define font read fns used by plot and notecards so system can read either kind") (fns readfont 
read.fontintodescriptor) (p (* |;;| 
"make sure these read fns are registered to avoid messages when reading") (pushnew hprintreadfns (
quote readfont)) (pushnew hprintreadfns (quote read.fontintodescriptor)))))
(pushnew hprintreadfns (quote readfont))
(pushnew hprintreadfns (quote read.fontintodescriptor))
(putprops plotandnc-patch copyright ("Xerox Corporation" 1988))