(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "XCL" PACKAGE (DEFPACKAGE "ROOMS" (USE "LISP" "XCL") (SHADOW CLROOM)) ) (il:filecreated " 3-May-88 18:03:24" il:|{EG:PARC:XEROX}<RAO>HYPERDESK>HYPERFLOOR.SUITE;25| 7230 il:|changes| il:|to:| (il:suites "HYPERFLOOR") il:|previous| il:|date:| "26-Apr-88 14:17:37" il:|{EG:PARC:XEROX}<RAO>HYPERDESK>HYPERFLOOR.SUITE;24|) ; Copyright (c) 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. (il:prettycomprint il:hyperfloorcoms) (il:rpaqq il:hyperfloorcoms ((il:files il:rooms) (file-environments il:hyperfloor.suite) (il:suites "HYPERFLOOR"))) (il:filesload il:rooms) (define-file-environment il:hyperfloor.suite :package (defpackage "ROOMS" (:use "LISP" "XCL") (:shadow cl:room)) :readtable "XCL" :compiler :compile-file) (defsuite "HYPERFLOOR" (:version 1) (:files il:biclock il:random-window-types il:who-line il:printermenu) (:window 0 :type :who-line) (:window 1 :type :button :text-form (il:eval *back-door-room-name*) :font (il:helvetica 8 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :door :help "Go to the previous room" :action (interactive-go-to-room-named *back-door-room-name*) :inverted? nil) (:window 2 :type :biclock) (:window 3 :type :button :text "Office" :font (il:helvetica 10 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :ark :help "Go to room named \"Office\"." :action (interactive-go-to-room-named (quote "Office")) :inverted? nil :region (85/1024 59/404 41/512 13/404)) (:window 4 :type :prompt-window) (:window 5 :type :button :text "Help Room" :font (il:helvetica 10 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :ark :help "Go to room named \"Help Room\"." :action (interactive-go-to-room-named (quote "Help Room")) :inverted? nil :region (85/1024 59/404 41/512 13/404)) (:window 6 :type :button :text "Overview" :font (il:helvetica 10 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :ark :help "Enter the overview" :action (go-to-overview) :inverted? nil) (:window 7 :type :exec :region (0.0 299/404 399/1024 35/202) :package "XCL-USER" :readtable "XCL") (:window 8 :type :button :text "Mail Room" :font (il:helvetica 10 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :ark :help "Go to room named \"Mail\"." :action (interactive-go-to-room-named (quote "Mail")) :inverted? nil) (:window 9 :type :button :text "Boiler Room" :font (il:helvetica 10 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :ark :help "Go to room named \"Boiler Room\"." :action (interactive-go-to-room-named (quote "Boiler Room")) :inverted? nil) (:window 10 :type :button :text "Go to ???" :font (il:helvetica 10 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :ark :help "Go to an existing room" :action (interactive-go-to-room) :inverted? nil) (:window 11 :type :lens-operation "Send Mail" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :inverted? nil :position (0 . 0)) (:window 12 :type :lens-icon-window) (:window 13 :type :printer-menu-window) (:window 14 :type :button :text "Reload HyperFloor" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Reloads the rooms that Ramana is maintaining" :action (let nil (go-to-overview) (delete-suite "HYPERFLOOR" t) (load "{EG:}<RAO>HYPERDESK>HYPERFLOOR.Suite") (go-to-room (room-named "Boiler Room"))) :inverted? nil) (:window 15 :type :button :text "Logout..." :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Logs out" :action (il:logout) :inverted? nil) (:window 16 :type :button :text "Edit HyperDesk Doc" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Edit HyperDesk documentation file" :action (il:tedit (quote xcl-user::hyperdesk.tedit)) :inverted? nil :position (0 . 0)) (:window 17 :type :button :text "Print HyperDesk Doc" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Print HyperDesk documentation file" :action (il:add.process (quote (il:listfiles "HYPERDESK.TEDIT"))) :inverted? nil :position (0 . 0)) (:window 18 :type :button :text "Edit Generic Init Doc" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Edit Generic Init documentation file" :action (il:tedit (quote xcl-user::{eg\:}<lanning>lisp>users>generic-init.tedit)) :inverted? nil :position (0 . 0)) (:window 19 :type :button :text "Print Generic Init Doc" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Print Generic Init documentation file" :action (il:add.process (quote (il:listfiles "{EG:}<LANNING>LISP>USERS>GENERIC-INIT.TEDIT"))) :inverted? nil :position (0 . 0)) (:window 20 :type :button :text "Edit Common-Lens Doc" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Edit Common-Lens documentation file" :action (il:tedit (quote xcl-user::{nb\:}<commonlens>doc>common-lens.ted)) :inverted? nil :position (0 . 0)) (:window 21 :type :button :text "Print Common-Lens Doc" :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :shadows nil :type :shadowed :help "Print Common-Lens documentation file" :action (il:add.process (quote (il:listfiles "{NB:}<COMMONLENS>DOC>COMMON-LENS.TED"))) :inverted? nil :position (0 . 0)) (:room "HyperPanel" :placements ((0 :region (0.0 199/202 1.0 3/202)) (1 :region (3/256 1/202 59/1024 99/808)) (2 :region (233/256 1/202 43/512 43/404)) (3 :region (45/512 105/808 41/512 13/404)) (4 :region (0.0 371/404 399/1024 53/808) :font (il:helvetica 12 (il:bold il:regular il:regular)) :border 0 :shade 65535 :title nil :operation il:invert) (5 :region (45/512 53/808 41/512 13/404)) (6 :region (1/1024 105/808 41/512 13/404)) (7 :region (0.0 299/404 399/1024 35/202)) (8 :region (45/512 79/808 41/512 13/404)) (9 :region (45/512 27/808 41/512 13/404)) (10 :region (45/512 1/808 41/512 13/404)) (11 :region (93/512 75/808 19/256 3/101)) (12 :region (47/256 1/404 9/128 9/101))) :inclusions nil :background ((:whole-screen (:eval il:windowbackgroundshade)) (:region (0.0 0.0 1.0 1/6) :shade (:eval il:grayshade) :border 2)) :file-watch-on? t) (:room "Boiler Room" :placements ((13 :region (887/1024 30/101 71/512 25/202)) (14 :region (9/1024 32/101 67/512 3/101)) (15 :region (1/128 113/404 17/256 3/101))) :inclusions ("HyperPanel") :background ((:region (0.0 1/6 1.0 5/6) :shade (:eval il:woven2) :border 2) (:text "Boiler Room" :font (il:timesromand 24 (il:medium il:regular il:regular) 0 il:display) :position (0.99 . 155) :alignment :right-top)) :file-watch-on? nil) (:room "Help Room" :placements ((16 :region (21/1024 415/808 73/512 3/101)) (17 :region (5/256 48/101 19/128 3/101)) (18 :region (21/1024 59/101 77/512 3/101)) (19 :region (21/1024 111/202 5/32 3/101)) (20 :region (11/512 335/808 85/512 3/101)) (21 :region (5/256 309/808 11/64 3/101))) :inclusions ("HyperPanel") :background ((:region (0.0 1/6 1.0 5/6) :shade (:eval il:avantbackground5) :border 2) (:text "Help Room" :font (il:timesromand 24 (il:medium il:regular il:regular) 0 il:display) :position (0.99 . 0.155) :alignment :right-top)) :file-watch-on? t)) (il:putprops il:hyperfloor.suite il:copyright ("Xerox Corporation" 1988)) (il:declare\: il:dontcopy (il:filemap (nil))) il:stop