ABORTJOB.COM $ ! abortJob.com $ ! this file is used to abort a batch job $ ! p1 is the jobNumber; p2 is the queue $ ! The "show batch" command is used to determine if the job exists. If $ ! it does not, the message NIL is returned; otherwise, the job is $ ! aborted. $ ! All messages are returned to the user's root directory. $ ! If there is a serious error, ... $ ! if there is an error in the running of this com file, the detailed $ ! error message gets sent to abortJob.err in the user's root directory. $ !SET VERIFY $ delete sys$login:abortJob.err.* $ delete sys$login:abortJob.res.* $ SET NOVERIFY $ define sys$output abortJob.tmp $ show queue 'P2' $ deassign sys$output $ !SET VERIFY $ open/write result sys$login:abortJob.res $ $ loop: $ open/read file abortJob.tmp $ read/end_of_file=done file line $ jobNumber = f$integer(f$extract(32,4,line)) $ if jobNumber .eq. P1 then goto found $ goto loop $ $ done: $ write result "( OK NIL)" ! job not found $ goto finish $ $ found: $ define sys$error sys$login:abortJob.err $ on error then goto error $ stop/entry='P1' 'P2' $ deassign sys$error $ write result "( OK ( Job ",P1," on queue ",P2,- " has been aborted))" $ $ finish: $ close result $ close file $ delete abortJob.tmp.* $ exit $ error: $ @[gslws.server]error sys$login:abortJob.res '$STATUS' $ deassign sys$error $ close result $ close file $ delete abortJob.tmp.* ----------------------------------- COMPILE.COM $ ! COMPILE.COM 8/7/86 $ ! this file is used to compile a job interactively. $ ! job is the name of the user's fortran source file $ ! the file exists in the user's local directory, which may be a $ ! subdirectory of the root directory. $ ! the object file is made in the user's local directory. $ ! if there is no error in compilation, the name and date of the $ ! object file are returned in sys$login:compile.res. $ ! if there is an error in compilation, the abbreviated error message $ ! is returned in sys$login:compile.res, and the detailed $ ! error message is written to sys$login:compile.err. $ $ $ !SET VERIFY $ job = f$parse("''P1'",,,"name") $ userDirectory = f$parse("''P1'",,,"directory") $ length=f$length(job) $ ! show symbol job $ ! show symbol userDirectory $ ! show sym length $ delete sys$login:compile.err.* $ delete sys$login:compile.res.* $ delete 'P1'.obj.* $ define sys$error sys$login:compile.err $ ! define sys$error sys$login:'job'.err $ on error then goto error $ $ fortran/object='userDirectory''job' 'P1' $ deassign sys$error $ SET NOVERIFY $ define sys$output sys$login:objFile.tmp $ dir/date 'P1'.obj $ deassign sys$output $ !SET VERIFY $ open/write resultFile sys$login:compile.res $ open/read file sys$login:objFile.tmp $ $ loop: $ read/end_of_file=done file line $ ! show sym line $ name=f$extract(0,length,line) $ ! show sym name $ if name .eqs. job then goto found $ goto loop $ $ done: $ write resultFile "( OK NIL)" ! object file not found $ goto finish $ $ found: $ write resultFile "( OK (",line,"))" $ $ finish: $ close resultFile $ close file $ delete objFile.tmp.* $ exit $ $ error: $ @[gslws.server]error sys$login:compile.res '$STATUS' $ deassign sys$error ----------------------- ERROR.COM $ ! lists error status message in specified file $ ! call by: @error resultFile errorStatus $ $ open/write result 'P1' $ errorFile = f$logical("sys$error") $ ! show sym errorFile $ shortName=f$parse(errorFile,,,"name") $ ! show sym shortName $ write result "(ERROR ""''f$message(P2)'"" ''shortName'.ERR)" $ close result ---------------------------- LINK.COM $ ! LINK.COM 8/8/86 $ ! This file is used to link a series of object files to form an $ ! executable file. $ ! The parameter P1 is the object code filename of the main file. $ ! The parameter P2 is a string composed of all object files to $ ! be linked with P1. There must be a comma between these files $ ! within P2. $ ! Job is the extracted name of the user's main object code file. $ ! This file exists in the user's local directory, which may be a $ ! subdirectory of the root directory. $ ! The executable file is made in the user's local directory. $ ! If there is no error in linking, the name and date of the $ ! executable file are returned in sys$login:link.res. $ ! If there is no error in linking but no .exe file is made, a $ ! message to that effect is returned in sys$login:link.res. $ ! If there is a link warning during linking, an error message is returned $ ! in sys$login:link.res, and the detailed link warning messages are $ ! written to sys$login:link.err. $ ! If there is an error in linking, such as no existing object file, $ ! the abbreviated error message is returned, from the ERROR.COM file, $ ! in sys$login:link.res, and the detailed error message is written $ ! to sys$login:link.err. $ !SET VERIFY $ job = f$parse("''P1'",,,"name") $ userDirectory = f$parse("''P1'",,,"directory") $ length=f$length(job) $ ! show symbol job $ ! show symbol userDirectory $ ! show symbol length $ delete sys$login:link.err.* $ delete sys$login:link.res.* $ delete 'P1'.exe.* $ define sys$error sys$login:link.err $ ! define sys$error sys$login:'job'.err $ on error then goto error $ ! $ ! Note: link warnings can be very serious, such as the absence of object $ ! code modules, in which case a useless .exe file is made. Because $ ! errors (as opposed to warnings) get trapped through the error routine, $ ! these serious link warnings must be handled specially. $ ! $ ! show symbol P2 $ if P2 .eqs. "" then goto simple $ link/exe='userDirectory''job' 'P1','P2' $ goto continue1 $ ! $ simple: $ link/exe='userDirectory''job' 'P1' $ ! $ continue1: $ deassign sys$error $ open/write resultFile sys$login:link.res $ ! $ ! If we've gotten this far, it means no errors occurred. $ ! First, check if link warnings occurred, by determining if a $ ! LINK.ERR file was written. If so, continue through linkerror1. $ ! $ SET NOVERIFY $ define sys$output sys$login:linkFile.tmp $ dir/date/siz sys$login:link.err $ deassign sys$output $ !SET VERIFY $ open/read file sys$login:linkFile.tmp $ ! $ loop1: $ read/end_of_file=continue2 file line $ show sym line $ name=f$extract(0,4,line) $ show sym name $ if name .eqs. "LINK" then goto linkerror1 $ goto loop1 $ ! $ continue2: $ close file $ ! $ ! Second, check if an executable file was made. (Executable files are $ ! made in spite of link warnings. The following check flags a $ ! situation where neither a link warning nor an executable file is made.) $ ! $ SET NOVERIFY $ define sys$output sys$login:exeFile.tmp $ dir/date 'P1'.exe $ deassign sys$output $ !SET VERIFY $ open/read file sys$login:exeFile.tmp $ ! $ loop2: $ read/end_of_file=linkerror2 file line $ show sym line $ name=f$extract(0,length,line) $ show sym name $ if name .eqs. job then goto found $ goto loop2 $ ! $ linkerror1: $ message="error during linking" $ write resultFile "(ERROR ""''message'"" LINK.ERR)" ! link warning $ goto finish1 $ ! $ linkerror2: $ message="executable file not made" $ write resultFile "( OK (",message,"))" ! exe file not made $ goto finish2 $ ! $ found: $ write resultFile "( OK (",line,"))" $ goto finish2 $ ! $ finish1: $ close resultFile $ delete sys$login:linkFile.tmp.* $ exit $ ! $ finish2: $ close resultFile $ close file $ delete sys$login:exeFile.tmp.* $ delete sys$login:linkFile.tmp.* $ exit $ ! $ error: $ @[gslws.server]error sys$login:link.res '$STATUS' $ deassign sys$error ---------------------------------------------- RUNJOB.COM $ ! runjob.com 8/11/86 $ ! this file is used to run an interactive job $ ! job is the name of the user's com file $ ! P2 is the list of appended parameters (optional) $ ! If there is no error in running the job, an OK message is $ ! written out to sys$login:runjob.res. $ ! If there are warnings during the running of the job, an ERROR message $ ! is returned in sys$login:runjob.res, and the detailed warning $ ! messages are returned in sys$login:runjob.err $ ! If there is an error in the running of the job, the abbreviated $ ! error message is returned, from the ERROR.COM file, in $ ! sys$login:runjob.res, and the detailed error message is written $ ! to sys$login:runjob.err. $ !SET VERIFY $ job = f$parse("''P1'",,,"name") $ delete sys$login:runJob.err.* $ delete sys$login:runJob.res.* $ define sys$error sys$login:runJob.err $ on error then goto error $ @'P1' 'P2' $ deassign sys$error $ open/write resultFile sys$login:runJob.res $ ! $ ! If a warning occurs, it is written out to runJob.err $ ! Such warnings are handled specially, through the $ ! runwarning entry. $ ! $ SET NOVERIFY $ define sys$output sys$login:runFile.tmp $ dir/date/siz sys$login:runJob.err $ deassign sys$output $ !SET VERIFY $ open/read file sys$login:runFile.tmp $ ! $ loop: $ read/end_of_file=continue file line $ show sym line $ name=f$extract(0,6,line) $ show sym name $ if name .eqs. "RUNJOB" then goto runwarning $ goto loop $ ! $ continue: $ write resultFile "( OK (",job," ",P1," ))" $ goto finish $ ! $ runwarning: $ message="warning(s) occurred" $ write resultFile "(ERROR ""''message'"" RUNJOB.ERR)" $ ! $ finish: $ close file $ close resultFile $ delete sys$login:runFile.tmp.* $ exit $ ! $ error: $ @[gslws.server]error sys$login:runJob.res '$STATUS' $ deassign sys$error ------------------------------------------- STATUS.COM $ ! get status of batch jobs $ ! If jobNumber is specified, return only status of that job $ ! If jobNumber is not specified, return all jobs $ ! called by: @status jobNumber $ $ delete status.res.* $ $ define sys$output status.tmp $ show system/batch $ deassign sys$output $ !SET VERIFY $ $ open/read file status.tmp $ open/write result status.res $ write result "( OK (" $ if P1 .eq. "" then goto writeall $ $ loop: $ read/end_of_file=done file line $ job = f$integer(f$extract(15,4,line)) $ if job .eq. P1 then goto found $ goto loop $ $ done: $ write result "NIL" ! no data for specified job $ goto finish $ $ found: $ time = f$extract(49,11,line) $ write result "( (JOB ''P1') (CPU ''time') )" $ goto finish $ $ writeall: $ read/end_of_file=finish file line $ jobType = f$extract(9,5,line) $ if jobType .nes. "BATCH" then goto writeall $ job = f$integer(f$extract(15,4,line)) $ time = f$extract(49,11,line) $ write result "( (JOB ''job') (CPU ''time') )" $ goto writeall $ $ finish: $ write result ") )" $ close result $ close file $ delete status.tmp; $ exit ---------------------------------------- SUBCOM.COM $ ! subcom.com $ ! this is the file actually submitted by submitjob.com $ ! Parameter P1 is the name of the user's COM file to be run $ ! Parameters P2,P3, etc are passed from P3,P4, etc. in SubmitJob.com $ ! jobname is in the form BATCH_xxx $ ! job is the number (xxx) $ ! if there is an error in the running of the batch job, the detailed $ ! error message gets sent to 'job'.err. $ ! The abbreviated error message gets sent to 'job'.res $ ! SET VERIFY $ jobname = f$process() $ job = f$extract(6,f$length(jobname)-6,jobname) $ ! open/write outfile junk. $ ! write outfile jobname," ",job $ ! close outfile $ define sys$error 'job'.err $ on error then goto error $ @'P1' 'P2' 'P3' 'P4' 'P5' 'P6' $ exit $ error: $ @[gslws.server]error 'job'.res '$STATUS' ------------------------------------------ SUBMITJOB.COM $ ! submitjob.com 8/11/86 $ ! submit a job on specified queue $ ! call by: @submitjob file queue parameterString $ ! P1 is the file name of the job to be submitted $ ! P2 is the queue (eg., fast, medium) $ ! P3, P4, P5, etc. are subsidiary parameters, such as file $ ! names (eg., file1.dat, file2.sav). $ ! these files are returned in the user's root directory: $ ! P1.log for log file $ ! submitjob.res for result (job # or error message) $ ! submitjob.err for detailed errors (from sys$error) $ ! submitjob.tmp for temporary output $ ! these files are returned in the user's running (sub)directory: $ ! 'jobnumber'.res for error message to be returned $ ! 'jobnumber'.err for detailed error message $ !SET VERIFY $ job=f$parse("''P1'",,,"name") $ delete sys$login:'job'.log.* $ delete sys$login:submitjob.err.* $ delete sys$login:submitjob.res.* $ delete sys$login:submitjob.tmp.* $ errorFile = "submitjob.err" $ tempFile = "submitjob.tmp" $ resultFile = "submitjob.res" $ define sys$error 'errorFile' $ on error then goto error $ ! submit the batch job $ SET NOVERIFY $ if P3.eqs."" then goto zeropar $ if P4.eqs."" then goto onepar $ if P5.eqs."" then goto twopar $ if P6.eqs."" then goto threepar $ if P7.eqs."" then goto fourpar $ if P8.eqs."" then goto fivepar $ goto abort $ zeropar: $ define sys$output 'tempFile' $ submit/noprint/name='job'/parameters=('P1')- /queue='P2' [gslws.server]subcom.com $ deassign sys$output $ goto finish $ onepar: $ define sys$output 'tempFile' $ submit/noprint/name='job'/parameters=('P1','P3')- /queue='P2' [gslws.server]subcom.com $ deassign sys$output $ goto finish $ twopar: $ define sys$output 'tempFile' $ submit/noprint/name='job'/parameters=('P1','P3','P4')- /queue='P2' [gslws.server]subcom.com $ deassign sys$output $ goto finish $ threepar: $ define sys$output 'tempFile' $ submit/noprint/name='job'/parameters=('P1','P3','P4','P5')- /queue='P2' [gslws.server]subcom.com $ deassign sys$output $ goto finish $ fourpar: $ define sys$output 'tempFile' $ submit/name='job'/parameters=('P1','P3','P4','P5','P6')- /noprint/queue='P2' [gslws.server]subcom.com $ deassign sys$output $ goto finish $ fivepar: $ define sys$output 'tempFile' $ submit/name='job'/parameters=('P1','P3','P4','P5','P6','P7')- /noprint/queue='P2' [gslws.server]subcom.com $ deassign sys$output $ finish: $ !SET VERIFY $ ! get job number of submitted job from string in submit.tmp $ open/read infile 'tempFile' $ read infile line $ ! line now equals " Job xxxx entered on queue ----" $ startPosition = f$locate("entry",line)+5 $ endPosition = f$locate(")",line) $ numDigits = endPosition - startPosition $ jobNumber = f$extract(startPosition,numDigits,line) $ close infile $ ! delete 'tempFile';* $ open/write outfile 'resultFile' $ write outfile "( OK (",jobNumber, " ", P1," ))" $ close outfile $ ! no (ERROR ...) message, so deassign the error file $ deassign sys$error $ exit $ abort: $ open/write outfile 'errorFile' $ write outfile "Too many job parameters (more than five)" $ close outfile $ deassign sys$error $ exit $ ! get error message $ error: $ @user1:[gslws.server]error 'resultFile' '$STATUS' $ deassign sys$output $ deassign sys$error $ ! delete 'tempFile';* $ exit -----------------------+@(GACHA  ˜ 67B);B9G=9#1!!*),0/-(&*? &  8 1+%"."? 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