(FILECREATED "29-Aug-86 11:36:41" ("compiled on " {DANTE}LISP>DOCUMENT.;8) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" recompiled changes: Document.Create Document.Begin Document.FileComments Document.Functions Document.Variables Document.Things Document.Finish Document.RunningHead Document.Title Document.Information Document.SectionHead Document.Format Document.FunctionCommentedP in "INTERLISP-D 22-Mar-86 ..." dated "22-Mar-86 17:07:07") (FILECREATED "29-Aug-86 11:35:58" {DANTE}LISP>DOCUMENT.;8 16000 changes to: (FNS Document.Title Document.Format Document.Create Document.Begin Document.FileComments Document.Functions Document.Variables Document.Things Document.Information Document.SectionHead Document.FunctionCommentedP Document.Finish Document.RunningHead) (VARS DOCUMENTCOMS) previous date: "26-Aug-86 18:18:51" {DSK}DOCUMENT.;1) Document.CreateA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET P 1 Pointer P 0 Stream F 2 FileName F 3 RESETVARSLST F 4 RESETY) [g` hhSc¿RH ¿H kعRH ¿RH ¿RH ¿RHgg ¿RHgg ¿HI ci(124Q Document.Finish 116Q Document.Things 102Q Document.Things 66Q Document.Variables 60Q Document.Functions 52Q Document.FileComments 42Q GETEOFPTR 35Q Document.Begin 25Q OPENTEXTSTREAM 10Q CURSOR) (113Q Record 110Q RECORDS 77Q Macro 74Q MACROS 5 WAITINGCURSOR 2 CURSOR) () Document.Create D1 (P 2 RESETZ P 1 RESETY P 0 LISPXHIST I 0 FileName F 3 FILELST F 4 LISPXHIST F 5 RESETVARSLST) 2@S ²#T!Uog ‘h‚gZ J“I@o (57Q ERROR 44Q ERROR! 37Q RESETRESTORE 25Q Document.CreateA0001 4 MEMBER) (33Q ERROR 22Q INTERNAL) ( 54Q " not a loaded file." 17Q (Document.CreateA0001)) Document.Begin D1 (I 1 Stream I 0 FileName) @A @Ad kØ @Ad kØ (32Q Document.Information 25Q GETEOFPTR 17Q Document.Title 12Q GETEOFPTR 4 Document.RunningHead) NIL () Document.FileComments D1 (P 0 Descriptor I 1 Stream I 0 FileName) =Ao o @g °!dgH A idhA ¿A µàh(64Q TERPRI 57Q PRINTDEF 47Q POSITION 43Q REMOVE 25Q FILECOMSLST 16Q PROMPTPRINT 7 Document.SectionHead) (37Q * 22Q *) ( 13Q "Collecting File Comments ..." 4 "INTRODUCTION") Document.Functions D1 (P 0 Function I 1 Stream I 0 FileName) ÅAo o @ ±¨dAoHo A kØgl g ¿AH lmþ A kØgl g ¿Aol A kØgl g ¿Ad ¿H ²)gHgµH  A hihA ¿A ¿µ‚±ÿWh(267Q TERPRI 262Q PRINTDEF 252Q POSITION 246Q REMOVE 237Q GETD 217Q Document.FunctionCommentedP 212Q SETFILEPTR 207Q GETEOFPTR 201Q TEDIT.INSERT 176Q FONTCREATE 161Q GETEOFPTR 155Q CONCAT 152Q CHARACTER 137Q TEDIT.INSERT 134Q FONTCREATE 117Q GETEOFPTR 113Q SUBSTRING 104Q MKSTRING 101Q ARGLIST 73Q TEDIT.INSERT 70Q FONTCREATE 53Q GETEOFPTR 47Q CONCAT 22Q FILEFNSLST 16Q PROMPTPRINT 7 Document.SectionHead) (230Q EXPR 224Q * 173Q MRR 166Q MODERN 131Q ITALIC 124Q MODERN 65Q MRR 60Q MODERN) ( 145Q ") [Function]" 44Q " " 37Q "(" 13Q "Collecting Function Comments ... " 4 "FUNCTIONS") Document.Variables D1 (P 0 Variable I 1 Stream I 0 FileName) {Ao o @g °_dH@g ²HA ¿kA ¿o°0H@g ²HA ¿kA ¿oHA ¿kA ¿oA ¿A µ¢h(162Q TERPRI 155Q PRIN1 144Q SPACES 136Q PRIN1 123Q SPACES 115Q PRIN1 106Q MEMBER 103Q FILECOMSLST 64Q SPACES 56Q PRIN1 47Q MEMBER 44Q FILECOMSLST 25Q FILECOMSLST 16Q PROMPTPRINT 7 Document.SectionHead) (100Q SPECVARS 41Q GLOBALVARS 22Q VARS) ( 151Q " [Variable]" 130Q " [SpecialVar]" 71Q " [GlobalVar]" 13Q "Collecting Variables ..." 4 "VARIABLES") Document.Things D1 (P 0 Thing I 3 TypeName I 2 FilePkgType I 1 Stream I 0 FileName F 1 FILEPKGTYPES) wBd²lQ ²e@B ´]ACµBb o oCo @B °/dHA ¿kA ¿l oCo A ¿A µÒhBo (164Q ERROR 145Q TERPRI 140Q PRIN1 134Q CONCAT 120Q CHARACTER 112Q SPACES 104Q PRIN1 70Q FILECOMSLST 63Q PROMPTPRINT 60Q CONCAT 44Q Document.SectionHead 41Q CONCAT 32Q U-CASE 16Q FILECOMSLST 7 MEMBER) NIL ( 161Q "Bad file package type: " 131Q "]" 124Q "[" 55Q " ..." 50Q "Collecting " 36Q "S") Document.Finish D1 (P 0 Num I 1 Pointer I 0 Stream) `@A@ AÕg k@oo XjðªH²íH ²ç@l o o @l l @ @ (135Q TEDIT 131Q Document.Format 125Q TEDIT.SUBSTITUTE 122Q MKSTRING 117Q CHARACTER 112Q MKSTRING 107Q CHARACTER 101Q TEDIT.SUBSTITUTE 72Q CONCAT 63Q CHARACTER 52Q \FZEROP 35Q TEDIT.SUBSTITUTE 15Q TEDIT.SETSEL 5 GETEOFPTR) (12Q LEFT) ( 76Q " " 67Q " " 32Q " " 26Q " ") Document.RunningHead D1 (I 1 Stream I 0 FileName) _Aojgl Aol @l l hgl l Ad A ojA kØ Ad (134Q SETFILEPTR 131Q GETFILEPTR 124Q TEDIT.PARALOOKS 117Q GETEOFPTR 106Q TEXTOBJ 102Q TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT 77Q GETEOFPTR 72Q HRULE.CREATE 65Q TEDIT.INSERT 62Q FONTCREATE 51Q CONCAT 45Q CHARACTER 40Q CHARACTER 32Q CHARACTER 20Q TEDIT.INSERT 15Q FONTCREATE) (55Q MODERN 10Q LOGO) ( 112Q (TYPE PAGEHEADING SUBTYPE RUNNINGHEAD RIGHTMARGIN 710Q LEFTMARGIN 0 TABS (NIL (710Q . RIGHT)) QUAD JUSTIFIED) 25Q " " 4 "XEROX") Document.Title D1 (I 2 Pointer I 1 Stream I 0 FileName) jA o Ad kØ Al @l l A kØgl g o Ad A oBA kØBÕ Ad (147Q SETFILEPTR 144Q GETEOFPTR 137Q TEDIT.PARALOOKS 130Q GETEOFPTR 117Q TEXTOBJ 113Q TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT 110Q GETEOFPTR 103Q HRULE.CREATE 74Q TEDIT.INSERT 71Q FONTCREATE 54Q GETEOFPTR 50Q CONCAT 45Q CHARACTER 40Q CHARACTER 32Q CHARACTER 24Q TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT 17Q GETEOFPTR 12Q HRULE.CREATE 3 TERPRI) (66Q BRR 61Q MODERN) ( 123Q (TYPE NIL PARALEADING 6 LINELEADING 4 RIGHTMARGIN 470Q LEFTMARGIN 212Q 1STLEFTMARGIN 212Q QUAD CENTERED) 100Q (1 4 5) 7 (5 4 1)) Document.Information D1 (I 2 Pointer I 1 Stream I 0 FileName) ”Aol okl l A kØgl i @g ²>Ao@o@g lmþ l o A kØgl i ¿A oBA kØ Ad (221Q SETFILEPTR 216Q GETEOFPTR 211Q TEDIT.PARALOOKS 204Q GETEOFPTR 173Q TEXTOBJ 166Q TEDIT.INSERT 161Q FONTCREATE 147Q GETEOFPTR 143Q CONCAT 133Q CHARACTER 126Q SUBSTRING 117Q MKSTRING 114Q FILECOMSLST 71Q FILECOMSLST 62Q TEDIT.INSERT 55Q FONTCREATE 43Q GETEOFPTR 37Q CONCAT 33Q CHARACTER 26Q SUBSTRING 20Q DATE 11Q CHARACTER) (154Q MODERN 111Q FILES 66Q FILES 50Q MODERN) ( 177Q (RIGHTMARGIN 710Q LEFTMARGIN 0 1STLEFTMARGIN 0 QUAD CENTERED PARALEADING 21Q) 137Q " " 105Q ": " 100Q "The following packages are loaded by " 15Q " " 4 " By: >>Author's Name<< (>>Net Address<<)") Document.SectionHead D1 (I 1 String I 0 Stream) 7@Al @ kØgl g @d @gl g (64Q TEDIT.CARETLOOKS 61Q FONTCREATE 45Q SETFILEPTR 42Q GETEOFPTR 35Q TEDIT.INSERT 32Q FONTCREATE 15Q GETEOFPTR 11Q CONCAT 6 CHARACTER) (56Q MRR 51Q MODERN 27Q BRR 22Q MODERN) () Document.Format D1 (I 0 Stream) Ì@oo @ o@ @iooogooookojogog iooogooookojogog iooogooookojogog  (311Q TEDIT.PAGEFORMAT 306Q TEDIT.COMPOUND.PAGEFORMAT 303Q TEDIT.SINGLE.PAGEFORMAT 213Q TEDIT.SINGLE.PAGEFORMAT 123Q TEDIT.SINGLE.PAGEFORMAT 32Q TEDIT.PARALOOKS 27Q TEDIT.GETSEL 17Q TEXTOBJ 13Q TEDIT.SUBLOOKS) (277Q LETTER 270Q PICAS 233Q CENTERED 207Q LETTER 200Q PICAS 143Q CENTERED 117Q LETTER 110Q PICAS 53Q CENTERED) ( 274Q (STARTINGPAGE# 1) 265Q ((RUNNINGHEAD 7.0 62.0)) 260Q 38.0 253Q 8.0 247Q 8.0 243Q 6.0 237Q 7.0 230Q (MODERN 12Q) 224Q 3.0 220Q 26.5 204Q (STARTINGPAGE# 1) 175Q ((RUNNINGHEAD 7.0 62.0)) 170Q 38.0 163Q 8.0 157Q 8.0 153Q 6.0 147Q 7.0 140Q (MODERN 12Q) 134Q 3.5 130Q 26.5 114Q (STARTINGPAGE# 1) 105Q ((RUNNINGHEAD 7.0 62.0)) 100Q 38.0 73Q 8.0 67Q 8.0 63Q 6.0 57Q 7.0 50Q (MODERN 12Q) 44Q 3.0 40Q 26.5 23Q (TABS (NIL (0 . RIGHT) (710Q . RIGHT)) LINELEADING 4 PARALEADING 13Q RIGHTMARGIN 710Q LEFTMARGIN 0 1STLEFTMARGIN 0 QUAD JUSTIFIED) 10Q (FAMILY MODERN SIZE 12Q) 4 (FAMILY GACHA)) Document.FunctionCommentedP D1 (I 0 Function) @gµ@ µ @o gð(24Q ERROR 12Q GETD) (34Q * 3 EXPR) ( 21Q "Not a function: ") (PRETTYCOMPRINT DOCUMENTCOMS) (RPAQQ DOCUMENTCOMS ((* * This program creates documentation for any Lisp package in the style of the Lisp Users documentation. It requires that the code for the package be loaded. It does not completely format the document, but it minimizes the amount of work that the documenter must do. To make most effective use of these functions, each function in the package being documented must have a comment as the first expression in the function after the timestamp. Similarly, the COMS variable of the file should contain a comment (like this one) as the first item in the list. This package was documented using itself.) (FNS Document.Create Document.Begin Document.FileComments Document.Functions Document.Variables Document.Things Document.Finish Document.RunningHead Document.Title Document.Information Document.SectionHead Document.Format Document.FunctionCommentedP))) NIL