(FILECREATED "15-Oct-87 13:10:00" {QV}<BRIGGS>LISP>CORRECTTOLERANCE-PATCH.;1 5066 changes to: (FNS NEWPAGE.IP) previous date: "15-Oct-87 12:10:53" {QV}<BRIGGS>LISP>CORRECTTOLERANCE-PATCH.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT CORRECTTOLERANCE-PATCHCOMS) (RPAQQ CORRECTTOLERANCE-PATCHCOMS ((* ;; "requires STREAM record, MOD and FOLDLO macros from exports.all") (FNS NEWPAGE.IP) (INITVARS (CORRECTTOLERANCE 25)))) (* ;; "requires STREAM record, MOD and FOLDLO macros from exports.all") (DEFINEQ (NEWPAGE.IP [LAMBDA (IPSTREAM) (* N.H.Briggs "15-Oct-87 12:53") (* ;;; "Start a new page in an interpress stream") (PROG (CFONT HFONT ROTATION XOFFSET YOFFSET (IPDATA (fetch IPDATA of IPSTREAM))) (SETQ CFONT (fetch IPFONT of IPDATA)) (* ;; "Save current font and make IPFONT be NIL, indicating that there is no actual font at the beginning of a page") (replace IPFONT of IPDATA with NIL) (SELECTQ (fetch IPPAGESTATE of IPDATA) (PAGE (ENDPAGE.IP IPSTREAM)) (PREAMBLE (ENDPREAMBLE.IP IPSTREAM)) NIL) (BEGINPAGE.IP IPSTREAM) (replace IPPAGEFONTS of IPDATA with (fetch IPPREAMBLEFONTS of IPDATA)) (replace IPNEXTFRAMEVAR of IPDATA with (fetch IPPREAMBLENEXTFRAMEVAR of IPDATA)) (SCALE.IP IPSTREAM METERSPERMICA) (* ; "Establish mica page coordinate system") (CONCATT.IP IPSTREAM) (COND ([NOT (ZEROP (SETQ ROTATION (fetch IPROTATION of IPDATA] (* ; "Take care of any rotation") (ROTATE.IP IPSTREAM ROTATION) (CONCATT.IP IPSTREAM))) (COND ([OR [NOT (ZEROP (SETQ XOFFSET (fetch IPXOFFSET of IPDATA] (NOT (ZEROP (SETQ YOFFSET (fetch IPYOFFSET of IPDATA] (* ; "Take care of any translations") (TRANSLATE.IP IPSTREAM XOFFSET YOFFSET) (CONCATT.IP IPSTREAM))) [COND [(fetch IPHEADING of IPDATA) (* ; "If there's a page heading, do something about it.") (SETQ HFONT (fetch IPHEADINGFONT of IPDATA)) (\DSPFONT.IP IPSTREAM HFONT) (* ; "Set up heading font") (SELECTQ ENCODING (FULLIP-82 (PRIN3 (add (fetch IPPAGENUM of IPDATA) 1) IPSTREAM) (FGET.IP IPSTREAM (fetch IPHEADINGOPVAR of (fetch IPDATA of IPSTREAM))) (* ; "Get the heading operator") (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM DOSAVE)) (IP-82 [SETXY.IP IPSTREAM (fetch IPLEFT of IPDATA) (DIFFERENCE (fetch IPTOP of IPDATA) (FONTPROP HFONT (QUOTE ASCENT] (DSPFONT HFONT IPSTREAM) (PRIN3 (fetch IPHEADING of IPDATA) IPSTREAM) (RELMOVETO MICASPERINCH 0 IPSTREAM) (* ; "Skip an inch before page number") (PRIN3 "Page " IPSTREAM) (PRIN3 (add (fetch IPPAGENUM of IPDATA) 1) IPSTREAM) (NEWLINE.IP IPSTREAM) (* ; "Skip 2 lines") (NEWLINE.IP IPSTREAM)) (SHOULDNT)) (* ;; "SETXY can't be done in HEADINGOP, cause the ascent of the current font is not known at image-time. We set it in terms of our current font, even though that hasn't yet be re-setup in the imager." ) (SETYREL.IP IPSTREAM (IMINUS (FONTPROP CFONT (QUOTE ASCENT] (T (SETXY.IP IPSTREAM (fetch IPLEFT of IPDATA) (DIFFERENCE (fetch IPTOP of IPDATA) (FONTPROP CFONT (QUOTE ASCENT] (* ; "Now we set the imagers font to our (previous) current font, to override heading") (APPENDINTEGER.IP IPSTREAM CORRECTTOLERANCE) (* ; "Set up so that CORRECTs have to be exact.") (APPENDINTEGER.IP IPSTREAM 0) (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM SETCORRECTTOLERANCE) (COND ((NOT (EQP 1 (ffetch IPSPACEFACTOR of IPDATA))) (* ; "Imager variables revert to initial values") (APPENDNUMBER.IP IPSTREAM (ffetch IPSPACEFACTOR of IPDATA)) (ISET.IP IPSTREAM AMPLIFYSPACE))) (\DSPFONT.IP IPSTREAM CFONT]) ) (RPAQ? CORRECTTOLERANCE 25) (PUTPROPS CORRECTTOLERANCE-PATCH COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1987)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (596 4940 (NEWPAGE.IP 606 . 4938))))) STOP