*start* 00838 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 24 Jul 84 10:10 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: TEdit: Display glitch in reply-to-me To: TEditSupport.pa, Lafitesupport cc: Kaplan.pa TEdit System Date: 16-Jul-84 17:09:14 Lisp System Date: 23-Jul-84 12:19:54 Machine: Dorado (Ahwahnee) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor If you send a message to a distribution list, Lafite pops up a little menu to ask whether you should send the message as is, or put in a reply-to field. If you choose the latter, it updates the message to put a Reply-to line in the header. The glitch is that the left-hand couple of lines of the "R" in "Reply-to" don't show up on the display. Something in Tedit? A symptom of something that might have more serious consequences elsewhere? --Ron *start* 00406 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @From: KAPLAN.pa Date: 24-Jul-84 9:17:08 PDT Subject: CLEARPUT To: LISPCORE^, TEDITSUPPORT Instead of having to pre-think that you want to do a CLEARPUT when you start up a Tedit, is there a way of selecting CLEARPUT vs PUT when you want to save things away? This would be useful in converting from Tedt/Bravo to Ascii files. --Ron *start* 00395 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 01:01 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Lafite: Answering multiple messages should... To: LafiteSupport.pa Answer one message to the union of the TO (and CC) field(s) of all selected messages. The utility of this is, for example, to send a reply to a lot of people who asked for info on some matter. -- Jeff *start* 01373 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 08:44 EDT From: Gocek.henr Subject: TEdit: 9305 MP codes To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Gocek, Boesl, Goetz TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion, 43 MB, 2 button mouse My machine's logical volumes are set up as follows: Dsk: 13175 pages Diagnostics: 3500 Lisp: 16200 Boot1: 16200 Boot2: 16200 I use InstallLispTool to do Remote-Boots from Boot1 and Boot2 into Lisp, and to Start Lisp. My problem is that TEdit locks up my mouse and keyboard and displays a 9305 maintenance panel code. It happens when I try to extend a paragraph selection with the right mouse button. The original paragraph selection was made by pointing the cursor and chording both buttons. The STOP key changes the MP code back to 1108, but the mouse and keyboard are still locked up. I have to use the hard buttons to boot back to InstallLispTool. Can I repeat this? Just when I think I've found the one condition that always crashes the system, I try it one more time and nothing goes wrong. I'm sure it always happens when I try to extend a paragraph selection. I've only had Lisp running since Monday, and this has happened several times. The only user activated program running while I've used TEdit has been (VOLUMEDISPLAY 'ON). Thanks, Gary *start* 00760 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 08:41 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: 9305 MP codes In-reply-to: Gocek.henr's message of 26 Jul 84 08:44 EDT To: Gocek.henr cc: TEditSupport.pa, Boesl.henr, Goetz.henr This bug appears when you try to paragraph select the final para in a document, as I recall. It's been fixed in more recent versions of TEdit, which you can find as {Eris}Library>TEDIT*.DCOM and IMAGEOBJ.DCOM There's no good way to load those over an existing TEdit--if you need it, you should first set to NOBIND the variables TEDIT.DEFAULT.CHARLOOKS TEDIT.DEFAULT.FMTSPEC TEDIT.EXPANDED.MENU Lemme know if you have further problems....Thanks for the report. --John *start* 00563 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 08:49 EDT From: Gocek.henr Subject: TEdit: Overstruck chars in hardcopy To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Gocek, Boesl, Goetz TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion I've had some trouble with characters being overstruck on hardcopy output when bold face characters are mixed with normal face characters on the same line. I've noticed the same problem in the latest TEdit.Press document, especially on page 14. Thanks, Gary *start* 00427 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 08:41 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Overstruck chars in hardcopy In-reply-to: Gocek.henr's message of 26 Jul 84 08:49 EDT To: Gocek.henr cc: TEditSupport.pa, Boesl.henr, Goetz.henr Again, this has been fixed in more recent TEdit's. It was using the font widths for the first font on the line for all the line's characters.... *start* 00471 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 July 1984 8:42 am PDT (Thursday) From: DMRussell.PA Subject: Lafite dependence on File Server To: LafiteSupport cc: DMRussell Is it necessary to make the existance of Lafite dependent on the presence of a file server? In particular, I can't read any mail if Lafite can't get my Acitve.Mail file off of {PHYLUM}? Could I somehow tell lafite to temporarily use {Core} or {DSK}? - DMR - *start* 00493 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 11:12 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite dependence on File Server In-reply-to: DMRussell.PA's message of 26 July 1984 8:42 am PDT (Thursday) To: DMRussell.PA cc: LafiteSupport.PA You can retrieve mail to the browser of your choosing. If your regular mail file is inaccessible, you can always browse, say, {DSK}TEMP (it will be created if it doesn't already exist) and do a Get Mail there. Bill *start* 00548 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 18:16 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: clicking TEdit in background menu and then the mouse a couple of times dies because TEdit doesn't give a minimum region To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 26-Jul-84 03:25:17 Machine: Dorado (Plaza) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << >>detailed problem description<< *start* 00367 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 09:50 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: clicking TEdit in background menu and then the mouse a couple of times dies because TEdit doesn't give a minimum region In-reply-to: Masinter.pa's message of 26 Jul 84 18:16 PDT To: Masinter.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Got it. Thanks. *start* 00913 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 07:52 PDT From: Feuerman.pasa Subject: Lafite: Mail File doesn't close upon QUITing To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Feuerman.pasa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 8-Jun-84 11:31:06 Machine-Type: Dandelion This has caused a problem a couple of times now. When QUITing LAFITE, it should go through and CLOSEF all mail files. Well, this apparently doesn't happen all of the time. I think I've narrowed it down to the situation where if you have a mail file open without any pending update, and you bug QUIT on the LAFITE status window, it closes the mail browser, but because it doesn't call UPDATE on the browser, the mail file doesn't get closed. This causes problems if you decide to turn LAFITE back on, because it tries to open the file again, resulting in an error about the file won't open. --Ken. *start* 00897 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 08:08 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: Expanded menu To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado I'm having troubles with the Line Leading menu entry field in the expanded menu. I can't delete anything in the menu. Thus, even though I can see I've got a value of 6 in my line leading (e.g. when I do an Apply, the document is formatted correctly), the menu field reads "6616". Generally, the edit functions (shift select, delete, ....) don't seem to be very robust in the expanded menu. Secondly, since the expanded menu uses italics, and since you've got a bug in the kerning kode, if I set a Line Leading of 8, it looks *exactly* like a 6. (The upper right portion of the 8 gets chopped.) -- DMR -- *start* 00487 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 10:07 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Expanded menu In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 27 Jul 84 08:08 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Thanks for the report; however, could you be a bit more specific about the problems you encounter when using edit ops in the expanded menu? The kerning problem is actually a bug in the interlisp font machinery, rather than a TEdit problem. *start* 05037 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 10:44 PDT From: newman.pasa Format: TEdit Subject: TEdit: WINDOWSHRINKING dosn't work To: TEditSupport.pa cc: newman.pasa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 8-Jun-84 11:31:06 Machine-Type: Dandelion Trying to shrink a TEDIT window with no associated filename caused a break in the function OPENINGSTREAM. The backtrace window on the break looked like this : (1 0) (104 142 "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CMLNCCHLOGL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJEBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJE@HA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CILNDKHLNA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BADJDJHBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJEBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CMBICBDLOA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CILOABDD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBHBJHL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBHBK@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CILNBK@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEDHGNHD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBHDFDD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CIBODFBN@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CMABD@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BAAEDAD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BAKEDAD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CIKEDAD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "B@JOLCN@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "B@NHLBB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CLDHOJB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AILODIIONCJDLFGOINBDD@@@@@@@" "BEBHFJDDIACEBIABE@EFL@@@@@@@" "BEBHGJ@DIACM@HABE@EGL@@@@@@@" "BELNGIHDNACMFFACILEED@@@@@@@" "BE@HEHDDJABMBAABI@OMD@@@@@@@" "BE@HEJDDIABMBIABE@HLD@@@@@@@" "AI@ODIHDICJDNFABENHLD@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "ALLFDJB@OCCIABGN@NIGH@@@@@@@" "@IBIFJB@HDJEKEAB@DMD@@@@@@@@" "@I@IGJB@HDJEOEAB@DOD@@@@@@@@" "@I@IGJJ@NDKIEEAB@DOG@@@@@@@@" "@I@IEJJ@HDJIEOIB@DKD@@@@@@@@" "@IBIEKNHHDJEAHIB@DKD@@@@@@@@" "ALLFDIDHHCBEAHICLNIGH@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "ALLFDKNNOLCL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@IBIFHHDBDB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@I@IGHHDBDB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@I@IGHHDBDCH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@I@IEHHDBDB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@IBIEHHDBDB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "ALLFDHHNBGKL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CNNOLCMLGCAIBHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@HDBDBABBDJEJHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@HDBDBABBDBENHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@HDBDCIBBDBENJH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@HDBDBABBDBEFJH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@HDBDBABBDJEFOH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@HNBGKMLGCAIBE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHLICCMLODIH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBIDJABHFJD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBIDBABHGJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBICCILNGIH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBI@JADHEHD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBIDJABHEJD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHLFCCMBHDIH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AIBNCJEBHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBIACEDHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIACMHHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AINNACMHJH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@EBJABMDJH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBIABMBOH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AIBICJEAE@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHLHKJELFDEHLHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBHICEBIDFEBMH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBHICMBIDFABOH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBJICMBIEFABJH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBJIBMBIEFABJH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BEBOIBMBIGNEBHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHLECJELFBIHLHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CMLNCCHLOGL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJEBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJE@HA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CILNDKHLNA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BADJDJHBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJEBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CMBICBDLOA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BBNIGAIA@DEIBFGHABBDKI@OG@@@" "BBDMDJEA@FNEBID@ABEFJE@HDH@@" "BBDODJEA@GNEBHD@ABEGJE@HDH@@" "BJDODJEE@EFEBFG@ANEGJE@NG@@@" "BJDKDJEE@EFEBAD@ABOMJE@HE@@@" "CNDKDJEODDFEBIDAABHMJE@HDH@@" "ADNIGAHJDDEHLFGIABHLKINODH@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CMLNCCHLOGL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJEBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJE@HA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CILNDKHLNA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BADJDJHBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "BABIDJEBHA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CMBICBDLOA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CN@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") The error was ILLEGAL ARG NIL. Thanks --Dave  HELVETICA A BMOBJ.GETFN@ HELVETICA z*start* 00367 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 11:04 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: WINDOWSHRINKING dosn't work In-reply-to: newman.pasa's message of 27 Jul 84 10:44 PDT To: newman.pasa cc: TEditSupport.pa That was a bug in the ICONW package, which has since been fixed. I believe the fix is in the Carol release. *start* 00362 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 11:37 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Mail File doesn't close upon QUITing In-reply-to: Feuerman.pasa's message of 27 Jul 84 07:52 PDT To: Feuerman.pasa cc: LafiteSupport.pa I believe this bug has been fixed in the version of Lafite on Library>. Bill *start* 00271 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 12:10 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: odd blank window pops up when buttoning message that I aborted delivery on To: TEditSupport, vanMelle I'm gonna see if I can make it happen again *start* 00463 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 12:11 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: Lafite: The blank window happened again To: LafiteSupport.pa Lafite System Date: 23-Jul-84 16:53:24 Lisp System Date: 26-Jul-84 03:25:17 Machine: Dorado (Plaza) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << >>detailed problem description<< *start* 01101 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 26 Jul 84 10:31 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: Lafite: Break when phylum down To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Kaplan.pa Lafite System Date: 31-May-84 12:48:34 Lisp System Date: 23-Jul-84 12:19:54 Machine: Dorado (Ahwahnee) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Annoying I started up a vmem that had a browser open on my active.mail file, which is on Phylum. This was during the period when Phylum was down. But not realizing that, I bugged GETMAIL when the mouse came alive after the logout. I then got a message in the promptwindow saying that Phylum wasn't responding and then that it was closing the browser. Which it did. And then I got a break ARG NOT MAILFOLDER NIL under LAB.COMMANDFN, attempting to do the GETMAIL. Presumably this is some sort of multi-processing sequencing problem, and is understandable with a little thought. But it is not particularly graceful. If a browser is being closed, it seems like all pending commands on the browser ought to be silently cancelled. --Ron *start* 12126 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 10:12 PDT From: AHenderson.pa Subject: Lafite: "SHOULDNT" while retrieving mail. To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: AHenderson.pa Lafite System Date: 31-May-84 12:48:34 Lisp System Date: 10-Jun-84 18:41:09 Machine: Dorado (AHenderson) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Serious Here's the BT and BTV! from the break window. Austin ~~~~~~~~~ NIL 65:BT MS.RETRIEVEOPERATION GV.NEXTMESSAGE ERRORSET RETRIEVEMESSAGES GETNEWMAIL1 GETNEWMAIL ERRORSET \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC \EVALFORM ERRORSET \MAKE.PROCESS0 T 66:BTV! Basic frame at 131704 131672: 16 1 OP 1 131674: 11 23006 MAILBOX ({STREAM}#12,22320 {STREAM}#2,56404 NIL NIL NIL NIL) 131676: 0 0 ARGS NIL 131700: 0 44431 RESPONSEFN \RESPTONEXTMESSAGE 131702: 0 0 [padding] 131704: 100400 131672 Frame xtn at 131706, frame name= MS.RETRIEVEOPERATION 131706: 140003 131661 [USE= 3, X, alink] 131710: 121470 25052 [fn header] 131712: 131736 142 [next, pc] 131714: 5 111152 [nametable] 131716: 131704 131660 [blink, clink] 131720: 2 56404 OUTSTREAM {STREAM}#2,56404 131722: 177777 177777 E [unbound] 131724: 100000 131720 [padding] 131726: 140000 131714 [padding] 131730: 177776 0 131732: 16 1 1 131734: 0 0 NIL MS.RETRIEVEOPERATION Basic frame at 131644 131642: 11 23006 MAILBOX ({STREAM}#12,22320 {STREAM}#2,56404 NIL NIL NIL NIL) 131644: 100000 131642 Frame xtn at 131646, frame name= GV.NEXTMESSAGE 131646: 140001 131601 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131650: 111074 25052 [fn header] 131652: 131672 54 [next, pc] 131654: 57524 20040 [nametable] 131656: 131644 131600 [blink, clink] 131660: 0 0 RESULT NIL 131662: 177777 177777 [padding] 131664: 0 0 [padding] 131666: 5 111152 [padding] 131670: 177776 0 GV.NEXTMESSAGE Basic frame at 131564 131556: 4 13246 *local* (DUMMY.FOR.ERRORSET) 131560: 0 114 *local* T 131562: 0 0 *local* NIL 131564: 100000 131556 Frame xtn at 131566, frame name= ERRORSET 131566: 140001 131545 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131570: 20500 25453 [fn header] 131572: 131642 150 [next, pc] 131574: 12 104404 [nametable] 131576: 131564 131544 [blink, clink] 131600: 0 44426 NEXTMESSAGEFN GV.NEXTMESSAGE 131602: 0 44434 RETRIEVEFN GV.RETRIEVEMESSAGE 131604: 7 6254 ENDPOS 73788 131606: 11 35770 *local* ({LAFITEMSG}#7,12000 {LAFITEMSG}#7,12020 {LAFITEMSG}#7,12040 {LAFITEMSG}#7,12060 {LAFITEMSG}#7,12100 {LAFITEMSG}#7,12120 {LAFITEMSG}#7,12140) 131610: 5 111152 *local* ({LAFITEMSG}#7,12140) 131612: 7 12140 *local* {LAFITEMSG}#7,12140 131614: 7 6072 STARTPOS 72036 131616: 7 6334 LENGTHPOS 72044 131620: 16 3330 MSGLENGTH 1752 131622: 12 43362 NEXTMESSAGERESULT ( ARCHIEVEDFLG NIL DELETEDFLG NIL) 131624: 131522 13427 [fvar OUTSTREAM on stack] 131626: 131516 13427 [fvar MAILSERVER on stack] 131630: 131520 13427 [fvar MAILBOX on stack] 131632: 131544 13427 [fvar OLDEOFPTR on stack] 131634: 16 221 [padding] 131636: 140000 131624 [padding] 131640: 177765 22 ERRORSET Basic frame at 131530 131516: 11 5570 MAILSERVER ((GV.POLLNEWMAIL GV.OPENMAILBOX GV.NEXTMESSAGE GV.RETRIEVEMESSAGE GV.CLOSEMAILBOX GV.PORTFROMNAME) (13362 . 44) NIL "Semillon.ms") 131520: 11 23006 MAILBOX ({STREAM}#12,22320 {STREAM}#2,56404 NIL NIL NIL NIL) 131522: 12 104404 OUTSTREAM {STREAM}#12,104404 131524: 6 32400 MAILFOLDER {MAILFOLDER}#6,32400 131526: 0 0 [padding] 131530: 100400 131516 Frame xtn at 131532, frame name= RETRIEVEMESSAGES 131532: 140001 131471 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131534: 17110 25453 [fn header] 131536: 131556 77 [next, pc] 131540: 1 2444 [nametable] 131542: 131530 131470 [blink, clink] 131544: 7 6306 OLDEOFPTR 68241 131546: 177777 177777 [padding] 131550: 4 152450 [padding] 131552: 4 152454 [padding] 131554: 177776 0 RETRIEVEMESSAGES Basic frame at 131454 131444: 11 5570 MAILSERVER ((GV.POLLNEWMAIL GV.OPENMAILBOX GV.NEXTMESSAGE GV.RETRIEVEMESSAGE GV.CLOSEMAILBOX GV.PORTFROMNAME) (13362 . 44) NIL "Semillon.ms") 131446: 6 32400 MAILFOLDER {MAILFOLDER}#6,32400 131450: 12 104404 OUTSTREAM {STREAM}#12,104404 131452: 72 176620 REPORTWINDOW {WINDOW}#72,176620 131454: 100000 131444 Frame xtn at 131456, frame name= GETNEWMAIL1 131456: 140001 131415 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131460: 20104 25453 [fn header] 131462: 131516 257 [next, pc] 131464: 5 157640 [nametable] 131466: 131454 131414 [blink, clink] 131470: 0 0 MESSAGELIST NIL 131472: 12 31304 OPENEDINBOX (( {STREAM}#12,22320 {STREAM}#2,56404 NIL NIL NIL NIL) #OFMESSAGES 63) 131474: 11 23006 MAILBOX ({STREAM}#12,22320 {STREAM}#2,56404 NIL NIL NIL NIL) 131476: 16 77 #OFMESSAGES 63 131500: 0 44415 *local* GV.POLLNEWMAIL 131502: 0 44420 *local* GV.OPENMAILBOX 131504: 0 0 *local* NIL 131506: 177777 177777 [padding] 131510: 0 0 [padding] 131512: 4 152504 [padding] 131514: 177770 14 GETNEWMAIL1 Basic frame at 131400 131374: 6 32400 MAILFOLDER {MAILFOLDER}#6,32400 131376: 72 173620 WINDOW {WINDOW}#72,173620 131400: 100000 131374 Frame xtn at 131402, frame name= GETNEWMAIL 131402: 140001 131355 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131404: 17724 25453 [fn header] 131406: 131444 304 [next, pc] 131410: 146644 20441 [nametable] 131412: 131400 131354 [blink, clink] 131414: 72 176620 REPORTWINDOW {WINDOW}#72,176620 131416: 12 104404 OUTSTREAM {STREAM}#12,104404 131420: 0 0 FIRSTMESSAGE NIL 131422: 11 5436 *local* ((& & NIL "Semillon.ms") (& & NIL "Cabernet.ms")) 131424: 11 5570 MAILSERVER ((GV.POLLNEWMAIL GV.OPENMAILBOX GV.NEXTMESSAGE GV.RETRIEVEMESSAGE GV.CLOSEMAILBOX GV.PORTFROMNAME) (13362 . 44) NIL "Semillon.ms") 131426: 0 0 MESSAGELIST NIL 131430: 0 114 NTHTIME T 131432: 177777 177777 [padding] 131434: 0 0 [padding] 131436: 16 125125 [padding] 131440: 177774 4 131442: 177773 14 GETNEWMAIL Basic frame at 131340 131330: 4 113556 *local* (DUMMY.FOR.ERRORSET) 131332: 0 1330 *local* INTERNAL 131334: 0 0 *local* NIL 131336: 0 0 [padding] 131340: 100400 131330 Frame xtn at 131342, frame name= ERRORSET 131342: 140001 131305 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131344: 17540 25453 [fn header] 131346: 131374 142 [next, pc] 131350: 177777 177777 [nametable] 131352: 131340 131304 [blink, clink] 131354: 131262 13427 [fvar MAILFOLDER on stack] 131356: 131264 13427 [fvar ITEM on stack] 131360: 131266 13427 [fvar MENU on stack] 131362: 177777 177777 [fvar RESETY not looked up] 131364: 131260 13427 [fvar WINDOW on stack] 131366: 177777 177777 [padding] 131370: 0 114 [padding] 131372: 65 163247 [padding] ERRORSET Basic frame at 131270 131260: 72 173620 WINDOW {WINDOW}#72,173620 131262: 6 32400 MAILFOLDER {MAILFOLDER}#6,32400 131264: 3 45602 ITEM ("Get Mail" (QUOTE \LAFITE.GETMAIL) "Retrieves new messages and puts them into this mail folder.") 131266: 5 25446 MENU {MENU}#5,25446 131270: 100000 131260 Frame xtn at 131272, frame name= \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC 131272: 140001 131235 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131274: 17634 25453 [fn header] 131276: 131330 117 [next, pc] 131300: 106024 20040 [nametable] 131302: 131270 131234 [blink, clink] 131304: 0 0 LISPXHIST NIL 131306: 0 0 RESETY NIL 131310: 0 0 RESETZ NIL 131312: 4420 11022 [fvar LISPXHIST top value] 131314: 15240 5012 [fvar RESETVARSLST non-stack binding] 131316: 177777 177777 [padding] 131320: 177777 177777 [padding] 131322: 177777 177777 [padding] 131324: 177774 4 131326: 0 0 NIL \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC Basic frame at 131220 131214: 4 15660 *FORM* (\LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC (QUOTE {WINDOW}#72,173620) (QUOTE {MAILFOLDER}#6,32400) (QUOTE &) (QUOTE {MENU}#5,25446 )) 131216: 0 46063 *local* \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC 131220: 100000 131214 Frame xtn at 131222, frame name= \EVALFORM 131222: 140001 131205 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131224: 106024 20040 [fn header] 131226: 131260 434 [next, pc] 131230: 100400 131224 [nametable] 131232: 131220 131204 [blink, clink] 131234: 177777 177777 *local* [unbound] 131236: 177777 177777 *local* [unbound] 131240: 177777 177777 *local* [unbound] 131242: 0 0 *ARGVAL* NIL 131244: 0 0 *TAIL* NIL 131246: 0 46063 *FN* \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC 131250: 0 0 [padding] 131252: 0 0 [padding] 131254: 177774 12 131256: 0 2614 *ARGVAL* \EVALFORM Basic frame at 131170 131162: 1 17460 *local* (DUMMY.FOR.ERRORSET) 131164: 0 114 *local* T 131166: 0 0 *local* NIL 131170: 100000 131162 Frame xtn at 131172, frame name= ERRORSET 131172: 140001 131065 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131174: 147260 20441 [fn header] 131176: 131214 62 [next, pc] 131200: 162600 20040 [nametable] 131202: 131170 131064 [blink, clink] 131204: 131070 13427 [fvar #FORM# on stack] 131206: 177777 177777 [padding] 131210: 0 0 [padding] 131212: 177777 177777 [padding] ERRORSET Basic frame at 131050 131044: 4 15660 *local* (\LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC (QUOTE {WINDOW}#72,173620) (QUOTE {MAILFOLDER}#6,32400) (QUOTE &) (QUOTE {MENU}#5,25446 )) 131046: 12 15200 *local* {PROCESS}#12,15200 131050: 100000 131044 Frame xtn at 131052, frame name= \MAKE.PROCESS0 131052: 140001 14015 [USE= 1, X, alink] 131054: 147400 20441 [fn header] 131056: 131162 520 [next, pc] 131060: 0 0 [nametable] 131062: 131050 14014 [blink, clink] 131064: 0 114 \INTERRUPTABLE T 131066: 12 15200 #MYHANDLE# {PROCESS}#12,15200 131070: 4 15660 #FORM# (\LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC (QUOTE {WINDOW}#72,173620) (QUOTE {MAILFOLDER}#6,32400) (QUOTE &) (QUOTE {MENU}#5,25446 )) 131072: 0 5632 HELPFLAG BREAK! 131074: 16 0 \CURRENTDISPLAYLINE 0 131076: 16 17 \#DISPLAYLINES 15 131100: 12 25150 \LINEBUF.OFD {STREAM}#12,25150 131102: 1 102770 \PRIMREADTABLE {READTABLEP}#1,102770 131104: 1 101740 \PRIMTERMTABLE {TERMTABLEP}#1,101740 131106: 1 121600 \PRIMTERMSA {CHARTABLE}#1,121600 131110: 3 71320 TtyDisplayStream {STREAM}#3,71320 131112: 3 71320 \TERM.OFD {STREAM}#3,71320 131114: 7 117620 \TTYWINDOW {WINDOW}#7,117620 131116: 3 71320 \PRIMOUT.OFD {STREAM}#3,71320 131120: 12 25150 \PRIMIN.OFD {STREAM}#12,25150 131122: 0 0 *local* NIL 131124: 16 14002 *local* 6146 131126: 177777 0 \INTERRUPTABLE [unbound] 131130: 177777 15200 *local* [unbound] 131132: 177777 0 *local* [unbound] 131134: 177777 4360 *local* [unbound] 131136: 15240 5012 [fvar RESETVARSLST non-stack binding] 131140: 15270 5012 [fvar \DRIBBLE.OFD non-stack binding] 131142: 53076 13427 [fvar HELPFLAG on stack] 131144: 177777 177777 [fvar \LINEBUF.OFD not looked up] 131146: 53106 13427 [fvar \PRIMREADTABLE on stack] 131150: 53110 13427 [fvar \PRIMTERMTABLE on stack] 131152: 53112 13427 [fvar \PRIMTERMSA on stack] 131154: 16 1763 [padding] 131156: 15 21250 [padding] 131160: 177756 40 \MAKE.PROCESS0 Basic frame at 14000 14000: 100000 14000 Frame xtn at 14002, frame name= T 14002: 140021 13 [USE= 17, X, alink] 14004: 154354 20441 [fn header] 14006: 14024 45 [next, pc] 14010: 0 0 [nametable] 14012: 14000 12 [blink, clink] 14014: 0 0 [padding] 14016: 0 0 [padding] 14020: 0 0 NIL 14022: 0 0 NIL T 67: *start* 25442 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 16:06 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: INCLUDE gets break To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 19-Jun-84 02:57:16 Lisp System Date: 3-Jul-84 23:02:11 Machine: Dandelion (-569798366) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: just today, several times Impact: serious Either in popup or expanded menu: (1 0) (364 262 "@@@@@@@DDDDHBBGND@OLH@CMBBBBDAACOC@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@" "@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ON@ALOOIN@GH@GOLOOHAN@@D@A@@DONG@OOOONGOBGOB@AN@@D@AIIOLH@A@@OOH@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGLLGOAHOAIOCOLONCLFGOOLOCOLGNFFGOOONGOBCOBGLFGOLOOIHOLIOOCNCOI@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGLLGOAIOIIOCOLONGOBGOOLOCOLCNDOCOOONGOBAOBGNFGOLOOIHGLIOOCOCOI@" "@LGKILFGAINOH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGLLCNACOLIOCOLOLOOBGOOLOCOLINDOCOOONGOBDOBGOBGOLOOIICLIOOCOIOI@" "@LDBEBIDJE@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGLLCNACOLIOCOLOLOONGOOLOCOLLNGOCOOONGOBFGBGOBGOLOOIIILIOOCOIOI@" "@LDBEBIDJA@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ON@@LILICOLH@COLOLN@B@@OLO@@LLNGNGOOONGOBFGBGOB@@L@CIIILH@CCOIOH@" "@LGCILIGAILB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGNDILICOLIOIOLOLOOBGOOLOCOLNFGHOOOONGOBGCBGOBGOLOOIILLIOOCOIOI@" "@LDBIDIE@E@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGNDLIICOLIOIOLOLOOBGOOLOCOLOBGCOO@GNGOBGIBGOBGOLOOIINDIOOCOIOI@" "@LDBEBIDJE@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGNDLIIIOIIOICLONGNBGOOLOCOLOHFGOOOOOCNFGLBGNFGOLOOIIO@IOOCOCOI@" "@LGJEBFDIINB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGNDNCIHOAIOICLLFCLBGOOLOCOLOLDOOOOOOALFGNBGLFGOLOOIIOHIOOCNCOI@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ON@@LNCIN@GH@CHALGHAB@@GLOCOLOND@COOOOLANGOB@AN@@DOOIIOLH@A@@OOI@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@" "@LGCINBDHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@" "@LDJE@EEAH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@" "@LDJE@EF@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LGCILEF@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LDJI@OM@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LDJE@HLHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LGBENHLEL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LDCMABDCLLNDD@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LDBAAEDBABIFL@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LBBAKEDBABIGL@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LBCIKEDCIBNED@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LAB@JOLBABJED@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LAB@NHLBABIDD@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@KLDHOJ@LIDD@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@CMBHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABAJHI@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LEFANMMD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LCKINMKH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LEFAFEED@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABAFGA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@CMBB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LDAIBOCBDDNGBAA@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LDBEBHDJHJIDJAAB@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LBBABHDC@JIDJAAJH@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LBBANNDC@JNGB@JG@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABHDBIOHDB@DJH@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABEBHDJEAHDB@DB@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@IIBOCBCAHDCLD@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LGOMLGGL@LOGL@LNCKLLOH@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBA@ABHA@ABI@JABB@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBA@A@HA@ABI@JA@B@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LACIBBA@AFNA@ABN@KI@B@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBA@ABHA@ABI@JA@B@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBAAABHAAABIDJABB@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LACMLGAA@NOAA@LNCCLLB@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LGOMLGGLALICJAL@GAION@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBA@ABIABAB@DJDDI@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBA@ABIABAB@DJ@DI@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LACIBBA@ALIABAB@GB@DN@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBA@ABIABAB@DB@DI@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LABABBAAABIABABDDBDDI@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@LACMLGAAALFCKMLDDAHDN@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 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"@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@" "@@@@@@@DF@LA@GNAOA@CN@D@OHA@@GNB@I@AOLGL@@HG@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@HF@LA@DAB@HHBA@DA@DA@@DAB@I@A@@HB@AHHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@A@EADBHDAB@@DBA@JA@@BH@DAB@I@A@@H@DGHHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@B@EADBHDAAN@BBA@J@O@BH@DAB@I@AOHGHD@HHH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@B@DJDDDGN@A@BCNAA@@HDD@GNB@I@A@@@D@@HGH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") Carol s TIMESROMAN aI BMOBJ.GETFN TIMESROMAN bz*start* 00521 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 16:31 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: My last msg. about a break -- BMOJ (??) To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa TEdit System Date: 19-Jun-84 02:57:16 Lisp System Date: 3-Jul-84 23:02:11 Machine: Dandelion (-569798366) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always, for operations on a certain file Impact: serious Can't get an edit window either from background or FB for this file. Other files work ok. *start* 00315 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 16:45 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: INCLUDE gets break In-reply-to: ckiparsky.pa's message of 27 Jul 84 16:06 PDT To: ckiparsky.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Use a more recent version of TEdit, that includes the function. *start* 00474 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 28 Jul 84 17:19 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Need TTY out style To: TEditSupport.pa (CLEARPUT T) is close to "clear" text, but still writes all the paragraphs as one long line. It is sometimes necessary to send a file in "mail" image (like hardcopy or lafite do) so that one could print it out, god forbid, on a line printer or stupid hardcopy terminal. Can this be done? Thanks Jeff *start* 01062 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 29 Jul 84 14:27 PDT From: AHenderson.pa Subject: Lafite: Programmers interface to Mail and Lafite To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: AHenderson.pa Lafite System Date: 23-Jul-84 16:53:24 Lisp System Date: 26-Jul-84 03:25:17 Machine: Dorado (AHenderson) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: ?? Impact: ?? Two questions about programmer's interfaces to mail: 1) I am anticipating using mail as a delivery mechanism for information I want to pass around the Trillium community. I want to compose, send and read (particularly parsing) mail under program control. Is there a programmer's interface to mail? 2) I'd like to build an automatic mail reader and sorter. It would "Get" the mail, store it in a special Lafite folder, parse each piece, and redistribute it according to what it finds there. This requires interacting with Lafites mail folders. It would also profit by using the header parser which must be in Lafite. Is there a programmer's interface to Lafite? Austin *start* 00745 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 11:51 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Incorrect extent computation To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 27-Jul-84 20:32:33 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor The only example of this that I know, is to start sending a Lafite message. Select the line that says "CC: ..." as a LINE and then right-button select the >>Message<< line in order to dark-select those three lines. Then hit return in order to replace those three with a return. The text jumps off the screen and when you scroll back down, it's got the scolling extne wrong. -- Jeff *start* 00552 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 11:56 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: When you SHRINK a TEdit W To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 27-Jul-84 18:22:08 Machine: Dandelion (-569798366) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always, today Impact: damned nuisance it won't stay SHRINKed. It pops up again after a few seconds or a minute. This happened with a Break Window once. Also, they don't seem to stay BURYed. *start* 00544 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 12:23 PDT From: kenallen.pa Subject: TEdit: Bug Report To: TEditSupport.pa cc: kenallen.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion I bombed into a panel error 9305 twice while trying to use the advanced editing menu Paragraph Looks function. I was trying to center a title by setting the tab to CENTER. This happened once while running NOTECARDS and once while running Lisp>current. Ken Allen *start* 00465 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 13:19 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Bug Report In-reply-to: kenallen.pa's message of 30 Jul 84 12:23 PDT To: kenallen.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Thanks for the bug report. That's a problem that, I believe, has been fixed in more recent releases of TEdit. If it's the bug I think, you were probably selecting the last paragraph in the document when you died. --John *start* 00938 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Sender: Sannella.PA Date: 30 Jul 84 15:25:24 PDT (Monday) Subject: Lisp: Non-numeric arg break in TEDIT To: TeditSupport.pa From: LispSupport.pa Reply-To: LispSupport.pa ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 28 Jul 84 18:20 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: Non-numeric arg break in TEDIT To: LispSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lisp System Date: 19-Jul-84 19:54:20 Machine: Dandelion (-569757032) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Once Impact: Annoying In TEDIT, break on screen updating. (IGREATERP X Y) X = \FIXP Y = 0 Stack: IGREATERP TEDIT.CR.UPDATESCREEN TEDIT.INSERT.UPDATESCREEN TEDIT.\INSERT Selected args: TEDIT.CR.UPDATESCREEN CH# = 417 XPOINT = 233 CRSEEN = T BLANKSEEN = NIL CHWIDTH = 6 WWDITH = 312 ---------------------------------------------------------------- *start* 00276 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 18:48 PDT From: NIL Subject: Impossible piece-type code To: Teditsupport, Lafitesupport I have a message which produces this error whenever I try to display it. Reproducible on demand. *start* 03545 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 19:28 PDT From: Guibert.pa Format: TEdit Subject: Lafite: is confused To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Guibert.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dolphin I was trying to update my mail file and got a help window that said Lafite was confused about the start of message #4. I ^ returned to get out of the help window, but I keep getting the same error when I try to update. Please help. BT was compactmailfolder1 under compactmailfolder.(1 0) (100 92 "HHHHL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@" "COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHOGCHLNCCMO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHHDJEBIDJ@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHHDJEBIDB@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHNGCIBNCCHD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHHEBIBJ@J@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHHDJEBIDJ@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHODJDLICCLD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHNGCLDIA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHIDJ@JJC@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHIDJ@JLA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHNGCHJLA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHIEBAOJA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHIDJAAIA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHNDKMAHKH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHIGJAL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHIDBAB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHIDBAB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHOGBAL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHIDBA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHIDBA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHIGKM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHFCBCLBCCOABCJANFDCINNA@@@@" "CHIDKGBEDHIKEABA@IDBE@IC@@@@" "CHHDKOBED@IOEABA@IDBE@IA@@@@" "IHHDJKLED@IEEABALIDBELNA@@@@" "IHHDJK@OL@IEOIBA@IDBE@JA@@@@" "CHIDJC@HLHIAHIBA@IDBE@IA@@@@" "CHFCBC@HK@IAHKKM@FGKINICH@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHFCBCLBCCOABCJANFDCINN@@@@@" "IHIDKGBEDHIKEABA@IDBE@I@@@@@" "IHHDKOBED@IOEABA@IDBE@I@@@@@" "CHHDJKLED@IEEABALIDBELN@@@@@" "CHHDJK@OL@IEOIBA@IDBE@J@@@@@" "IHIDJC@HLHIAHIBA@IDBE@I@@@@@" "IHFCBC@HK@IAHKKM@FGKINI@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHOGCHLNCCMO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHHDJEBIDJ@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHHDJEBIDB@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHNGCIBNCCHD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHHEBIBJ@J@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHHDJEBIDJ@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHODJDLICCLD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "CHOGCHLNCCMO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHHDJEBIDJ@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "IHHDJEBIDB@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "OHNGCIBNCCHD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "OHHEBIBJ@J@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AHHDJEBIDJ@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AHODJDLICCLD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "KHOH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "EHB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "EHB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "EHB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "EHB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "EHB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AHB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") Thanks, Jackie  TIMESROMAN 2 BMOBJ.GETFN TIMESROMAN >z*start* 00918 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 20:20 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: Lafite: Lafite message sender snatches the mouse To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: LispSupport, JonL.pa Lafite System Date: 23-Jul-84 16:53:24 Lisp System Date: 27-Jul-84 21:52:40 Machine: Dolphin (BuickoSaurus) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 7000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate I bugged Deliver on an answered message; some time elapsed. Trying to do useful work during this time, I bugged a random browser window; but faster than a speeding bullet, Lafite snatched the mouse, and my clickings (possibly along with slight mouse movement) which were intended for the browser got into the menu which confirmed "Send Message As Is", or some such. An interesting turn of events -- the "tty.process" is not the only thing that can be forcibly changed, with odd effects to the user! -- JonL -- *start* 00835 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 23:23 PDT From: Poduska.pasa Subject: Lafite: Browser prompt window is screwed (tayloe says...) To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Poduska.pasa Lafite System Date: 23-Jul-84 16:53:24 Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dolphin (64#151#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Fatal With newfont(BIG), the bottom half of things printed in the browser prompt window gets clipped off. Therefore, this makes the demo look not its best. You may have to make the prompt window bigger, but it looks as if all the text would fit if you simply shifted it up a few pixels. I will send Mr. Big Cheese after you to destroy you if this is not fixed by Tuesday early evening... (Feel threatened, heh?) Thank you, Patty ann *start* 00680 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 30 Jul 84 23:27 PDT From: Poduska.pasa Subject: Lafite: Format:TEdit To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Poduska.pasa Lafite System Date: 23-Jul-84 16:53:24 Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dolphin (64#151#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Fatal When sending a formatted message, the 'Format:TEdit' expression that is inserted in the message has most of the 'F' cut off. Looks rather unattractive... Please fix ASAP so that it gets in by the DEMO DEADLINE of Tuesday night (early Tuesday night!) Sorry for the abruptness (but I am rather sleepy), Patty ann *start* 00901 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 31 Jul 84 10:37 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: [Poduska.pasa: Lafite: Format:TEdit] To: TEditsupport I'm assuming this is yours. ----- Begin Forwarded Messages ----- Date: 30 Jul 84 23:27 PDT From: Poduska.pasa Subject: Lafite: Format:TEdit To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Poduska.pasa Lafite System Date: 23-Jul-84 16:53:24 Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dolphin (64#151#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Fatal When sending a formatted message, the 'Format:TEdit' expression that is inserted in the message has most of the 'F' cut off. Looks rather unattractive... Please fix ASAP so that it gets in by the DEMO DEADLINE of Tuesday night (early Tuesday night!) Sorry for the abruptness (but I am rather sleepy), Patty ann ----- End Forwarded Messages ----- *start* 00876 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 31 Jul 84 10:50 PDT From: Koomen.wbst Subject: Lafite: problems accessing remote ms To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Koomen.wbst Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado I'm at PARC this week and have as yet been unable to read my mail from baconoir.ms and barbera.ms Lafite is smart enough to tell me I've got new mail, but bugging GetMail has failed with 'not responding' every time but once. That one time it told me I had 10 messages from baconoir and then sat there for 3/4 hour waiting in AwaitEvent. It would be nice to get Lafite to timeout less quickly initially, then once it knows there is mail waiting to keep trying, restarting if necessary. At least the 'one message at the time' feature of Laurel might improve things a bit. -- Hans *start* 00604 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 31 Jul 84 10:56 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Browser prompt window is screwed (tayloe says...) In-reply-to: Poduska.pasa's message of 30 Jul 84 23:23 PDT To: Poduska.pasa, Stansbury cc: LafiteSupport.pa It's fine after the first time it's cleared. The problem is that when the window is created, its xy position is set inappropriately for the font to be used there. As a patch, you can (ADVISE '(DSPFONT IN LAB.CREATEWINDOW) 'AFTER '(CLEARW STREAM)), in case I don't get the change into Lafite in time. Bill *start* 00306 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 31 Jul 84 13:07 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Format:TEdit In-reply-to: Poduska.pasa's message of 30 Jul 84 23:27 PDT To: Poduska.pasa cc: LafiteSupport.pa is fixed; I'll try to release this version this afternoon. *start* 00703 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 09:31 PDT From: stefik.pa Subject: Lafite: >>Subject<< To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: stefik.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 3-Jul-84 16:48:16 Machine-Type: Dorado Lafite says" "199131 because: Bad header or previous message length is incorrect Last message was Date: 26 Jul From: Shrager.pa Subject: Summer Termination Well, Now what? Given that my mail file has somehow become garbled, probably only slightly, what can I do? I would be happy if Lafite would just zap the offending message, or put me into an interactive mode for repairing the damage. But it didn't. HELP! Mark *start* 00822 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 10:15 PDT From: newman.pasa Subject: TEdit: TEDIT.CMD.SELFN and TEDIT.CMD.LOOPFN To: TEditSupport.pa cc: newman.pasa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 8-Jun-84 11:31:06 Machine-Type: Dandelion I guess we don't really understand how these things work. We've tried calling (TEDIT NIL (CREATEW) NIL (LIST 'TEDIT.CMD.LOOPFN (FUNCTION MYFUN) 'TEDIT.CMD.SELFN (FUNCTION ANOTHERFUN))), expecting MYFUN to be executed whenever TEdit goes through its main command loop (when is that?), and ANOTHERFUN to be executed whenever we select something from the TEdit window. No such luck. Nothing seems to be happening. Are we misunderstanding how to use them? Or are they not implemented yet? Dave Newman & Ken Feuerman *start* 00699 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 11:04 PDT From: Burton.pa Subject: TEdit: needs to offer replacement fonts if {indigo} is down To: TEditSupport.pa cc: LafiteSupport, Jellinek TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 31-Jul-84 10:43:25 Machine: Dorado (Burton) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency:Intermittent Impact:Moderate If someone (like Herb for example) sends a formatted message with his favorite font specified in it and I don't have that font loaded and {indigo} is down, it takes great pains to even read the message. Could TEdit look for this case and offer to use an alternative font? richard *start* 00790 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 11:15 PDT From: Dietterich.pa Subject: TEdit: UNDO after failure to find a blank to fill in causes subsequent break To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Dietterich.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dorado (LeParc) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Almost Always Impact: Moderate Tedit goes into a break as a result of the following sequence: Hit middle-blank (to search for a field to fill in) when there are no more fields (Tedit says "No more blanks to fill in."). Hit the UNDO key (Tedit says "UNDO not implemented for Find"). Tedit usually goes into a break with the message: NIL - NON-NUMERIC ARG in IPLUS in TEDIT.\INSERT. --Tom *start* 00748 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 12:21 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Control requires release To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 31-Jul-84 10:43:25 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying If I use my ^D (which just calls TEDIT.DELETE) on a delete selection (dark, not underlined) then the command is not executed until I let go of the Control key. This makes it difficult to delete multiple things. This is also not the way that control functions on normal keyboards. Finally, this isn't the way things work with an underline selection -- which confuses me entirely. -- Jeff *start* 00450 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 13:20 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Control requires release In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 1 Aug 84 12:21 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Um, holding down the Control key and selecting something, then letting up on the Control key causes the something to be deleted. Could this be an interaction between your left pinky and the mouse? *start* 00305 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 13:46 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Control requires release cc: TEditSupport.pa I suspect that the interaction is between my ^D and the control key, rather than my left pinky and the mouse. Thanks Jeff *start* 00763 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 16:17 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: Lafite: Trashed mail folder question To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado 5. When a mail folder is broken, I often rcv a message such as this one: Cannot parse file {DSK}ARITMP.MAIL;1 near message 12, buty 66495 because: Bad header or previous message length is incorrect Last message was: Date: 11 May From: jordan.pa Subject: 1075 documentation Question: Which is the bad message? The message with this header? Or the one before this message? Should I just take both messages out of the file and try to reparse? -- DMR -- *start* 00398 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 16:06 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: Find and copy select To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado I'd like to be able to copy select the string to Find out of a second document. Currently, I can't. Bogus. *start* 00961 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 Aug 84 16:13 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: Lafite: Interface Issues To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado I find the Lafite interface inconsistent in the following ways -- 1. I can read, answer, forward and move mail from the mail browser. However, I can't send mail. I've got to go and find the top-level window. (You've got GetMail in every browser window. Why not SendMail as well?) 2. Forgetting message forms and folders is too easy. Maybe a confirm such as exists elsewhere? 3. We need a mail scavenger. Lafite trashes mail folders too easily. 4. Why do you call mail files "folders"? Is this an attempt to be consistent with Star world? If so, aren't you losing consistency with the Interlisp world? If find this an odd thing to do. Why? -- DMR -- *start* 00341 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 09:40 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Find and copy select In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 1 Aug 84 16:06 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Gee, I just tried it and had no trouble. Of course, that was in an up-to-date TEdit.... *start* 00608 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 11:17 PDT From: Dietterich.pa Subject: TEdit: PROMPTFORWORD for PUT sometimes loses TTY To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Dietterich.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 15:39:38 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 10:31:19 Machine: Dorado (LeParc) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying and confusing After selecting PUT from the right-button menu The TTY is sometimes given back to the EXEC process. I haven't figured out exactly under what situations this happens, but it occurs fairly often. *start* 01552 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 11:18 PDT From: Guibert.pa Format: TEdit Subject: Lafite: Trashing Lafite Files To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Guibert.pa Sent-By: DMRussell Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dolphin For some reason, Lafite (at least it shows up in Lafite) files are getting trashed by long sequences of ASCII 0's. Here's an example: *start* 00268 00024 UU Date: 1 Aug 84 14:06 PDT From: Guibert.pa Subject: Account To: Kay cc: Guibert.pa, WallacVA3451PM. Eric says these have a built-in autodialer etc. so you don't need to purchase items 2-4. He says we'll save about 5K by going the VA3451PM route. ----------- I don't know what's causing this. But both Jackie and I have been having this problem. Do you have any idea what is going on? We both keep our files on Phylum. Seems to happen randomly... -- DMR --  TIMESROMAN GACHA TIMESROMAN rz*start* 01030 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 11:22 PDT From: Dietterich.pa Subject: TEdit: Shrink during PROMPTFORWARD hangs system To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Dietterich.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 15:39:38 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 10:31:19 Machine: Dorado (LeParc) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Fatal I don't dare try it again right now, but I selected PUT from the middle button menu on Tedit and then selected the title bar and said "Shrink". The window shrank, but the attached prompt window stayed open. I attempted to close it by selecting it, but the mouse refused to select it. I expanded the Tedit icon, but then mouse buttons refused to work on any windows at all. The mouse did track ok, however. I typed ^C and went into Raid, typed ^D from there. The lisp screen was redisplayed, Tedit repainted the file being edited (twice, actually), and then the system hung. The mouse no longer tracked at all. I had to reload. --Tom *start* 02100 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 11:34 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Interface Issues In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 1 Aug 84 16:13 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa 1. All the commands in the browser menu apply to that browser. GetMail is slightly funny in that the usual way people use it is that there is only one browser in the world ever to use that command. But it is still browser-specific. SendMail is not. This doesn't mean you couldn't put SendMail in every browser menu, but that menu is rather full at the moment anyway--people complain about their browsers taking up too much space. We could go to a two-tiered menu, I suppose, if there were a sufficiently attractive layout for same. 2. I assume you're referring to the fact that the Forget Folder and Forget Message Form commands do not require confirmation after you select their argument. I suppose. The effects of doing it wrong are fairly minor--just the removal of a name from a cache. But I could see that if you're relying on those menus to remember your universe of folders/forms, that this would be a nuisance. 3. I agree on the need for a mail scavenger. The existence of Laurel's has made this not a high priority, though (even if it is a major pain for Dandelion users and a minor one for others). Of course, Lafite never trashes the implementor's mail folders, so I'm not as sensitive to this problem as I ought to be (actually, I think the newer versions of Lafite are a little more reliable in this regard; we are long overdue for a Lafite release). 4. Marty named mail files "folders", for whatever reason (probably inspired by Star). You are only the second person to complain about the odd terminology (Tom Moran also complained that "folder" was a useless metaphor). I would be happy to go back to calling them mail files; I, too, think it's a bit hokey. I'm curious what the silent majority think. And whether the Lisp programmers have a different view than the users of the Interlisp Office System do. Bill *start* 00693 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 12:12 PDT From: kenallen.pa Subject: Lafite: Bug Report To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: kenallen.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion Several times today I tried to turn Lafite on, and I got a break window with the message that "the region is too small to use as a window" and the numbers 0 0 0 27. I was running Notecards at the time, and there seemed to be some trouble with Indigo also (not responding, I think). At least one other person had the same error message under similar circumstances yesterday. Any idea what's wrong? Ken Allen *start* 00984 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Sender: Sannella.PA Date: 2 Aug 84 12:17:29 PDT (Thursday) Subject: Lisp: TEDIT piece scramble To: TeditSupport From: card.pa Reply-To: LispSupport.pa ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 31 Jul 84 09:24 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: TEDIT piece scramble To: LispSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lisp System Date: 19-Jul-84 19:54:20 Machine: Dandelion (-569757032) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious After copying three paragraphs of one document at the end of another, TEDIT appears to be confused. Copies of two pieces of the original document are mixed into the the new material copied in. An extended selection jumps over one piece mixed into the middle but not another piece. This has happened before and I suspect that it is related to later crashes of TEDIT. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *start* 00786 00071 UU @00045 01536 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Sender: Sannella.PA Date: 2 Aug 84 12:20:03 PDT (Thursday) From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: TEDIT: Pulling text from too short a line To: TeditSupport ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 31 Jul 84 17:38 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: TEDIT: Pulling text from too short a line To: LispSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Once Impact: Minor Deletion of first line of paragraph gave break PULING TEXT FROM TOO SHORT A LINE NIL The stack was just a set of errorsets. Nothing interesting I could notice. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *start* 00800 00071 UU @00045 01536 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Sender: Sannella.PA Date: 2 Aug 84 12:24:14 PDT (Thursday) From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: TEDIT: Moving Text down after DEL To: TeditSupport ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 31 Jul 84 17:44 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: TEDIT: Moving Text down after DEL To: LispSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Once << Impact:Minor After deleted first sentence in paragraph, got break: Moving Text down after DEL: -18. ^'d from break OK. Paragraph left in ragged left form, repaired by scrolling off screen and back. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *start* 01136 00071 UU @00045 01536 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Sender: Sannella.PA Date: 2 Aug 84 12:24:48 PDT (Thursday) From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: LAFITE: Confused about start of message To: LafiteSupport ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2 Aug 84 10:28 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lisp: LAFITE: Confused about start of message To: LispSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Once Impact: Minor Got break in COMBACTMAILFOLDER inside WRITEOLDERMARKBYTES when I was doing an update: " HELP: Lafite is confused about start of message" Args to COMPACTMAILFOLDER that might be of interest: LASTMSG# 58 LASTGOODMSG# 20 MSG# 21 Trying to get up by ^ing the HELP break, cleared the break but the same break happened again when I did Update. The lower have of line 9 in the bale of contents is white and the white scrolls. The bad message seems to be MSG 21. I get same break when I try to display that message. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *start* 00441 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 13:14 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: PROMPTFORWORD for PUT sometimes loses TTY In-reply-to: Dietterich.pa's message of 2 Aug 84 11:17 PDT To: Dietterich.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa This isn't under TEdit's control--it's a function of PROMPTFORWORD. I've forwarded your complaint, which is eminently justified, to the maintainer of that. Thanks. *start* 00617 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 16:01 PDT From: Stefik.pa Subject: Lafite: Starting in a used sysout To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Stefik.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 27-Jul-84 21:52:40 Machine-Type: Dorado Question: If I enter a sysout where somebody else has already been using LAFITE, how can I initialize it to me. Just saying LAFITE(ON) and then LAFITE(OFF) doesn't do it -- this fails to change the browse options. Closing the windows doesn't always help, because it prompts me for passwords I don't know. Suggestions? Mark *start* 00928 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 16:55 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Starting in a used sysout In-reply-to: Stefik.pa's message of 2 Aug 84 16:01 PDT To: Stefik.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa Turn Lafite off if it's on, then login as yourself. The only thing remaining to do before turning Lafite back on is to tell it where you keep your mail files by setting LAFITEDEFAULTHOST&DIR, or if that is NIL and you like to keep it NIL, LOGINHOST/DIR. These variables are a typical part of people's profiles, so many take care of this by calling (GREET). It would be nicer if Lafite did this automatically when it notices a different user logged in, but I haven't yet devised a smooth way to do it (there's no way, for example, for Lafite to know where your file server is, for example, or that you really want your mail on {DSK4} instead of {Ivy}Mail>). Bill *start* 02082 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 21:02 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: TEdit: Substitute command glitches To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kaplan.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 15:39:38 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 18:25:25 Machine: Dorado (Ahwahnee) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate 1. If you use the substitute command in the regular menu in the "confirm" mode, it stops and asks you about each potential change. However: when the next potential change is not in the current display, it scrolls down to that line, putting that line at the top of the screen. But it then doesn't indicate where on that line the potential change is. No underline with static caret as is usually the case in the middle of a window, no indication whatsoever. I think this is a bug. 2. Now for a non-feature: When in fact it does indicate where the potential change is going to be, it does so by an underline (perhaps only under a single narrow character, if that is all that is going to be replaced), with a non-blinking caret to the right. (The blinking caret is up where it is expecting your type in.) But this indication is very hard to pick out. I suggest either making some sort of blinking thing go on at the site of the potential change (a second blinking caret?), or else instead of just underlining, actually invert as if it was pending delete (as it really ought to be thought of). 3. Another non-feature: When you use this menu command to start a substitute, the only way you can input the target and the replacement is by typing. Should be possible to shift-select too (or is this only going to be possible with the expanded menu substitute command. If so, forget this). 4. Question: I wanted to substitute ^G^G for ", cause ^G is the single quote character in the font. How do I type this in? ^V as a ctl-char escape didn't work. What will? (^G in my system is the ^H interrupt, so I can't type that directly). How do I type in non-standard non-typable characters? --Ron *start* 00552 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 2 Aug 84 21:05 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: TEdit: Extended menu substitute doesn't have confirm mode To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kaplan.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 15:39:38 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 18:25:25 Machine: Dorado (Ahwahnee) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious Or so it seems. It does allow you to shift select, but how do you get it to ask for confirmation? Is it intended that you do Find/Substitute alternations? *start* 00507 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 3 Aug 84 11:54 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Bug Report In-reply-to: kenallen.pa's message of 2 Aug 84 12:12 PDT To: kenallen.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa If you could give me a bit of backtrace from the break (use BT!) I might have a better idea. I think the message comes from trying to create a window given too small a region. Check that the variable LAFITEBROWSERREGION has a reasonable value as a region. Bill *start* 03979 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 3 Aug 84 17:00 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: User model of a file for beginners (and experts!) To: AHenderson, Sannella, Kiparsky, Blomberg, Sybalsky, ARI^ cc: DMRussell.pa, LafiteSupport I just had an interesting experience that bears on two DLs of interest. My mail system (LAFITE) kept giving me an error whenever I tried to access a certain mail folder. The error was: "Error 111: File open in conflicting way." Now, I know enough to understand that LAFITE was trying to access a file (i.e., what LAFITE calls a folder) that was in the state of "already opened." I also knew that the correct action to take was to "close the file." I've used the (CLOSEALL) function before, and remembered the documentation telling me that "(CLOSEALL) Closes all files, except T and the current typescript file, if any. Returns a list of the files closed." (pg 6.3) My mental model of file behavior tells me that if I close the file, I should then be able to access my LAFITE file (folder) without the error. So I did a (CLOSEALL). The function returned a value of NIL, which I thought was odd, but I figured "Okay -- so it closed the file secretly." But when I tried to access my folder, the same error recurred. So -- here's a bug. How do I solve the problem? Suppose I believe the documentation, and I believe that (CLOSEALL) really closes all the files. If this is true, then I shouldn't have any problem. So, two hypotheses spring instantly to mind: (1) The documentation is wrong, (2) my model of file behavior is incorrect. Second question: How do I fix this bug? I'd like to first see if the file is open, but that seems pretty hard because I don't know how to check this. (I don't have a pointer to the file handle.) Now what? I start reading everything I can find. Why? Because I don't have anyway of tracing back from a symptom to a possible cause. Interlisp doesn't provide me with any sort of functional model or useful way of indexing from function into relevant documentation. Would a glossary with pointers into the documentation help this problem? (As we discussed in the LispDoc^ meeting?) As I read, I find out more and more about how files "really work." This augments my file model and ....... <<< so on >>> To shortcut this (potentially) long story -- I finally found JonL (a wizard) and asked him. He told me to try the function (BREAKCONNECTION (QUOTE PHYLUM) ). Explanation: The file that is open is the file on the fileserver. The CLOSEALL function closes all files LOCALLY, and doesn't necessarily cleanup any connections to fileservers. Thus, from the point-of-view of the fileserver, my mail file is still open. BREAKCONNECTION manually (?) terminates all outstanding transactions with the fileserver, thereby cleaning up the open file's state. My problem was of types (1) and (2). After I did this, everything went back to normal. To make things even more difficult to explain to a student seeing this problem, the fileserver will eventually timeout and close the file on its own. (That is, by the time the instructor comes over to see the problem, the problem has "fixed itself.") ---------------- I took the time to write this up and send it in for two reasons: (a) It is illustrative of the problems we have in trying to give the student (or naive user) a good model. I have a good model of file behavior; yet I had tremendous problems because I wasn't considering the network model of files; (b) To illustrate the necessity of having some way of guiding the user from a superficial model of a subsystem (my knowledge of file behavior) to a deeper model. We must create some mechanism that will allow me, the interested user, to peel back successively more detailed models of how my "domain of interest" is constructed. I suggested the glossary; surely there must be better ways. Ideas? -- DMR -- *start* 00653 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 4 Aug 84 15:17 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Scrollbar Iconlength not constant To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor Supposedly the icon in the scrollbar shows the size of my document as a propoertion of the size of the document. But as I scroll through the document the size of this symbol changes by about a factor of 4 (without my having made any alteration to the size of the document). *start* 00408 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 5 Aug 84 13:25 PDT From: monty.pa Subject: Lafite: getmail To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: monty.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 8-Jun-84 14:02:40 Machine-Type: Dandelion Lafitegetmail doesn't work. I don't know why. It doesn't seem to call either of the servers. Also, the Lafitemailwatch is not updating. *start* 17218 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 5 Aug 84 14:52 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Lafite: >>Terse summary of problem<< To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Shrager.pa Format: TEdit Lafite System Date: 1-Aug-84 19:12:14 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 10:31:19 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent but often. Impact: Serious Here's a ^H break and BT from this GC loop under Tedit Hardcopy from Lafite. It happens to me about once in two or three HC attempts. 3 v0_{otUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP?;_xooŲ[z?V{o6uUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPV{oݶw{VuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP??UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP00>B>8& DB 0& DB 0E8pC  aIDE(` 0I D( 0@OD$H! @@HDb$H! 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D qȓdD! 8!2jj&'/+"""0HH%/ ȌʨHH%J 2jjf'*沶+""" 0OqD(Đg$0$1qȓd>HH%-HH%/0NH%ʨ0HH%JHHD%(ĒOqD(Ĝd00qȓ#<0HH%-T0HH%/T NH%ʨUHH%J0HHD%(Đ0OqD(Đ0001qȓd0HH%-0HH%/0NH%ʨ0HH%J0HHD%(Ē0OqD(Ĝd0001qȓdHH%-HH%/NH%ʨ0HH%J0HHD%(Ē0OqD(Ĝd0001qȓd0HH%-0HH%/0NH%ʨ0HH%J0HHD%(Ē0OqD(Ĝdqȓ93pHH%-)JQpHH%/(JQNH%ʨ(KHH%J(JHHD%(Ĉe)JOqD(Ĉe201q10HH)JR0HH)BR0NHB\P0HHIBP 0HHD)JP 0OqD.1 0001qg1 JR1 JR1r\g1 RT1 JR1Ig0001qg1 JR1 JR1r\g1 RT1 JR1Ig00010@0@0@0@0@0@0000000  TIMESROMAN @ BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN Bz*start* 00543 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 5 Aug 84 16:10 PDT From: acuff.pa Subject: TEdit: Support for other devices? To: TEditSupport.pa cc: acuff.pa Are there plans afoot to support devices other than Press and InterPress printers. In particular, is there potential for TeX-style DVI output, and/or bitmaps that could be printed with pkgs like FXPrinter? Of course, these kinds of things are very important to people who want to use D-machines for text, but don't have Press/IP printers. -- Rich *start* 02598 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 5 Aug 84 16:18 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: flaky font changes To: TEditSupport.pa, Nuyens.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 15:39:38 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 18:25:25 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: often Impact: moderate I typed in some text, changed its size from 10 to 8, then typed and few more chars, whose size I changed to 10. Continued typing, but the chars came out in size 8. ??????? Here's a picture: C-@ g<H 2Cs51G10 9plF(xv0.*!Zԕ KJ%@M$j{N))t"Hd *!'Dy$y< I< "RDp))I$"x$&!$HDA$@I "RD+i$!@$r<@ss @9;`{q0́n18v@P`( 39HpD5!`) D%ZM%%A)t DHI$ $ D $HI$$)$`p8 =p{8D(!D0q Carol  TIMESROMAN l BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN z*start* 00605 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 5 Aug 84 16:36 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: STUPID Command Line Window To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado It's too damn small, for starters. Everytime I get an error message, it runs off the end and I can't read it. Since it's not scrollable (who wants a scrollable 1-line window?) the message is a total loss. It doesn't block, so I can't get the message that way. And I CAN'T RESHAPE IT!@@!#$@#% -- DMR -- *start* 00553 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 5 Aug 84 19:26 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Infinite GC loop To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 15:39:38 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 10:31:19 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Fatal Impact: Serious Well, TEdit hardcopy looks like it's pretty consistently looping out. This is another in the serious of GC loops, but I can't get myself out of this one this time and had to blow the lisp environment away. *start* 00786 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 10:58 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Updating all screwed up To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 11:00:19 Lisp System Date: 30-Jul-84 03:04:50 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious Updating text keeps updating wrong things. e.g.: Text: [SGI rroadcast boot/name] Point to first r with mouse Extend selection Type b Text should now be: [SGI broadcast boot/name] Actual text becomes: [SGI brbadcast boot/name] e.g.2: In text above, Point to 2nd b in broadcast with mouse Extend selection Type o Text should now be: [SGI broadcast boot/name] Actual text becomes: [SGI broodcast boot/name] *start* 12956 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 11:33 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: FORMATTING FOR PRINT TAKES FOREVER To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa, Kaplan Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 25-Jul-84 15:39:38 Lisp System Date: 2-Aug-84 18:25:25 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: always Impact: very serious Used <^G> to abort a messagehardcopy after 5 minutes and got this: """"""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""" ?9<?nj><<?>~<{9|8O?yOqϓ3?O ϓ3<%A@>OIϓL營OLχ>~ϓ瑟<&x93Ǐϟ><3'<x  ??π?sp<"F?B#"@ p"|  "@!ŏ,XcÆ,8 "@!FD2dI2D x!DD @Ȁ"| @!I3DD @"@ @!UJ[DD @$I2D@ @!J_DC @i`Æ,8@| KJJQ#2Q@PP@@@G>|p %qsȑ  H$%)Hȑ ŇXH$%)HH<&H"dp'9pH $>D@$)I@H $ D@$%)@H $"D%A'&@G>pD  @@%qsH$%)HH$%)H$p'9p$@$)I@G@$%)@@%A'&@@BK!)JD!)JD9K!JJ!)J=)2tr\& JR$$' JR$$'r\'$% RP$$% JP$$tI'tr\H& JR$$' JR$$'r\'8% RP$)% JP$%tI$%d}`IIIIIa c9@BRڈ *R@BR *R@r\+@BT ~ADBRHFRADAHF\c AHȀ@IR(@IR%(@y\%@K%DJ2DJ2{)@(@%p%A@)@&x<$Ȼ9B@-)B@)Bpʐ)B@*)`BAm(e)`ydȸe Earlier, a similar attempt got something abut arrays. I have added {eris}fonts.widths to my init but it doesn't seeem to help. What should I do to get pressfiles and hardcopies, which is urgent today. Carol  TIMESROMAN / BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN 2z*start* 00282 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 12:50 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: STUPID Command Line Window In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 5 Aug 84 16:36 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Tch, tch, such a mouth. *start* 00527 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 13:46 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Support for other devices? In-reply-to: acuff.pa's message of 5 Aug 84 16:10 PDT To: acuff.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa These await the introduction of device independent fonts and graphics. The policy of the TEdit group is not to patch around holes in the system. I understand the need for these kinds of things; if you're interested in writing the DVI driver, I'd be happy to show you around. *start* 00454 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 13:36 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Scrollbar Iconlength not constant In-reply-to: card.pa's message of 4 Aug 84 15:17 PDT To: card.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa The height of the shaded section of the scroll bar shows the size of the window's contents proportional to the length of the entire document. Thus, its height can vary with the density of the text. *start* 00439 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 14:52 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: STUPID Command Line Window In-reply-to: Sybalsky.pa's message of 6 Aug 84 12:50 PDT To: Sybalsky.pa cc: DMRussell.pa, TEditSupport.pa Okay. I'm sorry. It's just that in the heat of the moment, I'd like to rip out the CRT by its control yoke. So, my REAL question is this: Is there a work-around? *start* 00670 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 16:02 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: STUPID Command Line Window In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 6 Aug 84 14:52 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: Sybalsky.pa, TEditSupport.pa In the short run, not a good one. If you really want a bigger prompt window, you can build your own editing window, and call GETPROMPTWINDOW with a multi-line height to set up a bigger window. In the medium term, I guess I could set up an overridable default, probably named something like TEDIT.PROMPTWINDOW.HEIGHT, specd in lines. I'll announce it shortly. THanks for the suggestion. --John *start* 00347 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 17:10 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: TEDIT.CMD.SELFN and TEDIT.CMD.LOOPFN In-reply-to: newman.pasa's message of 1 Aug 84 10:15 PDT To: newman.pasa cc: TEditSupport.pa If you're specifying them in the call to TEdit, use prop names SELFN and LOOPFN. *start* 00432 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 6 Aug 84 19:29 PDT From: Ahenderson.pa Subject: TEdit: TEDIT.PUT undefined. To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Ahenderson.pa TEdit System Date: 3-Aug-84 17:46:08 Lisp System Date: 6-Aug-84 15:18:39 Machine: Dorado (AHenderson) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Serious TEDIT.PUT is undefined in the current FULL.SYSOUT. Austin *start* 00716 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 AUG 84 00:17 PDT From: MASINTER.PA Subject: Lisp: TEDIT Formatting info shouldn't be included in text of message To: LispSupport cc: TEditSupport, vanMelle Other mail systems at PARC (I think Star including) include the formatting information in some auxiliary part of the message so that when crossing mail system boundaries, the info is just dropped. Right now, the way in which formatting information is transmitted means that the message just won't work if the mailbox is on a Tenex, or to/from star, etc. I know this is a longstanding design issue rather than a simple 'bug report', but I thought I would get it in the list. *start* 00426 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 08:58 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Function TEDIT.PUT missing! To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 3-Aug-84 17:46:08 Lisp System Date: 6-Aug-84 15:18:39 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency:Always Impact: Fatal TEdit files cannot be put because TEDIT.PUT is missing. *start* 00540 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 09:07 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Undefined record name STREAM To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 3-Aug-84 17:46:08 Lisp System Date: 6-Aug-84 15:18:39 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Fatal After loading TEDIT.PUT from {eris}library>teditfile to replace missing function, I got undefined record name at STREAM in (type? STREAM (fetch TXTFILE ----) *start* 00730 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 09:45 PDT From: Moran.pa Subject: Lafite: feedback glitch To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Moran.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado Now that I'm using phylum for my mail files, the default move file doesn't fit in my black band. I'm not sure where to suggest putting it. However, a worse problem is that when I do a move with middle button (ie, move to default file) I get no feedback as to which file I put it to, and there is often a lingering doubt as to whether it went to the right place. I suggest giving a feedback msg just above the menu telling where the move was to. tom *start* 00745 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 12:42 PDT From: acuff.pa Subject: TEdit: hooks to allow useful key bindings To: TEditSupport.pa cc: acuff.pa Here is the list you requested of hooks that are needed in TEdit in order to allow command key bindings so that one's hands do not have to be moved from the keyboard when simple corrections have to be made. I've tried to pick these for maximum usefulness, and have ordered them accordingly, but, of course, the list is subjective: Forward/Backward char (Selecting as you go) Transpose chars Change case Beginning/End of line Forward/Backward word Up/Down line (once you get this far, the mouse...) And here's a biggy; Fix Spelling! -- Rich *start* 00460 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 11:33 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lisp: TEDIT Formatting info shouldn't be included in text of message In-reply-to: MASINTER.PA's message of 7 AUG 84 00:17 PDT To: MASINTER.PA cc: LispSupport.PA, TEditSupport.PA, vanMelle.PA I think this is partially solved: You can ask the outgoing converter for separate text and formatting files, and get back both of them.... *start* 00669 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 13:36 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Lafite: Hangs in getmail after long inactivity To: LafiteSupport.pa Lafite System Date: 1-Aug-84 19:12:14 Lisp System Date: 6-Aug-84 15:18:39 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying After leaving my lisp environment running without activity ofr a long time, e.g., over lunch, I return to find new mail has arrived. However, hitting getmail in the lafite browser window simply hangs in getmonitorlock. Restarting lafite doesn't help and I have to reload my environment. *start* 02067 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 18:17 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: New menus To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 The new menus are very nice. The problem of them leaving gaps when one that is below is closed, it pretty minor since in general if you unstack them and then restack them, everything gets packed up right. This only doesn't work in the case of the main expanded menu (the first one) since if you close it, you simply can't open the others. Here are some suggested ways of making the menus just a little easier. (OR * Don't make them attached windows so that the user can move them whereever he likes with respect to the main window. It's a little hard to handle shrinking and reopening in this case, but not very hard. * Current the left and middle mouse buttons seem to have the same function in tedit top-bar. How about making one of them be the normal tedit menu (less the "expanded menu" item) and the middle be used to selectively open up the various expanded menus. ) Here's another suggestion having to do with the various menus. However, this is a major philosophical difference from your current setup. Let me know how it sounds. The idea is to use the Star-like layout philosophy. A block gets its looks from an instance of a layout sheet, which it is pointing to. A layout sheet is something like a combination of the various menus, but there can be many of them, each with different values. So, there might be a layout sheet called "headers" and I point all of the things that I want to be of type header, to that sheet. The sheets have to be stroed with the file, of course, which complicates things immensly. The advantage of this system is that if I want all my headers to look a little differently, all I have to do is edit the sheet, not each individual header. Happy hacking. And, thanks for the new menu effort. -- Jeff *start* 00515 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 18:21 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Suggestion: lighter texture for ruler To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 It would be much easier to use the rule if it were drawn in a slightly lighter texture. Try: 42405 and write the numbers in normal video with BITBLT fn = REPLACE instead of PAINT. *start* 00372 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 18:22 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: How to fix menus. To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 By the way, reshaping after deleting a menu repairs them. *start* 00664 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 18:56 PDT From: Stefik.pa Subject: Lafite: Timely Mail Deliveries To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Stefik.pa, MGardner Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 3-Jul-84 16:01:03 Machine-Type: Dorado This message is probably not related to Lafite. Who worries about things like this, these days? The following message actually arrived at between 6:45 and 6:55 this evening, after a four hour or longer delay. Date: Tue, 7 Aug 84 13:10 PDT From: guevara.pa Subject: phone message To: Stefik cc: , guevara Please call home early this afternoon. Thank you. Connie *start* 00611 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 7 Aug 84 20:08 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Repaint is sometimes REAL slow. To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: ? Impact: Annoying For example, if the mailer rejects a mesaage because of a bad address, TEdit sometimes seems to repaint ONE LINE AT A TIME or worse. I'm not sure what causes these condictions but it's like watching a message come out on an ASR33. -- Jeff *start* 12182 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 8 Aug 84 10:46 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: Can't hardcopy file To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa, Kaplan Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 17:38:17 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: always Impact: very serious There is a particular file, {phylum}doc>lfg2 (also, ... .press) which will never hardcopy. I've deleted CRs at the end, then tried TEdit menu hardcopy, but got : 8x8xxx8x8xx83x8+j&""""""""x8)Bx﹮x)* x8+j&""""""""x83xxx8x8 x$$BPpԡx$$BPx8'$B\x8$$BP`x$$B"Pe"0`x'#Y">! x8x8xx'9x8Tx8TxW9x!x8!x8!xxx8x88y9Dx)BR(ExD(B(Dx8G9(q(x!>㏀8$)(@BxQ BH$%)BRDaxQ BH$yDaxQ C8xB B8x" BHx BHHdY{x㏀8TBBRe)B@x8DTBBRa)B@xETBr\bsx%~BBT)Bx8'BBR%)Bx8AaBxBxBxB8xB883xB)JxB)Bx89.3x8)* x)Jx3x8x8xx83x8)Jx8)Bx9.3x)* x8)Jx83xxx8x!LJ@8| dbIpc8x!$H@!"HxA$HXCA!"HxALjdL8A9"jHxADȂ8!!"kHxADD!!"cIxA$HdDH= dcqc x!$GX#8x 8xx}x8!"@xA!"@xA9"x@8!!"x@8!!"x8=x8x@8xp@8x8Hyx8"BRx8D6BRx8G6r\x8$BTx8$BRxAxx8xx83x)Jx)Bx9.3x)* x)Jx3xxxxI/c<0xHR)HxGՈR!XxEU8hx%H !Hx$c(")Hxc"c<0xxxxx x x x xx x8 x8xxx8x ~@?~q?8?3??'?'s?3?sÏ>|$H $H O <BJ "DI $H #> Doing EMPRESS of the press file gets as far a Quake spooling & waiting. This document is needed urgently, now. Please advise. Carol  TIMESROMAN ,r BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN .z*start* 12182 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 8 Aug 84 12:25 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: Can't hardcopy file To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa, Kaplan Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 17:38:17 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: always Impact: very serious There is a particular file, {phylum}doc>lfg2 (also, ... .press) which will never hardcopy. I've deleted CRs at the end, then tried TEdit menu hardcopy, but got : 8x8xxx8x8xx83x8+j&""""""""x8)Bx﹮x)* x8+j&""""""""x83xxx8x8 x$$BPpԡx$$BPx8'$B\x8$$BP`x$$B"Pe"0`x'#Y">! x8x8xx'9x8Tx8TxW9x!x8!x8!xxx8x88y9Dx)BR(ExD(B(Dx8G9(q(x!>㏀8$)(@BxQ BH$%)BRDaxQ BH$yDaxQ C8xB B8x" BHx BHHdY{x㏀8TBBRe)B@x8DTBBRa)B@xETBr\bsx%~BBT)Bx8'BBR%)Bx8AaBxBxBxB8xB883xB)JxB)Bx89.3x8)* x)Jx3x8x8xx83x8)Jx8)Bx9.3x)* x8)Jx83xxx8x!LJ@8| dbIpc8x!$H@!"HxA$HXCA!"HxALjdL8A9"jHxADȂ8!!"kHxADD!!"cIxA$HdDH= dcqc x!$GX#8x 8xx}x8!"@xA!"@xA9"x@8!!"x@8!!"x8=x8x@8xp@8x8Hyx8"BRx8D6BRx8G6r\x8$BTx8$BRxAxx8xx83x)Jx)Bx9.3x)* x)Jx3xxxxI/c<0xHR)HxGՈR!XxEU8hx%H !Hx$c(")Hxc"c<0xxxxx x x x xx x8 x8xxx8x ~@?~q?8?3??'?'s?3?sÏ>|$H $H O <BJ "DI $H #> Doing EMPRESS of the press file gets as far a Quake spooling & waiting. This document is needed urgently, now. Please advise. Carol  TIMESROMAN ,r BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN .z*start* 09949 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 8 Aug 84 12:18 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: Lafite: Active mail folder crashed To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa Format: TEdit Lafite System Date: 1-Aug-84 19:12:14 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 17:38:17 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: yesterday Impact: SERIOUS -8pD@|bHDA @@bHDA"@ @D@bDh @ @8h@``p```xxx~c  ?c xcc `  c  ` x|1c<>xc||<>ٙπ>|` <c|| xf1cf٘cf͛fc0 ٶ6٘fـ6͛6l`0 fcf1 xfc~ߘcf~c m6 0̓6f홳 fcf opxf c`cf̓`c06f0̓6b홳 fcfͱ l pxfcf٘cf͛fc0٦36cf0͛6c0 fcfͱ px|τ~<x>f|<9ټ30aϰ|L <>||g x`, `x``x``|<??3|y?'?||s>~|?3~<||~|x||>rpsÓ|9?<0g39`y3?9ayy3s<|ϑϒI?<#<?䜞s#>y9$y9prs<| ϓϘC'|ϟ?䜟 Od9ssrg|ɘLϓϘC?'<ϟ?ɞ|? L9 |&`|ɓϓϜ9?'<ϟ?ɞ~y>s?OL~|&O|㓌3<9g<ϟ?8?3?g<O| s|<ϟx<??p9?ـ'??```a"D!"8CÈ D >8B |0b "Da$$IlPB `@Pb#xaŇxp!"(a($J lPB ÇlpÆ@PL" &H " >(8 TPBQE  $@T IxH"ȑ"  # "$TBQH 'ǐTȟDH>b$H" $ ""$DITBQO $T DHE b$H"$$ " ""$HTB!H 0 $HT$IDE "Daȑa !"!"8# D8!H>#TpƎ8@D`@`  `  a"0@   bPaÇ8 C,8pŀ,aG"8Ç8!ņ,pXǀ`$@"D I2D 2&@2ɒ$A"DR$H&D"&I2"d"`H|#Ȁ"|y "0S"|#H""@`H@$H"@ "R"@"H" "@`H"$H"D $I"D2$ !&DR$H&D"$I""@"@c|aÇ8 ƀ"8x 8QÇ8!F"@````bbblpÆDpbHT ID TȟTxAT DHT HT$I(TpƎ(xp @#DF DDI#$H$DH$D$ɀp#F`cbBbBcHBbBbBbBb````aGb @B$K8@B0L"D@@B`DH>@@B$H @@b$̂"DH@aK80@G` ``` L TIMESROMAN $ BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN &Az*start* 00426 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 8 Aug 84 15:34 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: File Retrieval To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado TEdit won't get files with [] instead of {} delimiting the fileserver names. This is at odds with many other places in the system. -- DMR -- *start* 06550 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 8 Aug 84 16:14 PDT From: newman.pasa Format: TEdit Subject: TEdit: dissapearing characters To: TEditSupport.pa cc: newman.pasa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion When I loaI LOADED A FILE FROM A FILESERVER (ORIGINALLY CREATED IN TEDIT). SOME CHARACTERS WERE MISSING. REDISPLAY DID NOT HELP. A SCREEN IMAGE FOLLOWS: (1 0) (311 72 "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@N@CHCO@G@CCOOF@CC@@F@F@@GNAOOHCHCOOF@C@OL@@OOHGONGOH@OLAOO@OOL@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@O@GHOOLG@CCOOF@CC@@G@N@@OOAOOHCHCOOF@CAON@@OOLGONGOLCOOAOOHOOL@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@O@GHNALGHC@C@F@CC@@C@L@ALCHAH@GL@C@F@CCHG@@L@NF@@F@NCHGAHAL@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@O@GIL@NGLC@C@F@CC@@CIL@AHAHAH@FL@C@F@CC@C@@L@FF@@F@FG@CIH@L@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@MHMIH@FFLC@C@F@CC@@AIH@AN@@AH@FL@C@F@CCL@@@L@FF@@F@FF@AIH@L@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@MHMIH@FFFC@C@GOOC@@AOH@@ON@AH@LF@C@F@CAOL@@L@NGOLF@NF@AIHAL@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@MHMIH@FFGC@C@GOOC@@@O@@@CO@AH@LF@C@F@C@GN@@OOLGOLGOLF@AIOOH@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@LMIIH@FFCC@C@F@CC@@@O@@@@CHAH@ON@C@F@C@@G@@OOLF@@GOHF@AIOOH@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@LMIIH@FFAK@C@F@CC@@@F@@AHAHAHAOO@C@F@CC@C@@L@NF@@F@@F@AIHAL@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@LMIIL@NFAO@C@F@CC@@@F@@AHAHAHAHC@C@F@CC@C@@L@FF@@F@@G@CIH@L@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@LGAHNALF@O@C@F@CC@@@F@@ALCHAHAHC@C@G@GCHG@@L@FF@@F@@CHGAH@L@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@LGAHOOLF@G@C@F@CCON@F@@@OO@AHC@AHC@CONAON@@L@FGONF@@COOAH@L@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@LGAHCO@F@G@C@F@CCON@F@@@GN@AHC@AHC@AOL@OL@@L@GGONF@@@OLAH@N@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 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"@@@@@@@@@@@HABABA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@DBBABA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@CLANBA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@COND@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CN@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FC@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" 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"@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") --DAVE  HELVETICA f BMOBJ.GETFN HELVETICA z*start* 01299 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 8 Aug 84 13:45 PDT From: Kiewiet.pasa Subject: Setting Tabs To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kiewiet.pasa Not sure if I'm doing this wrong, or if I should submit an AR "Wish" to do it differently. If I want something that looks like this: TERM: Definition starts 2nd line of definition 3rd line of definition 4th line of definition NEXT TERM: New def More new def Still more I have been doing the following: 1. Scrolling up the Expanded Menu to find the ruler. 2. Setting the Tab with Mouse at approximately where "Definition" begins. I must guess at this, as there is no way to "Show" with Definition begins after I type it where I want it. 3. Type in 2nd line, 3rd line and 4th line left justified. 4. Position cursor to left of "2nd". 5. Bug Apply. (Cursor moves from left of 2 to inbetween 2 and n) 6. Re-posiiton cursor to left of "2nd" and hit TAB key. 7. Position cursor, Bug Apply, Re-position cursor and TAB for "3rd" line and "4th" line. 8. Go back to step 1 for setting up NEXT TERM. It seems that if I don't Apply the tab set with the Ruler to each line, I cannot correctly use the TAB key. Is there a faster way to do this? --Lorraine *start* 00972 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 8 Aug 84 20:35 PDT From: AHenderson.pa Subject: Lafite: Maintain giving misinformation To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: AHenderson.pa Lafite System Date: 1-Aug-84 19:12:14 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dorado (AHenderson) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate The information I get on certain mailboxes when I ask Maintain to "Type Entry" is incorrect. I judge that by comparing it to the information I get from the Maintain available by CHATing to Ernestine; they are different, and Grapevine actually behaves as thought Ernestine's info is correct. A mailbox which you can try this on is CHI85Dray.Guest The difference is: Lisp: Group Number of members: 1 Remark: BadRName Owners: Friends: Ernestine: Individual Forwarding: Dray@HI-MULTICS.Arpa Mailbox-sites: none Thanks, Austin *start* 00512 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 1 JUL 84 19:41 PDT From: MASINTER.PA Subject: Testing VMS DEI To: PYoung.pasa cc: Sheil, LispSupport Phil, After you've done preliminary testing, or even before, it would *really* help to shake down the VMS code by installing it on the GSL Vax at Parc. GSL offered a long time ago to give us accounts for testing purposes. Right now, GSL is running DEI 5.0 with its known problems.... have there been problems in updating it? *start* 22749 00071 UUm @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 12 Jul 84 00:23 PST From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: [ckiparsky.pa: TEdit: causes break] To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa Format: TEdit Throw away the one I just sent - this is a correction. ----- Begin Forwarded Messages ----- Date: 11 Jul 84 23:47 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: causes break To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 19-Jun-84 02:57:16 Lisp System Date: 3-Jul-84 23:02:11 Machine: Dandelion (-569758442) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 16000 Frequency: everywhere in a certain window Impact: bad I copied some text (T) into an editW. For some reason it refused to submit to copying by shift-selection, so I took a picture of it using <^O>. Thereafter every , regardless of distance from the bitmap, brought up this delight: (1 0) (456 172 "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@AOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON@@" "@AOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON@@" "@AH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CONGIOOCCOI@@B@AN@@GHGO@CH@CLL@CH@CL@O@@GNGOOOOL@CO@@NAO@OHGLCOOOOIOLO@CLONGOCOH@@" "@CH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CONGIOOCAOICONGLFGONCALGIIOILLOIOIOANCCOCNGONFGOOCOOLLLNFGCCIIOOOOHOLLGHLGNGOAOH@@" "@GH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CONGIOOC@OICONGNFGOLOLLOLIOLLLOLOIOCOCCOINGONFGONGOOIINDOBGICLOOOOHGLLOLLCNGO@OH@@" "@CHOGCHLNCCMO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CONGIOOCBGICONGOBGOLOLIOLIOLLLOLOINGOICOINGO@@AOLOOOCINDOBGICLOOOOICLIONDINGOBGH@@" 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The text in question (T) is: **** Hit . With the entry completely specified for agreement, you can try the parse again. To save some typing, type in the top level _REDO Assuming you have typed nothing in to the top since the parse ***** carol ----- End Forwarded Messages ----- c TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN 6 TIMESROMAN - TIMESROMAN < TIMESROMAN P BMOBJ.GETFN TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN i TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN 8 TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN ( TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN T&z*start* 00659 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 12 Jul 84 12:28 PDT From: Poduska.pasa Subject: TEdit: Break under tedit.cursormovedfn To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Poduska.pasa, stansbury Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 19-Jun-84 02:57:16 Lisp System Date: 10-Jul-84 21:56:45 Machine: Dolphin (64#151#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying Mouse process breaks under tedit.cursormovedfn under douserfns under window.mouse.handler with non-numeric arg (some region). We were mucking about with the teditmenu at the time. -- T  TIMESROMAN EDITMARK.STYLEFNz*start* 00772 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 24 Jul 84 18:20 PDT From: Burton.pa Subject: TEdit: tedit clippingregion is shrunk when buttoneventfn is called To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Burton.pa TEdit System Date: 16-Jul-84 17:09:14 Lisp System Date: 22-Jul-84 00:27:49 Machine: Dorado (Burton) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Since the bitmap editor interacts with the user (giving the mouse a chance to run), the user can screw the window system by reshaping the tedit window. I will accept this as a window system bug. I also thought I heard Greg say that this is something that might be being removed in any case. This is a vote in favor of the clipping region being left alone. richard *start* 00667 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 10 Aug 84 14:31 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: Moving Text down after DEL.: 9471 ERROR To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Masinter.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dorado (Plaza) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: very Annoying Another one of these, I got. I think I did a backspace while selecting the end of a line. It says "Line too long to format" in my Tedit prompt window, too, I just noticed. The file I was editing was {eris}summary.txt;2, and I was a t the line that begins with 1709. *start* 11982 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 10 Aug 84 14:36 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Format: TEdit Subject: Lafite: Breaks under OPENSTRINGSTREAM To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado (1 0) (314 137 "H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONGEKOOONMOGMOKMMGGONKKKGKOOOAMFGIMKGONCOOOOOOOOOOL@" "H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONKEKOOONMOGLCKOMGGONKHGGOOOOFLEKFMGGOOKOOOOOOOOOOL@" "HOGCHLNCCMO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONMEKONGNMOGMOKAKKGOMMKKFCOOOFMLCHLGOOOKOOOOOOOOOOL@" "HHDJEBIDJ@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONNEKOOONMOGMOKIHCGOLAKKGCOOOFMMOFMKOOOKOOOOOOOOOOL@" "HHDJEBIDB@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ONOEHCOONLA@DALEGM@GKNKKHKOOOAMNCAEMGOOKOOOOOOOOOOL@" "HNGCIBNCCHD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@" "HHEBIBJ@J@D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@" 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"HB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "HB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "ACBBBH@AAB@A@@AA@DDDJIAL@@@@C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "AAALBH@ANCNA@@@N@DCHJHNL@@@@C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") This is the stack and the error window. This is what I did: Send a message; then set a whole bunch of tabs in the Expanded Menu. When I hit deliver, I get the above error. Why? -- DMR -- TIMESROMAN ,z BMOBJ.GETFN TIMESROMAN .3z*start* 00343 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 10 Aug 84 14:39 PDT From: Kiewiet.pasa Subject: Lafite: MailFileScavenger To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Kiewiet.pasa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dolphin Are there plans for a MailFileScavenger? --Lorraine *start* 00730 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 11 Aug 84 23:32 PDT From: Halasz.pa Subject: TEdit: Possible returns from ImageObj ButtonEventFn too limited To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Halasz.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dorado (Halasz) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: N/A Impact: Moderate A button eventfn of an image obj can return a list whose CAR is CHANGED to indicate the object has changed OR it can return DON'T to indicate the object is not to be selected. BUT an application with both CHANGED and DON'T select is impossible. Need to be able to specify this circumstance as a result of button event fn. Frank *start* 00499 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 12 Aug 84 15:16 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Menu confusions To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 10-Aug-84 18:02:13 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 In the general menu, the item "ALL" right after the items: "Page Layout, Char Looks, Para Looks"... Now, you and I know that "All" doesn't open all the menus, but it's clearly confusing. *start* 00957 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 08:11 PDT From: Mersfelder.pasa Subject: Lafite: keyNotFound To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Mersfelder.pasa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion I've been having many problems with Lafite, and am just starting to try and document them. Here's one: My {DSK}Active.Mail somehow got crunched, so that the header couldn't be parsed. I tried to COPYFILE it to Rosebowl for Scavenging, but no luck (Shouldn't Happen, keyNotFound). I then deleted the file with (DELFILE..), and closed the Active.Mail window with (CLOSEW (WHICHW]. Turned Lafite off, and then back on, so that it would create a new Active.Mail for me..... Shouldn't happen! keyNotFound BT! OPENSTREAM \LAFITE.OPENSTREAM ERRORSET \LAFITE.PREPARE.BROWSER ERRORSET \LAFITE.BROWSE.PROC \EVALFORM ERRORSET \MAKE.PROCESS0 T That's all for now! -Janet *start* 00409 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 09:17 PDT From: MikeDixon.pa Subject: Lafite: can hardcopying be undone? To: LafiteSupport.pa if i hit hardcopy (and have LAFITEHARDCOPYBATCHFLG T) (or whatever it's called), lafite marks the message as waiting to be printed... can i somehow undo this so that it doesn't get printed when i update or close the browser? *start* 00683 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 10:44 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Invisible TEdit menus To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 3-Aug-84 17:46:08 Lisp System Date: 6-Aug-84 15:18:39 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying When I attempted to button Para Looks nothing happened. It took me two days to discover that it was puting up a menu off the top of the screen where it is invisible! I find this interface extremely awkward. You have to button, then move the whole window down then button then close then move the window back up. *start* 00761 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 10:49 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Paragraph indentations difficult to move To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 3-Aug-84 17:46:08 Lisp System Date: 6-Aug-84 15:18:39 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying About 80% of the times I try so slide the bar for setting paragraph buttons nothing happens. I think this is because it is unclear where the target is. I try to aim the point of the cursor arrow at a target centered around the edge of the black/white boundary since that is the thing I'm trying to change. I bet you have the trigger around the number or something. *start* 00483 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 12:50 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: File Retrieval In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 8 Aug 84 15:34 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa I know of no places in the system that admit [] in place of {}. TEdit uses the standard lisp file handling functions, so if TEdit can't do it, nobody ought to be able to. Can you tell me some of the places (INSIDE Lisp) where [] work? *start* 00684 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 13:13 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Setting Tabs In-reply-to: Kiewiet.pasa's message of 8 Aug 84 13:45 PDT To: Kiewiet.pasa cc: TEditSupport.pa You could just type the lines of text (including the tab at the front of each of the successive lines), then call up the expanded menu, set a tab, and APPLY it to all of the lines at once. Changing tab settings affects preexisting tabs--which may have been the confusion. There is still the problem of how it looks on hardcopy. A solution to this one awaits some consolidation in the font-width machinery to give me a "hardcopy" mode. --John *start* 00332 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 13:26 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: HardCopy fails In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 9 Aug 84 12:44 PDT To: Shrager.pa, CKiparsky cc: TEditSupport.pa Got it. It'll be fixed in the next release, probably this aft or tomorrow am. *start* 00475 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 13:27 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Multiprocessing In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 9 Aug 84 12:46 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Hunh? As far as I know, TEdit doesn't spawn new processes for things like hardcopy. It does, tho, create a new TEdit for each menu you have up. Might that be the source? Are you closing the window during hardcopy, or afterward? *start* 00325 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 13:46 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Breaks under OPENSTRINGSTREAM In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 10 Aug 84 14:36 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa I believe that is a bug in ICONW which has since been fixed. *start* 00378 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 14:01 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Invisible TEdit menus In-reply-to: card.pa's message of 13 Aug 84 10:44 PDT To: card.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa OK, so make a suggestion for improving the interface. Should I add windows at the bottom in preference to off the top of the screen? *start* 00540 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 14:05 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Paragraph indentations difficult to move In-reply-to: card.pa's message of 13 Aug 84 10:49 PDT To: card.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa I think the trigger is a region that starts at the left edge of the bar and extends right for about 8 or 16 screen pts. I'd be willing to extend it left a bit as well--that sounds reasonable. Let me put it in and see how people react. It'll be in the next release. --John *start* 00377 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 14:11 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Multiprocessing to: Sybalsky.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa The TEdit/menu must have been what I was seeing. It's a bit wierd to have six or seven processes up and around for just a couple of TEdits. I take it that nothing can be done about this. *start* 00413 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 14:24 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Maintain giving misinformation In-reply-to: AHenderson.pa's message of 8 Aug 84 20:35 PDT To: AHenderson.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa Try running the Maintain from library>. Among other things, it corrects the bug in printing out the entry of a forwarding alias. Bill *start* 00377 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 14:39 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Multiprocessing In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 13 Aug 84 14:11 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: Sybalsky.pa, TEditSupport.pa Nothing in the short run--TEdit isn't geared to having a single process support several "simultaneous" editing windows. *start* 00466 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 16:40 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: feedback glitch In-reply-to: Moran.pa's message of 7 Aug 84 09:45 PDT To: Moran.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa More recent versions of Lafite (on Library, to be released someday) get around this another way, by requiring a confirmation for every move, including middle-button moves, partly for the reasons you observe. Bill *start* 00457 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 16:57 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Timely Mail Deliveries In-reply-to: Stefik.pa's message of 7 Aug 84 18:56 PDT To: Stefik.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa, MGardner.pa Yes, the mail servers around here get severely overloaded during the day--too much traffic. Hal Murray and Dan Swinehart are worrying about it, apparently (see their message of Aug 10). Bill *start* 00532 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 17:13 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: keyNotFound In-reply-to: Mersfelder.pasa's message of 13 Aug 84 08:11 PDT To: Mersfelder.pasa cc: LafiteSupport.pa, Stansbury Sounds to me like you are having a problem with your Dandelion local file system. I am forwarding your message to the implementor of same, who is in China for the next three weeks. Your simplest fix may be to erase your local file system and create a new one. Bill *start* 00440 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 17:16 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: can hardcopying be undone? In-reply-to: MikeDixon.pa's message of 13 Aug 84 09:17 PDT To: MikeDixon.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa No, though it would not be a difficult feature to add, given a suitable user interface. Care to propose one--how would you like to be able to cancel the pending hardcopy? Bill *start* 00631 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 13 Aug 84 18:07 PDT From: MikeDixon.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: can hardcopying be undone? In-reply-to: vanMelle.pa's message of 13 Aug 84 17:16 PDT To: vanMelle.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa no good ideas for the ui. maybe middle button on hardcopy button gives a menu with hardcopy current selection/cancel hardcopy (can you do it just for the current selection?)/do hardcopy now (like update:hardcopy only). this is like the browse and send mail button handling convention. (ps. note that the move button is handled completely opposite to this convention) *start* 00527 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 14 Aug 84 09:04 PDT From: doughty.pa Subject: Lafite: Shrinking a Msg To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: doughty.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 8-Jun-84 14:02:40 Machine-Type: Dandelion When I shrink a message that has not been sent, I get an envelope icon that carries the message "2 sent." I hope this isn't a true statement, as I don't want this message sent. I just want it out of the way until I've given it more thought. *start* 00956 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 14 Aug 84 10:20 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: NON-NUMERIC ARG {LINEDESCRIPTOR}#4,... To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Masinter.pa TEdit System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:31:15 Lisp System Date: 7-Aug-84 15:57:18 Machine: Dandelion (Purcell) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Once Impact: Annoying I had selected and then right selected a single character 0 and then typed a "1". Caller of IDIFFERENCE is \TEDIT.FIXCHANGEDPART with args: TEXTOBJ {TEXTOBJ}#5,63142 STARTINGLINE NIL WINDOW {WINDOW}#11,22226 \TEDIT.FIXCHANGEDPART LINES {LINEDESCRIPTOR}#6,1170 WREG (0 0 677 260) TEXTLEN 4366 THISLINE {THISLINE}#4,60574 YBOT 248 FORMATDONE NIL LIMITCHANGED NIL WASDIRTY NIL CHARLIM NIL OCHLIM NIL OLHEIGHT NIL PREVLINE NIL FOUND NIL WHEIGHT 260 DY NIL OFLOWFN NIL NEWLINE NIL *local* NIL *local* NIL *start* 00437 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 14 Aug 84 11:09 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Shrinking a Msg In-reply-to: doughty.pa's message of 14 Aug 84 09:04 PDT To: doughty.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa This was a bug (AR 330) that is fixed in the newest version of Lafite. Problem was it was just reusing the same icon the window had from its previous incarnation as a message sender. Bill *start* 00475 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 10 Aug 84 10:28 PDT From: Barrera.pasa Subject: TEdit: No Multiple Copies on an Interpress printer To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Barrera.pasa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dolphin Hi, When hardcopying to an Interpress printer using Tedit's expanded menu, the #copies information is not passed to the printer (and defaults to #1). Stephanie *start* 00520 00071 UU @00045 01536 ftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff @Date: 27 Jul 84 12:29 PDT From: halvorsen.pa Subject: Lafite: Masinter's funny empty window To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: halvorsen.pa Lafite System Date: 23-Jul-84 16:53:24 Lisp System Date: 25-Jul-84 23:17:39 Machine: Dandelion (204#13#) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 17777 Frequency: Once Impact: Minor You can get it to pop up if you try to send a message to a non existent mailbox (try Lichtenberg (remember he is .wbst). Per-Kristian *start* 00420 00024 US Date: 20 Aug 84 10:17 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Format: TEdit Subject: TEdit: Font bugs To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado Gad, I've gone and snatched myself a poet. The problem is obvious. -- DMR -- TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN$: TIMESROMAN 0z*start* 00932 00024 US Date: 20 Aug 84 12:33 PDT From: Halasz.pa Subject: TEdit: Another UGLY storage leak: circularities that cause windows not to be GC'd To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Halasz.pa TEdit System Date: 13-Aug-84 21:16:58 Lisp System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:18:00 Machine: Dorado (Halasz) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Fatal Looks like you added a new 'feature' to TEdit that includes a circular data structure series. Hence, TEdit windows (including prompt windows) are never GC'd. This storgae leak is causing mucho problems for heavy TEdit users (like NoteCards). The storage leak is the connection: PROCESS:TEDITTTYWINDOW -> TTYWINDOW:PROCESS -> PROCESS Thus, the TEditTtyWindow never gets GC'd and since the TtyWindow points to the main window via the MAINWINDOW WindowProp, the main window and all its associates never get GC'd either. Bad news for storage lovers! Frank *start* 00857 00024 US Date: 20 Aug 84 11:19 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: The WYSIWYG Brotherhood To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 13-Aug-84 21:16:58 Lisp System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:18:00 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate It seems that there is no way to see on the screen what a document will look like when it is printed. (In Star, the two always correspond (at least after a Paginate); in Bravo, they correspond after a look hardcopy). This makes it very difficult to do documents where it important to know where the line breaks are. It makes it almost impossible to do office forms and tables for papers, for example. It also makes it harder to search for errors. Is there a chance this feature might find its way in sometime in the future? stu *start* 00417 00024 US Date: 20 Aug 84 11:23 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Font bugs In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 20 Aug 84 10:17 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa When lisp simulates an italic font by rendering the normal one oblique, it chops off the right edges of the characters. Try doing (DSPFONT (FONTCREATE 'TIMESROMAN 36 'ITALIC) ) and you'll get the same result. *start* 01145 00024 US Date: 20 Aug 84 11:58 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Setting paragraph margins loses bar To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 13-Aug-84 21:16:58 Lisp System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:18:00 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Moderate Setting the lower margins bar in the Paragraph-Looks menu caused the entire bar to whiteout except for the small part left of the paragraph indentation setting. Scrolling the bar did not affect the setting. I could finally get the bar back (I'm not sure how), but attempting to reset caused the same problem about four times in a row. APPLYING the setting caused the right margin of the paragraph to be almost the same as the left margin. Currently, it seems to be working correctly, so problem is intermittent. Incidently, after I finally managed to put the right margin back and apply, I got lots of lines that were the same. These went away with scrolling out and in, but then the last line of the text was missing. I deleted some words on the next-to-last line, then the last line reappeared. *start* 00313 00024 US Date: 21 Aug 84 05:24 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: The WYSIWYG Brotherhood In-reply-to: card.pa's message of 20 Aug 84 11:19 PDT To: card.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa look-hardcopy is in the cards; it awaits some work on the font world, and will probably be installed in the fall. *start* 00476 00024 US Date: 21 Aug 84 09:52 PDT From: Kahn.pa Subject: TEdit: Extended menu To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kahn.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado I need to use nearly the entire extended menu on top. I would like to be able to shape it but when I try I shape the entire editor window. Is there some easy way to have the top menu large enough that I don't need to scroll it so much? Thanks. -ken *start* 00359 00024 US Date: 21 Aug 84 09:55 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Extended menu In-reply-to: Kahn.pa's message of 21 Aug 84 09:52 PDT To: Kahn.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa The expanded menu has been split into several pieces in the latest release (load your list from Next>). Each sub-menu can hold its entire contents visible.... *start* 00420 00024 US Date: 21 Aug 84 13:10 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: Lafite: attempting to send message with nothing after header causes ARG NOT PIECE error To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: masinter.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 20-Aug-84 10:53:58 Machine: Dandelion (Purcell) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying I think this is a TEDIT problem *start* 00678 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 08:35 PDT From: Kahn.pa Subject: TEdit: SHOULDN'T HAPPEN break while PUTing To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kahn.pa TEdit System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:23:21 Lisp System Date: 21-Aug-84 06:58:35 Machine: Dorado (DewDrop) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Serious I selected PUT and then got a shouldn't happen break. Soon afterwards I (perhaps stupidly) just ^ the break. Now subsequent attempts to PUT break with file not found since it is trying to read version 5 instead of version 4 (which is the one I was editing). I have about an hours work invested and would like to be able to save my edits. -ken kahn *start* 00434 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 09:18 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Lafite: Hardcopy page numbers To: LafiteSupport.pa, TEditSupport Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 21-Aug-84 06:58:35 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor Please note that LafiteHardcopy is using new TEdit and thus putting bogus page numbers on the resulting printout. *start* 00229 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 09:32 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Hardcopy page numbers In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 22 Aug 84 09:18 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa, TEditSupport.pa bogus? *start* 00447 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 11:29 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: TEDIT.PUT opens file with BOTH access; also re-opens file for input at end To: TEditSupport.pa cc: masinter.pa TEdit System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:23:21 Lisp System Date: 21-Aug-84 06:58:35 Machine: Dandelion (Purcell) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate This makes it less convenient for accessing non-RANDACCESSP files. *start* 00278 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 14:32 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: find can't shift-select from document To: TEditSupport If I select Find from the pop-up menu, it prompts me for a string. However, I can't shift-select from the document itself for the search string. *start* 00399 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 14:39 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: find can't shift-select from document In-reply-to: masinter.pa's message of 22 Aug 84 14:32 PDT To: masinter.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Yup; I've been trying to find a simple way around that sort of problem for a while, but it isn't there yet. Perhaps I'll have to move the synchronization code lower in the process.... *start* 00888 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 14:50 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Seems to hang on bad password In-reply-to: card.pa's message of 20 Aug 84 08:23 PDT To: card.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa I'm not sure I understand the circumstance you describe. What do you mean by "further attempts to type in the login sequence" and "The only thing I could think to do was control-E out"? What was there to ^E out of? It is true that the only remedy for Lafite running into a bad password right now is to call (LOGIN) explicitly. I think I once considered having Lafite prompt for a new password in this situation, but was worried about the user getting stuck in a permanent blizzard of password prompts if she, in fact, did not want to log in (e.g., was not actually a grapevine user). But I think there exists a reasonable way around this. This is Ar 1273, by the way. Bill *start* 00333 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 14:59 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Tutorial In-reply-to: Kiewiet.pasa's message of 20 Aug 84 14:43 PDT To: Kiewiet.pasa cc: LafiteSupport.pa I have no such plans, but if you would like to (or know some documentation person who would like to), I'm sure I wouldn't object. Bill *start* 00505 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 17:29 PDT From: Raim.pasa Subject: Lafite wins To: vanMelle.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa, Raim.pasa Bill, I have been using Lafite under Carol full.sysout for about a month. I run on a Dolphin with 3MBit ethernet. I process 50-80 messages a day, dispersed among several folders. I have not experienced a single failure: no dropped messages, no mangled folders. I enjoy Lafite's multiple window functionality and the ease of composing messages with Tedit. --Marty *start* 00533 00024 US Date: 23 Aug 84 11:38 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lafite: BSP error: BAD.STATE.FOR.BOUT To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:18:00 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Fatal Repeated attempts to send a message give this error. Was in GV.ADDTOITEM. Possibility the grapevine server was full sometime in this time frame. But I still get the problem without that message. *start* 01073 00024 US Date: 23 Aug 84 17:16 EDT From: Denber.wbst Format: TEdit Subject: Lafite: Private dl's (again) To: LafiteSupport.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dullphin When are we getting private dl's for Lafite? All my Mesa friends are laughing at me! (1 0) (73 28 "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@B@@@@C@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@F@@@@DH@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@F@@@@DH@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@E@@@@DH@@@@" "AJ@@@@@@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "AB@@@@@@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "CB@@@@@@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "BA@@@AH@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "BACB@B@@@D@@@@HH@@@@" "@ACC@@@@@B@@@@DH@@@@" "@AGC@@@@@B@@@@E@@@@@" "@AEM@@@@@EH@@@F@@@@@" "@AMI@@@F@DD@H@F@@@@@" "@AHI@B@I@BDAF@F@@@@@" "@AHI@BA@@DDAB@K@@@@@" "@A@I@BA@@DDABAAH@@@@" "@A@I@BA@@LBABF@H@@@@" "@A@I@BA@@LBAEH@D@D@@" "@A@I@FA@ADCHL@@C@H@@" "@A@IHIC@FD@GH@@@K@@@" "@B@HMIBOH@@@@@@@D@@@" "@B@HCAB@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@B@@@@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") 3 TIMESROMAN  BMOBJ.GETFN TIMESROMAN z*start* 00404 00024 US Date: 23 Aug 84 15:28 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Private dl's (again) In-reply-to: Denber.wbst's message of 23 Aug 84 17:16 EDT To: Denber.wbst cc: LafiteSupport.pa AR 1644: Subject: Want to be able to send mail to private dl's Difficulty: Moderate Priority: Perhaps There is no current estimate on when this will happen. Just one of many programming tasks... *start* 00398 00024 US Date: 23 Aug 84 19:41 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: trying to browse {eris}CONS.MAIL when on DSK infinite loop To: vanMelle cc: LispSupport, Masinter It was hanging inside \LAFITE.PARSE.MSG.HEADER or some such . When I did a COPYFILE and copied to {ERIS}, it seemed to browse fine. Dunno if it is reproducable; will try it again on a different partition/dorado. *start* 00278 00024 US Date: 23 Aug 84 19:45 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: Lafite problem To: vanMelle, LispSupport cc: Masinter.pa Actually, what apparently happened was when I did COPYFILE({SKY}CONSV1N9.MAIL {DSK}CONS.MAIL) the file got truncated without warning! *start* 00417 00024 US Date: 23 AUG 84 23:49 PDT From: MASINTER.PA Subject: *very* odd Tedit state: nothing shows To: TEditSupport I got into a very odd state on my DLion where all of the windows behaved normally, scrolled took the right amount of time doing so, but: all of the windows were blank! I could select things too. It was on a dlion where I had been running happily for days doing *lots* of things. *start* 00453 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 00:11 PST From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: ParaLooks SHOW doesn't copy justification To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 21-Aug-84 12:56:14 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate The SHOW button in the paragraph looks menu doesn't set the Left/Right/Center/Just selection correctly. It used to, I think. *start* 00303 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 10:19 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Need TEDIT.DOSLOWUPDATES globalvar to make up for multitude of bugs in screen updating In-reply-to: Halasz.pa's message of 21 Jun 84 18:55 PDT To: Halasz.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Try the SLOWUPDATE TEXTPROP instead *start* 00512 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 10:25 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Cant Close: ALLOCSTRING illegal arg To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 13-Aug-84 21:16:58 Lisp System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:18:00 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Fatal Tried to close a SendMessage window and got ALLOCSTRING ILLEGAL ARG 69490 Stack: (ALLOCSTRING N=69490 INITCHAR=NIL OLD=NIL) (COERCETEXTOBJ TYPE=STRINGP ...) (TEDIT ...) *start* 00979 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 10:41 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lafite: Unsendable mail To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 17-Aug-84 17:18:00 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Fatal I have two messages that I have trying to send for two days. Currently I have them saved as {phylum}ax511.lafite-form {phylum}ax512.lafite-form I printed out the first of these and can't see anything obviously wrong with it (aside from the fact that TEDIT scrambled the position of some of my edits and possibly that it's 27 pages long). It used to get a BSP error: BOUT in bad state. Now it gets ALLOCSTRING illegal arg and there seems to be no way to even close the window on the screen containing the SendMessage. I'm going to give up and rebuild LISP. I would like to send these messages, though. I've spent maybe four hours of time trying. *start* 00557 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 10:43 PDT From: Jellinek.pa Subject: TEdit: slight DSPFONT bug To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Jellinek.pa TEdit System Date: 21-Aug-84 12:56:14 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dandelion (25200045334) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate John, thanks for putting in DSPFONT! Works great, except that (DSPFONT NIL TEXTSTREAM) doesn't return the current font, and should. Fortunately for me, I don't depend on this property, but I thought you'd want to know. Herb *start* 00526 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 11:13 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Unsendable mail In-reply-to: card.pa's message of 24 Aug 84 10:41 PDT To: card.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa I think that you're trying to send a message that's longer than 64K chars--I'm not sure whether it's supposed to be possible, but for sure it is breaking Lafite's intermediate representation (which is a string, and has a max length of 65535). Bill--do we want to detect this somehow and use a file or something instead of a string? *start* 00606 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 15:26 PDT From: card.pa Subject: Lafite: ILLEGAL ARG in FONTCREATE To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: card.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious On the first browse after startup of Lafite in a new Lisp, get ILLEGAL ARG (QUOTE HELVETICA) Stack: LAB.CREATE(TITLE="Mail browser for {PHYLUM}ACTIVE>MAIL") FONTCREATE(FAMILY=FONTCREATE, SIZE='HELVETICA, FACE=8) Looks like a bad edit shifted the argument one position. *start* 00440 00024 US Date: 24 Aug 84 16:33 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: ILLEGAL ARG in FONTCREATE In-reply-to: card.pa's message of 24 Aug 84 15:26 PDT To: LafiteSupport.pa For the record, the problem was that Stu had set LAFITEBROWSERFONT to '(FONTCREATE 'HELVETICA 8), instead of the value of same. Request is thus that Lafite be a little more informative, helpful, whatever about illegal values for profile variables. *start* 07617 00024 US Date: 25 Aug 84 17:57 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Lafite: Undefined function after Hardcopy To: LafiteSupport.pa Format: TEdit Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate When I do lafite hardcopy, I get this error: N//zoCv7UUUUUUUUT:g]}~vuwYm,Zk] v]UUUUUUUUT,{gjm]}~vp着BRrn]}~vwoUUUUUUUUTBRzC}ߎxu着,sUUUUUUUUT,BBRzRdx,x,xxs$x,jrw:""x,JPVxވxJx,jr""x,r^\xxx,x,2dxxJ%(@xώ"|H>8qJ%@x$2@L,J$px$2@L,J$(@xR'*xJPJ%(@xR$*@JP3g@x2$&@I0,x2$&@I0,xq"|8qx2 gx,J x,B xBg8xB xB,J xB,3gxBxBxB,xB,{gxBRxBRx,sx,BxBRxzRdx,x,xx|x,x,xxx,x,xx!x!,xA,8,xAP2D xAP D xA0 D xA0 D x! 8! x  x x x xp@ x x @ xp@ x@ x@ x@ xq x x x xx````` ``Ž`BI`"`H`H````@@`'Ȟx "8G # `DD "D!B!$B( H`D@"D!BA$B(H`㇂D@"D!BA$BH`BD"x"D!BA$B*H`"D>@"D!A$BDH`$"@"D!A$BDH`'Ȑ"@8!G Â: ` @ `0@@```$H"`DH2>`H2N`O*N`BEH*`"B&`"&.`""N`~````'Ȁ@`D @>` @N`㇊@N`BD @`"D @`$ @.`$|N`~````#@`DH"@`H"@`@`BD@`"DH"@`$H"@`#|`````'Ȟ> C㏟D!Ç"À@`A  DQ$H"$@ (` DQ$H$@ (@`<|Q$$@@`BA DB$B$ *@`"A D"$H"$@D@`! D$H$@D@`!>DÇÀ:`````Ï 8`$HD`$H@ e TIMESROMAN  BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN Tz*start* 00407 00024 US Date: 25 Aug 84 20:30 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Undefined function after Hardcopy In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 25 Aug 84 17:57 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa I have to admit your error message has very little content. Hardcopy doesn't break for me. Could you perhaps send me a BTV* of the top few frames on the stack when you get the udf? Bill *start* 00424 00024 US Date: 25 Aug 84 23:01 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: "No" on substitute with query doesn't work To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 21-Aug-84 12:56:14 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious I can't seem to answer "no" to the query-replace message and get it to go on the the next place. *start* 00904 00024 US Date: 22 Aug 84 10:58 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: tedit and FTP host To: vanMelle, TEditSUpport I dunno what causes this (whether it is a problem with PUPFTP or TEdit or the Mesa FTP server) but it happened several times. I have a DLion running Tajo and the Tajo-based FTP server (STPSERVER); the dlion is LispTwo. I have NONLEAFHOSTS set to (LISPTWO). When I attempt TEDIT({LispTwo}HelloVIIA.mesa), it seems to work. If I open another window to get a fresh copy of the file (to compare what was there to what I did), the first time, I got an empty file. (I.e., Tedit believed it completed and the title said "Edit Window for: {LISPTWO}HELLOVIIA.MESA" but the window was empty and had *no* extent. I tried the Get again, and I got a "file not found" message in the prompt window. (I think with brackets, [file not found]). The third time, it worked. Any suggestions? *start* 01735 00024 US Date: 25 AUG 84 16:19 PDT From: MASINTER.PA Subject: Action Request: Eliminate multiple TEdit processes; have only ONE process To: TEditSupport cc: LispSupport Looking around at the way in which people use TEdit, it is clear that there is an impending brick wall given the current architecture of TEdit. Rather than turn this into another case of "reducing to a previously unsolved problem" I think it is more reasonable to attack the resource problem at the resource user. In current Interlisp-D and for the forseeable future on 1108s, the stack will be a fixed finite resource. We will fix this on the Dragon, but not here. Thus: there is no reason why there needs to be one TEdit process for each TEdit window. The "process" does not buy you anything. There is little or no state stored in the local variables of the process (you can tell by doing a backtrace). The process is merely a place to collect characters and decide on input focus. I think a single Text manager which collects characters and puts them in the Text stream you are editing at the moment, and button event functions which merely signal the TEdit process to switch focus, would solve a lot of spurious stack overflows, and also lead to more efficient simpler code -- a lot of the odd interlocks which are there to keep one TEdit process from stepping on another would just go away. It would also likely get rid of the phenomena that happens on a hard reset (restarting all the processes) and the odd problems of not being able to shift-select from one place to another. It would most certainly reduce one of the major "fixed quantity" resources that TEdit gobbles up. If you don't like this idea, I'd like to hear why... *start* 21588 00024 US Date: 25 Aug 84 20:35 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Lafite hardcopy breakage. In-reply-to: vanMelle.pa's message of 25 Aug 84 20:30 PDT To: vanMelle.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa Format: TEdit This is from a freshly loaded sysout. 7vug^oguvvp7k_okmUUUUUUUUUUUUV?vWm_om1-vۗn^on}UUUUUUUUUUUUV87aapwW_UUUUUUUUUUUUV@@@XdAD@D@dH@X0@>DDD(((`D <|B |q |ÀlPB"@ @$ @$@lPB"@ @$?@"dTPB"xE x'x"@TB"@H @$ DB@TB"@O @$ ~C&@TB"@H @$(D`$@D<|H>@qȄ(8 À `@8 8 xLj!`D (@D$H!`XhňD (@D$E!d&HD (@x$E!@$HD D@"P'!"@$ED |@>H$!"@&ED D@"D$8! @hł8p>D"D    @ Xh8qb x8 8p "d@&D  H"DA` "D 2">DG"@  >@A 0y D H"@@  @A "DH&D@$H"DI` "D2"DhG8q`80 8x@pA @ AxGD,xqa@ ȈDL2  ODH"  H"DH" $Ȉ"LH"$G4`"qD >D@>8`l  d@Dl  dCTR DpB8@ @@pAώ |B'@$ @ȣd@$ @ȣd@ x@D @@$ @@$ @|q>|' p q  ,Da,Xpł8AÏ"8Á(2D2d 2&A $D"DP "D "@y!|Q"("@"B$@R "(2"@2$"$DD!R "ҡ"@x8!Q>``|㏞>>@|0B (B (@ "Q@B (B (C Q1@@<(<(AG<R@@ D D1D@"R@B |B |G@"B DB DBF" @>D>DB @@`8q㈑>|GD @BD @B@P @G DpC㏟"8p@>8p@lB6D@D@lB6DCD Ta*0AG Tr`*1D@ TB*DG@ TB*DBF@ Dp"8pB|p@@@ |q@ B$D$D"@ B"D"D"@pC"xp"8pB C㏟D!Ç"ÀDqT&ʀ DQ$H"$@"DB8&DQ$H$@"DBTJ|Q$$"DCBDB$B$"DBE@D"$H"$@"DB%@D$H$@"DB$@DÇÀ8pC`@@8<) # >|$")H!$B( H@$"A$B(H@$<QA$BHx"$( Q A$B*H@>$$ A$BDH@"$"A$BDH@"8" Â: | @ `0@@>D@>8` d@D dC@DpB8@ @!BTQ$E*B8Q$EBTQ*BB∐B""B!BA"8T 28 2T *!*!&!&!"8|q@ B$D$D0"@ B"D"D"@pC"xp"8p"Lj"($M"($M('D% |$D$JDH<8"D"D !"D D!"D D!P"D !P "x!$!0 "@!$!0"@!$qȑ@!π`! |(|pG8p" @(H"@H"D ~آ" @H"@ 2`(⊑ xPO x`<8R(B$J @P @ b"RB'ɑ A "@"ɓ PB$I @"@"D PB$H>||p8p`B C㏟D!Ç"ÀDq&€ DQ$H"$@"DB~&DQ$H$@"DB(E|Q$$"DC(EDB$B$"DBE_D"$H"$@"DBP%JD$H$@"DBP$JDÇÀ8pC`@@8<) # >|$")H!$B( H@$"A$B(H@$<QA$BHx"$( Q A$B*H@>$$ A$BDH@"$"A$BDH@"8" Â: | @ `0@@>D@>8` d@D dC@DpB8@ @DD$ "D$ "|' ŽD.BID""D"HDH qǏ>xp 8 $HD!$ H$HD!$ HǏD $ D # DD! $HD! p$OxpȄ>8 )ÏD' 8 )HDC$DH(C$Q(B$8Q"B$ H>Bd>H"BdDÈ"'8 '>q>xB!@ C$   Da0C$   DaPB B<  x@B  P @JBd  H @LBd  D @@H' qD! |A OxCxC |@8 ȐD DD! @@ "D ȐD DD! @C&"`OD x! xAA*8"@J"D!$0P! @1A* B I>D!$H! @G2 C H"D!$D! @B"D@ H"x!πD>|B8@@ O|B|@!@ OH!$~A2B"T"D!$(`B"B"Dq"D!τ(|! @`| 珄")p@ !H 6)"(#8Ň6!H 6 (A H* *QxAD S>80 !& DB!l RDQ!& DB!l! @Q0!@T# D!%B DB!"T!B#D!$B xA"D!A8@ 0 $G<8# B$B"D! AEB"D! AEB"D @B"D @"DPa @"DPa @<8P# G>q>xB!q ȑ Da0"ȑ DaP"H  x#Ċ@H PB$ H HB'̀H D  GqD! |p G8<|!O| C D"@QH`@D"@Q(BBD ÀDLJ>8pH$H DP$H D0p'<0aP"H P>H D"DBH D"DBG>8p  TIMESROMAN S BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN Sz*start* 00751 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 15:23 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: ^W at beginning with one letter word... To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 21-Aug-84 12:56:14 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor You're gonna love this one: Start up TEdit; type the words: a big fish in at the very beginning and with nothing else left in the buffer. Then (positioned after the word "fish") type ^W. It deletes "fish" and, appropriately leaves you after "big". Now type ^W again. Surprise! Deletes *both* remaining words! As far as I can tell, this happens only if the very first word is one one letter long. Happy debugging, Jeff *start* 00297 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 16:04 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: attempting to send message with nothing after header causes ARG NOT PIECE error In-reply-to: masinter.pa's message of 21 Aug 84 13:10 PDT To: masinter.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa Fixed; will be in next release. *start* 00660 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 16:23 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite problem In-reply-to: Masinter.pa's message of 23 Aug 84 19:45 PDT To: Masinter.pa cc: vanMelle.pa, LispSupport.pa The problem with the truncation without warning is probably that something caused the ftp connection to die, which gave the COPYFILE an EOF condition, upon which it quietly stopped copying. I fixed the CLOSEF to give an error in this case, but this is probably not quite right, either. Probably a dead bsp connection should not return true from \EOFP, but then again there might be places it would want to. grumble, grumble, exception handling... Bill *start* 00484 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 16:29 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Undefined function after Hardcopy In-reply-to: vanMelle.pa's message of 25 Aug 84 20:30 PDT To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Lilly, Shrager.pa, LafiteSupport.pa It's because CLOSEF of a text stream is dying when CLOSEF tries to do the image close, and the text stream has a NIL as its IMCLOSEFN. I seem to recall a message from you about this recently; shall I assume you have it under control? Bill *start* 00411 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 16:35 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Undefined function after Hardcopy In-reply-to: vanMelle.pa's message of 27 Aug 84 16:29 PDT To: vanMelle.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa, Lilly.pa, Shrager.pa, LafiteSupport.pa I have it under control in the latest TEdit. However, it's still a bug that CLOSEF doesn't check that function slot for NIL before blindly APPLYing it. *start* 00659 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 16:46 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Centering To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 21-Aug-84 12:56:14 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 I note that TEdit always centers with respect to the TOP ruler line. It is my contention that this is the wrong choice. Typically the top of the ruler specifies an indent and the bottom, the normal page extent. (This is the reverse only in case you're doing a hanging indent - which is relatively rare.) Thus, one typically want to center with respect to the bottom, no the top, ruler. -- Jeff *start* 00494 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 16:50 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Centering In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 27 Aug 84 16:46 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa I think that TEdit centers with respect to the left and right margins appropriate to the line you're on. If you have a centered, multi-line paragraph with a first-line indent, the first line is centered in its space, and the rest of the lines are centered in their space. That seems reasonable to me. *start* 00553 00024 US Date: 27 Aug 84 16:57 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Centering To: Sybalsky.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Yes, it does seem reasonable. I'll have to think about it some more. The problem that I run up against is having headings that are centered. When I do that, I have to reset the ruler so that they get centered in the right way. I'm not actually convinced that your analysis is right. Maybe centering should always be with respect to the page margins, and disregard the ruler altogether. Fodder for thought, Jeff *start* 00575 00024 US Date: 29 Aug 84 12:20 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: TEdit: Window Command Menu convention To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 21-Aug-84 12:56:14 Lisp System Date: 27-Aug-84 21:14:00 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Very Serious TEdit doen't correctly adhere to the convention of being able to right-mouse all four edges of the window, in order to get the action menu. I move the top of a TEdit window off the screen just now and had to do (MOVEW (WHICHW)) in order to get it back. *start* 00683 00024 US Date: 29 Aug 84 10:19 PDT From: Kahn.pa Subject: Lafite: Cannot parse file ... bad header or previous message length ... To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Kahn.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (DewDrop) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Serious I haven't browsed my mail folder called Seminars for a while. When I tried just now it complained that it cannot parse the file {ivy}mail>seminars.mail;1 near message 9, byte 12128 because: bad header or previous message length is incorrect. This is my least important mail folder but this is rather worrisome. -ken *start* 00372 00024 US Date: 29 Aug 84 17:41 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Window Command Menu convention In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 29 Aug 84 12:20 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa That's because there ain't any such convention. TEdit used to bring up the menu if you right buttoned in the window border, but that caused too many problems. *start* 00246 00024 US Date: 28 Aug 84 15:34 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: ParaLooks SHOW doesn't copy justification In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 24 Aug 84 00:11 PST To: Shrager.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Fixed in next release. *start* 00329 00024 US Date: 28 Aug 84 21:43 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Message pointer disappears In-reply-to: Denber.wbst's message of 28 Aug 84 15:33 EDT To: Denber.wbst cc: LafiteSupport.pa This problem is fixed in the LispCore version, to be released sometime soon with the major (Harmony) release. Bill *start* 01180 00024 US Date: 28 Aug 84 15:33 EDT From: Denber.wbst Format: TEdit Subject: Lafite: Message pointer disappears To: LafiteSupport.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dolphin Suppose you hit Get Mail, and your primary server is empty and your secondary server is not responding, then Lafite fails to restore the little triangle pointing to the "current message". (1 0) (73 28 "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@B@@@@C@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@F@@@@DH@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@F@@@@DH@@@@" "@L@@@@@@@E@@@@DH@@@@" "AJ@@@@@@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "AB@@@@@@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "CB@@@@@@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "BA@@@AH@@E@@@@HH@@@@" "BACB@B@@@D@@@@HH@@@@" "@ACC@@@@@B@@@@DH@@@@" "@AGC@@@@@B@@@@E@@@@@" "@AEM@@@@@EH@@@F@@@@@" "@AMI@@@F@DD@H@F@@@@@" "@AHI@B@I@BDAF@F@@@@@" "@AHI@BA@@DDAB@K@@@@@" "@A@I@BA@@DDABAAH@@@@" "@A@I@BA@@LBABF@H@@@@" "@A@I@BA@@LBAEH@D@D@@" "@A@I@FA@ADCHL@@C@H@@" "@A@IHIC@FD@GH@@@K@@@" "@B@HMIBOH@@@@@@@D@@@" "@B@HCAB@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@B@@@@L@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@")  TIMESROMAN  BMOBJ.GETFN TIMESROMAN 0z*start* 00846 00024 US Date: 30 Aug 84 15:17 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: >>Terse summary of problem<< In-reply-to: Stefik.pa's message of 30 Aug 84 10:51 PDT To: Stefik.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa From the Lafite documentation: "right button -- extends the selection up or down. Deleted messages are not included in this extension unless the control key (CTRL) is down." In other words, hold down ctrl if you explicitly wish to include deleted messages in your extension (non-obvious interface, I suppose, but we want to be able to do both: have deleted messages ordinarily ignored, but let you do things with deleted messages if you try a little harder). The deleted message restriction does not apply to MIDDLE; you can always add to a selection with MIDDLE, independent of whether the message you select is deleted. Bill *start* 00603 00024 US Date: 30 Aug 84 22:21 PDT From: Shrager.pa Subject: Lafite: Wanted (LAFITE 'RESET) To: LafiteSupport.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 27-Aug-84 21:14:00 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Is there a way to tell lafite to pull all its hooks out of the environment so that funny states that it gets into can be undone? I very often get Lafite into such a state that I have to reload my sysout to recover. This isn't bad on a Dorado, but I just had to reload a DLion for this reason, and that's a pain. Thanks Jeff *start* 00464 00024 US Date: 30 Aug 84 22:55 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Wanted (LAFITE 'RESET) In-reply-to: Shrager.pa's message of 30 Aug 84 22:21 PDT To: Shrager.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa "I very often get Lafite into such a state that I have to reload my sysout to recover." Could you elaborate? I don't recall seeing many AR's from you describing those states. What would you want (LAFITE 'RESET) to do that (LAFITE 'QUIT) doesn't? Bill *start* 00720 00024 US Date: 30 Aug 84 10:51 PDT From: Stefik.pa Subject: Lafite: >>Terse summary of problem<< To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Stefik.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (DaVinci) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor The mailbrowser window normally has a way of selecting a group of messages for application of some operation, such as hardcopying. This works by selecting a starting message with LEFT and then clicking RIGHT or MIDDLE to indicate the additional ones. This doesn't work for messages that have been MOVED. (That means that such messages can't be "undeleted" or "hardcopied" as a group. Mark *start* 01037 00024 US Date: 31 Aug 84 17:47 PDT From: withgott.pa Subject: TEdit: Inconsistency in "query" SUBSTITUTE; wish To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 21-Aug-84 12:56:14 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 23:12:21 Machine: Dandelion (Mango) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 17777 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor 1. When you substitute a string with nothing (, or {} in the exp. menu), you get back the number of replacements that were made, which is useful even though you are actually "deleting" as opposed to "replacing", it seems. However, if you respond yes to "Ask before each replace?", you get back "No replacements made" in otherwise identical circumstances. 2. On the topic of SUBSTITUTE, I am glad to see that there is now a flashing cursor when the found object is on the top line. However, I still would like to see the new page start a few lines above the found object, the reason being that I almost always need some context to help decide whether it's appropriate to make a substitution. --Meg *start* 00763 00024 US Date: 31 Aug 84 22:07 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: Warning message when selection is pending To: TeditSupport The appearance of deadness has struck again several times when the buttoneventfn of a bitmap image object is being run and is asking for a number from the numberpad. The number pad doesn't have a flashing caret, and it tends to end up underneath other windows--and Tedit won't do anything as long as it is in an input wait. I understand that there is no easy solution to this problem, given the logic of the situation. But one thing that might help is if Tedit printed an explanatory message in its prompt window each time the user attempts some Tedit selection operation while there is already a selection pending. --Ron *start* 01224 00024 US Date: 1 Sep 84 12:50 PDT From: BrianSmith.pa Subject: Lafite: Mistaken use of old TOC files for new folders To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: BrianSmith.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 31-Aug-84 16:17:57 Machine: Dorado (Smith) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate Suppose you have a mail folder file (say: active.mail), with a corresponding table of contents file (active.mail-lafite-toc). Then suppose you delete the mail file, and then request that lafite open a new mail folder of the same name. Quite properly, it asks you to confirm that you want a new folder opened. But it then seems to try to read the old TOC file, which is out of date. The first time, this seems to send it into an infinite loop. If you abort and try again, it will actually display the contents of the old (deleted) mail file, but will of course break if you try to display any of the contained messages. Presumably, when creating a mail file, it should know to create a brand-new TOC file. Perhaps, more generally, it should always check, before using a TOC file, that that TOC file genuinely points to the mail file that it is assumed to be about? *start* 00525 00024 US Date: 1 Sep 84 13:04 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: "next" to field not on screen leaves field not inverse video To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Masinter.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 31-Aug-84 16:17:57 Machine: Dorado (Plaza) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying When I press blank middle and the next field isn't on the screen, it scrolls to be on the screen but isn't inverse video. Try it by making a mail send window small. *start* 00254 00024 US Date: 5 Sep 84 11:08 PDT From: withgott.pa Subject: TEdit: FIND/SUBSTITUTE wishes, contin. To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 1-Sep-84 10:53:20 ..REVERSE FIND (from cursor backwards). *start* 00428 00024 US Date: 6 Sep 84 11:07 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: How to mess up the display To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado If your TEDIT window "hangs off" below the bottom of the screen (e.g. when you move the TEDIT window with a rightbuttonfn), scrolling destroys the bits in the window. Looks ugly. *start* 00269 00024 US Date: 6 Sep 84 11:36 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: How to mess up the display In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 6 Sep 84 11:07 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Yup, it's a known bug; fix isn't epecially hi on the list *start* 00535 00024 US Date: 6 Sep 84 14:10 PDT From: halvorsen.pa Subject: Lafite: Mail file menu To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: halvorsen.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 4-Sep-84 19:45:00 Machine: Dandelion (204#13#) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor My Browser menu contains many more files than I find mentioned in LAFITE.PROFILE in my mail directory. Some of these files are there by error so I would like to know what to edit to get rid of them. Per-Kristian *start* 00718 00024 USa Date: 6 Sep 84 15:43 PDT From: Dietterich.pa Subject: TEdit: Repainting after deleting several lines usually is off by one To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Dietterich.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 5-Sep-84 16:37:47 Machine: Dorado (Shrager) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: annoying If you select a set of lines and then hit DEL to delete them, sometimes the display is incorrect. It appears that Tedit scrolls the bottom of the window up by one line less than it should (or perhaps it repaints the top starting one line too low). I've noticed it most when deleting a set of lines that runs off the top of the window. --Tom *start* 00756 00024 US Date: 7 Sep 84 11:22 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: Last line display problems To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado If I have selected paragraph leading of 7, and I type: (1) ababababababab (2) ababababababab I notice the following odd behavior. As I'm typing in line 2, it is incorrectly positioned during type-in. When I hit the second , line (2) gets repositioned properly. This obviously leads to the next problem: If I type in the following -- (1) ababababababab (2) abab The destroys a part of line 1 (presumably because line 2 is in the wrong place). -- DMR -- *start* 00406 00024 US Date: 7 Sep 84 11:25 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: Amendment to last message To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado You must be typing at the VERY last place in the document. If you're "pushing" a in front of the caret, everything seems to work out okay. -- DMR -- *start* 00465 00024 US Date: 10 Sep 84 11:18 PDT From: halvorsen.pa Subject: Lafite: LAFITE STATUS WINDOW OUT OF SYNCH To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: halvorsen.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 7-Sep-84 13:21:24 Machine: Dandelion (204#13#) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: CURRENTLY ALL THE TIME Impact: Minor The status window says I have new mail while getmail results in two reports of empty mailboxes. Per-Kristain *start* 01533 00024 US Date: 10 Sep 84 11:59 PDT From: Dietterich.pa Subject: TEdit: SCROLL.HANDLER is overzealous To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Dietterich.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 7-Sep-84 05:03:45 Machine: Dorado (Ventana) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate If you have a TEDIT window positioned near the left edge of the screen so that the scroll bar overlaps the Tedit window, it becomes virtually impossible to do any line or paragraph selection operations. Evidentally, whenever the left button goes down in the region where the scroll bar would appear, the Tedit scroll handler jumps in and decides you want to scroll. In the case in question, the region where the scroll bar would appear is the same as the "paragraph and line selection region." This is different from default SCROLL.HANDLER, which waits until the mouse leaves the left edge of the window before putting up a scroll bar. Of course, the default approach means that a window that has XCOORD 0 is not scrollable at all. However, I prefer that problem to the problem presented by Tedit. The Tedit solution wastes screen space. A related anomaly with Tedit windows is that if they are too close to the left edge of the screen, you can't move the mouse into the paragraph and line selection region without getting a scroll bar. If you mouse the mouse too slowly, it just "sticks" at the boundary and refuses to enter the region where the scroll bar would appear. Weird! --Tom *start* 00391 00024 US Date: 10 Sep 84 13:17 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: SCROLL.HANDLER is overzealous In-reply-to: Dietterich.pa's message of 10 Sep 84 11:59 PDT To: Dietterich.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa In fact, TEdit uses exactly the default scroll-bar handler. If funny things are happening to the scroll bar at the left edge of the screen, TEdit has nothing to do with it. *start* 14857 00024 US Date: 10 Sep 84 15:19 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: Lafite: Can't scroll backwards with big bitmaps To: LafiteSupport.pa, TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa Format: TEdit Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 8-Sep-84 01:22:25 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 24,2 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate (This is probably a Tedit bug... But I first noticed it in Lafite.) Here's an example: KPnӛYsꪪ곛mUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@[]xaꪪnu[۝voUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@v;q[qꪪUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@ꪪ"8O"D&B"D&B >DR%B"DR%B"DQR$"DQR$"8QB@ϑd  "(  "( H"H& "|* "L  @ `"`""" '8p`$@DD@(DGDq < @D @>8p @d @ *(@*P G(@2 @*H H >||&0 L`*P TL`  @| 8AÂ*@0` "D$BG@P"LBd@*x TBAD TBA dC&AD  DB$A8|>8Â8D!8 À*Dl!Da$@G@l!2d@*xTR!8!R@D0TR !R@DT2!!&@DT2! D!$@8D 8Àp|D!HxB*0@ٱD@"lQMD&GP@ٱD@"lQMD&@*xQD@"TQJD%E@R'"TJ"x%H@S"Tʕ>@%O@R$"Tʕ"@%H|p@$DH"@H`8@*0D 0@GPD P @*        @@ @ |@|p|@@@| "@ "@ xD D>8B>DC& lآ & lآ %E8!(!""""""""""""1q@JP$HH@8 ""8J HHD B"D"I NH@8pņDRJ"sp!"DI"JR$$HH "DI"JR$ HH Dp#"s' NH B$ HH @BR$$HI @BL'Oq<@"("(!\dAI.CH!RAJPBHҔAJB|ҕAYIC !ҕAYHPiB>!җJPDiB:\b1D.{|Eg1c"@nR)JP"@~R)JxVRgJcDVR JFR JP DEg 1c>8z$Ȁ B*%-|CÈDp Cj%/"@B$MD`sj%ʀ"@ $M(`A_%Jx $J(`Aф%(DJ"x(J> D J">8 B"p @s= JR@JR @s8@8@R@D 0@JR@D P JL<@      @ @ D93c|p|@@mT%)J@}X%)BUX9CfW!IBF2!)J8F1!&3c"D"@ x DD D >8  (There is a big bitmap right in front of this.) If you scroll this thing off the page, scrolling backwards won't work properly. Thumbing, however, continues to work. -- DMR --  TIMESROMAN 7* BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN 9z*start* 00704 00024 US Date: 10 Sep 84 19:06 PDT From: BrianSmith.pa Subject: TEdit: Scrolling off-screen messes up To: TEditSupport.pa cc: BrianSmith.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 8-Sep-84 01:22:25 Machine: Dorado (Smith) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Pretty much always Impact: Moderate If you move a TEDIT window partly off-screen, and then scroll material that was "off-screen" back up into the part of the window that is visible, the whole thing gets all messed up: fractions of text-lines; confusion about where the selection is, displayed text that doesn't really exist, etc. Its easier to demonstrate than to describe accurately! Brian *start* 00401 00024 US Date: 10 Sep 84 21:54 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: OPENFILE both To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Masinter I tried the following, and it seemed to work ADVISE((OPENSTREAM IN TEDIT.PUT) (SELECTQ ACCESS (BOTH (* first call) (SETQQ ACCESS OUTPUT)) (INPUT (* don't open file again) (RETURN FILE)) NIL] It seems to "do the right thing". What am I missing? *start* 00474 00024 US Date: 11 Sep 84 11:51 EDT From: Denber.wbst Subject: Lafite: TEdit Format To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dolphin I received a message evidently in TEdit format, but when I tried to display it I got a break UNDEFINED FUNCTION BMOBJ.GETFN2, called from TEDIT.GET.OBJECT, from TEDIT.BUILD.PCTB, from OPENTEXTSTREAM, from MESSAGEDISPLAYER. - Michel *start* 00275 00024 US Date: 11 Sep 84 09:55 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Scrolling off-screen messes up In-reply-to: BrianSmith.pa's message of 10 Sep 84 19:06 PDT To: BrianSmith.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa This is a known problem; a fix is not currently planned. *start* 00563 00024 US Date: 7 Sep 84 11:44 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: Lafite: Loss of formatting To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dorado I'm completely baffled by this... One day everything works fine, the next, all of the formatting has dropped off of all my messages. I can't think of anything I did that was odd or might have possibly cause this. Is there anyway I can restore my formatted messages? (I'm in Current>Full.sysout) -- DMR -- *start* 00391 00024 US Date: 11 Sep 84 10:02 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: TEdit Format In-reply-to: Denber.wbst's message of 11 Sep 84 11:51 EDT To: Denber.wbst cc: LafiteSupport.pa, TEditSupport.pa Oog. You should run in a more recent loadup--things got cut over sot htat bitmaps take up 1/2 the space in a file that they used to--hence a new reader fn. Sorry 'bout that. *start* 00741 00024 US Date: 11 Sep 84 10:03 PDT From: Burton.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: TEdit Format In-reply-to: Denber.wbst's message of 11 Sep 84 11:51 EDT To: Denber.wbst cc: LafiteSupport.pa, TEditSupport.pa The problem is that the format of bitmaps in messages changed and you are running in a system that has an old Tedit but receiving a message from someone in a new Tedit. You should be able to read that message in the harmony release (helpful right?) and you might be able to get away with loading in the version on IMAGEOBJ.DCOM which is on sources>. We are working on a scheme that will allow Tedit to recover gracefully from unknown image object type errors but it will probably miss the Harmony release. Richard *start* 00244 00024 US Date: 11 Sep 84 15:21 PDT From: halvorsen.pa Subject: TEdit: Request: TEDIT needs a reverse search To: TEditSupport.pa I.e. a search from the point of insertion backwards towards the front of the file. Per-Kristian *start* 00462 00024 US Date: 11 Sep 84 17:39 PDT From: MikeDixon.pa Subject: Lafite: undefined function CLOSEMAILFOLDER To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: MikeDixon.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 5-Sep-84 16:37:47 Machine: Dandelion (25200044226) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always trying to browse a laurel folder bombed with the above message; top of the stack was RESETRESTORE, from \LAFITE.FIX.LAUREL.FOLDER. *start* 01007 00024 US Date: 11 Sep 84 17:49 PDT From: Jordan.pa Subject: TEdit: ParaLooks right margin show/set problem To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Jordan.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 5-Sep-84 16:37:47 Machine: Dorado (Project-ARI) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate I read in a text file I had stored with justified paragraph looks. I select a paragraph, then bug SHOW in the ParaLooks menu. The right margin that appears is off the end. Furthermore, there is no response when I try to alter the right margin the usual way. By trial and error, I discover that the right margin is registered as zero (strange), which means I can "pull it out" and start over, which clears up the bar graphics. The problem appears to be in the SHOW. I remember setting the right margin to 39 or some such when I previously saved the file. You may look at it and try it out: lisp>mathpsychtalk.ted;27 (I'll keep it around). dan *start* 00541 00024 US Date: 12 Sep 84 11:15 PDT From: Stefik.pa Subject: Lafite: When parsing fails ... To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Stefik.pa, JonL Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 23-Aug-84 18:52:49 Machine: Dorado (DaVinci) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious JONL has written a program that tries to fix things up when a mail file gets somehow trashed. Is there some way that this could be integrated with Lafite -- as an option to invoke when parsing fails? Mark *start* 00463 00024 US Date: 12 Sep 84 12:52 PDT From: Sannella.pa Subject: Re: attempting to browse [eris]internal>mail>lispsupport.mail hangs in loop in \BUFFERED.BIN In-reply-to: masinter.pa's message of 12 Sep 84 11:17 PDT To: masinter.pa cc: vanMelle.pa, LispSupport.pa Oops.... I tried browsing that file, found myself in the loop Larry described, stopped the loop and deleted the TOC file, re-browsed, and won. Sorry to delete the evidence... *start* 00589 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 08:36 PDT From: BrianSmith.pa Subject: Lafite: Top (system reporting) window too narrow? To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: BrianSmith.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 12-Sep-84 12:41:26 Machine: Dorado (Smith) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor It seems that the top sub-window of each browser (in which messages like "parsing folder ... " etc. appear) has a very restricted width (on the order of 30 characters), which causes unnecessary line wrapping. Only in the latest load-up? B. *start* 00393 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 09:26 PDT From: burton.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Top (system reporting) window too narrow? In-reply-to: BrianSmith.pa's message of 13 Sep 84 08:36 PDT To: BrianSmith.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa This is/was due to a bug in CHARWIDTH which will be fixed in the next loadup. The bug caused the linelength of all streams to be half what it should be. richard *start* 00640 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 09:37 PDT From: Sannella.pa Subject: [Bird.pasa: Lisp: SendMail/SaveForm/Loss of TEdit format] To: LafiteSupport.pa ----- Begin Forwarded Messages ----- Date: 12 Sep 84 16:30 PDT From: Bird.pasa Subject: Lisp: SendMail/SaveForm/Loss of TEdit format To: LispSupport.pa cc: Bird.pasa Lisp System Date: 11-Sep-84 18:48:58 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying Saving a form from the message editor invoked by SendMail loses TEdit format information without asking or warning user. ----- End Forwarded Messages ----- *start* 00462 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 09:27 PDT From: Feuerman.pasa Subject: TEdit: Large Documents To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Feuerman.pasa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion A discussion had cropped up over the net about a problem in Star and dealing with large documents (over 40 pages). Someone asked if there was a limit on the size of the documents that TEdit can handle. Is there? --Ken. *start* 19871 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 09:38 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: Lafite: BSP error on Lafite initialization To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa Format: TEdit Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 8-Sep-84 01:22:25 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 24,2 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious I started up my lisp in the morning, and during Lafite initialization (under GV.INIT.MAIL.USER), I got a BIN.TIMEOUT error. here's the current state -- (big bitmap follows...) -- DMR -- dꪪ~>UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@}msYsꪪ}umUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@};xaꪪ}m7.voUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@~/{סq[qꪪUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@ꪪ````>DB'`H D$@`H ($@`<@` @`E (d@`B Dd@`>D'`````B' ````````````````````````````````````````60 6||`6͘6f`͘63f`͘6cf `6͘6f `͎϶f|` ``x```````````````````?````@`@`|@``0@`q;@`l͖`ٳ͘@`͆fٳvy͘@`͆gvlvٰ͘@`͆c16`lٳvٰ͘@`1Ǚ&}|}@` @`@`@`````````````````?`xvoppa}q0`nuYwg7n9߁n<`yvg0n9pbkc8|7vjn}߻Unncb(ovjn߃Unnmbx7yvmp}}m߯=q7ncb(?b(cғ$```88㈟Dc$@Ĉ$ "D bRĈ8ał$ "D bR@džDɒ&B< "D c@A|$" "D bT@H@$" "D bRd@HD$"@ "D cbLJ8<8@8 ```b!r b K`<|!O paڡ K"@Q@0 aڡr"@QP2``W Rɓ `@"@P  `"||p`b!r b K`aڡ Kaڡr`W R`ta J `^$}J `@```@`Hbab@`<8 `"D `"DŇX`Dc8$D$ Db"D$"Db"8D c b@bcғ$```bgxqǏb(AR JSHa(AR JSHag.qRrSH`(C RSÇ`(B2 JS`\dB,I`@``bg~^/{b(P%(Ba%(Bagna9.s`(%(B`(Б%(B`\d^8C`@``b{b! B@4a! B@<a9r@<`! B@,! BH,\d!{`@``btb&a'a'`%`%`\t`@``b<bHD5 a M=8M=` E@D- GBD- `RHP$ MP$8M# EB GBP$`Rb )  b ʨb b ĐI)cуTH``  TIMESROMAN K" BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN M2z*start* 00706 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 10:56 PDT From: Feuerman.pasa Subject: TEdit: Printing Fonts To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Feuerman.pasa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion I wanted to find out if this was a fixed bug, known bug, or what. The hardcopy of TEdit streams with mixed fonts in it doesn't always come out right. In general, it's not safe to put two different size or family of font on the same line, since the widths are apparently not computed correctly. You get a lot of overlapping and wide spaces in the seams where the font style changes. Has this been fixed for the next release, or is it even a TEdit problem? --Ken. *start* 00449 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 13:10 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Large Document Size Limit In-reply-to: Feuerman.pasa's message of 13 Sep 84 09:27 PDT To: Feuerman.pasa cc: TEditSupport.pa 2**32-1 characters, or 32K (I think) pieces [= run of one font, paragraph break, imageobj] whichever comes first. Naturally, TEdit's initial parse of the file takes longer as it gets bigger, but after that, things go as log2(#pieces). *start* 00359 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 13:18 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Printing Fonts In-reply-to: Feuerman.pasa's message of 13 Sep 84 10:56 PDT To: Feuerman.pasa cc: TEditSupport.pa That bug has been fixed for quite a while, is in Next>, and will go out with the next release of Lisp. Thanks for bringing it up, though. --John *start* 00770 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 14:34 PDT From: Guibert.pa Subject: Lafite: scrambling of messages To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Guibert.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 11-Sep-84 15:20:11 Machine: Dolphin (6#213#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 6000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious I've noticed on several messages that I have displayed that I'm getting pieces of the header down in the body of the message and I seem to be losing parts of the body. None of this started happening until after I sent a message which included portions of a dribble file from a chat session. Did I somehow cause my Tedit or Lafite software to get braindamaged by doing the dribble files of Chat and including them in a message?? ~jackie *start* 00856 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 03:21 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: Lafite: Message in MessageSenderMenu is wrong after error To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: JonL.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 7-Sep-84 23:54:06 Machine: Dorado (Pool-CIS) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 14000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious Having had a wrongly-addressed recipient, I didn't see the brief error message printed out on the promptwindow; later I looked at the MessageSender window, and the menu simply said "Delivering" -- since GrapeVine is always too slow, I just "dismissed" the observance, and allowed the window to get buried. It wasn't until three hours later, long after the timelines of the message had lapsed, that I noticed something wrong. Couldn't the menu line be changed after an error is encountered? -- JonL -- *start* 00403 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 12:28 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Cabernet message overwrites Semillon's In-reply-to: trigg.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 11:10 PDT To: trigg.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa There is a bug in that sysout such that linelengths are computed way too short (by half!), so the promptwindow wraps sooner than it should. Said to be fixed in the next sysout. Bill *start* 00498 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 15:21 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: scrambling of messages In-reply-to: Guibert.pa's message of 13 Sep 84 14:34 PDT To: Guibert.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa, TEditSupport Just to clarify, Jackie, is this the same as the bug you were showing me this afternoon? If yes, I shall consider it explained. TeditSupport: this appears to be the bug wherein the wrong thing gets displayed if you have a window partly offscreen and then scroll it up. Bill *start* 00265 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 16:47 PDT From: Guibert.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: scrambling of messages In-reply-to: vanMelle.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 15:21 PDT To: vanMelle.pa cc: Guibert.pa, LafiteSupport.pa, TEditSupport.pa Yes that's the same bug. ~j *start* 00488 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 01:25 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: Tedit window title prompt To: Lispsupport, Teditsupport If I say (TEDIT filename), the promptwindow says: "Please specify a REGION for the editing window" and after doing that, the window comes up with a title that includes the full filename. Why doesn't the prompt give the filename? E.g. "Plesae specify a region for editting {Phylum}fum.;5" --Ron (Also, why is REGION capitalized in that prompt?) *start* 00519 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 14:35 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: aborting PRESS FILE when FONT NOT FOUND leaves TEDIT in "Press File in progress; please wait" mode To: TEditSupport I had problems pressing a TEdit document that wanted Timesroman 12 Bold Italic. First problem is that, after doing an ^ out of the FontCreate, the TEdit window was stuck in "Press File in progress; please wait." Second problem is that I have absolutely no way of finding out what character is in TimesRoman 12 Bold Italic. *start* 00431 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 03:39 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: Tedit shift-select bug To: Lispsupport, Teditsupport cc: Kaplan.pa In latest Tedit: I shift selected stuff in one window then shift selected from another. The stuff in the target window got deleted, leaving a bunch of white space on the screen. When I caused the window to be repainted by scrolling, the new material then appeared as it should. --Ron *start* 00811 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 12:38 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: Lafite: "To: JohnDoe^ " To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: JonL.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 7-Sep-84 23:54:06 Machine: Dorado (Pool-CIS) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 14000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate "JohnDoe" is a real person, but somehow I managed to type in "JohnDoe^" as the recipient of one of my "words of wisdom". Lafite was happy to tell me that I had addressed something to a DL, and proceed accordingly (I didn't detect the error at the point, since I was cc'ing to a DL also). I'd prefer that it tell me "No such DL" instead", *** and do so in the menu window rather than in the PROMPWINDOW **, since the PROMPWINDOW got cleared before I saw the subsequent error msg. -- JonL -- *start* 00556 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 13:11 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: "To: JohnDoe^ " In-reply-to: JonL.pa's message of 15 Sep 84 12:38 PDT To: JonL.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa I think you would probably be unhappy if Lafite waited, say, 30 seconds before asking you about a Reply-to because it was busy consulting Grapevine to see if JohnDoe^ was really a valid address. As for printing the error message in the message sender's prompt window instead of PROMPTWINDOW, I agree; this is ar 806, and I intend to fix it post Harmony. Bill *start* 00453 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 13:35 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: "To: JohnDoe^ " In-reply-to: vanMelle.pa's message of 15 Sep 84 13:11 PDT To: vanMelle.pa cc: JonL.pa, LafiteSupport.pa Actually, I wouldn't be so unhappy about the wait for Grapevine to see if some alleged DL was indeed that --- so long as it happened only once per "session". It will be done sometime anyway, and the results could be cached in Lisp. -- JonL -- *start* 01456 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 13:59 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: TEdit: major garbling To: TEditSupport.pa cc: vanMelle.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 14-Sep-84 14:36:31 Machine: Dorado (Archimedes) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Serious I once again got into a state where the displayed text (in a Lafite message composer) bears no obvious relation to the text I typed, and gets more confused the more I do. As far as I can recall, the only things I did besides point and type were to copy select a word from the message into an ar form, and to copy a phrase from the ar form into the message. Symptoms were that soon after the copy from message to ar form (perhaps the next typein in that window), when I typed a couple of cr's, the window abruptly scrolled, for no obvious reason, but no blank lines appeared; in fact, the caret did not move; there was white space at the beginning of one of the lines in the middle of a paragraph, which lingered even after Redisplay; said sentence had a couple extra characters displayed in the area in question; deleting extra characters cause a break "moving text down after DEL"; Redisplay produced a different garbling; copy selecting the text showed it to have different content still; attempt to copy entire message into another tedit window breaks with EOF in BIN in \TEDIT.BASICFIND in \TEDIT.CONVERT.TO.FORMATTED in TEDIT.COPY. *start* 00848 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 14:48 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: TEdit: Reading display fonts in order to do LISFILES? To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kaplan.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 15-Sep-84 12:54:27 Machine: Dorado (Ahwahnee) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying I did (LISTFILES a-tedit-file) while I happened to be tracing INFILEP. Discovered that it was going around building in all the display fonts for the document, even though on this particular call it is never going to display. Seems like a big waste. Perhaps OPENTEXTSTREAM should be told that it isn't really going to display the thing--or defer getting the fonts and whatever else it is doing until it is actually told to put the thing in a window? Takes a long time to do all the searching. --Ron *start* 00814 00024 US Date: 15 Sep 84 15:27 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: TEdit: Glitch in typing in Other font To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kaplan.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 15-Sep-84 12:54:27 Machine: Dorado (Ahwahnee) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate When you bring up the expanded charlooks menu, button other font, and start typing in that field, on the very first character you type the charlooks window goes blank. If you then type another character, the display gets re-instated and all is OK. Seems like it scrolls away, then renormalizes on the next character. Also, if you type into the OTHERFONT box the name of a family that is already in the list, you end up with 2 occurrences on the list, both of which are highlighted. *start* 00548 00024 US Date: 16 Sep 84 17:51 PDT From: Jordan.pa Subject: TEdit: First SHOW on PageLayout bombs To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Jordan.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 12-Sep-84 12:41:26 Machine: Dorado (Project-ARI) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate Selecting SHOW on the PageLayout menu for the first time, prior to APPLYing anything, throws you into a break with: "ARG NOT PAGEREGION NIL". Once something's been APPLYed, of course, it's happy. dan *start* 00348 00024 US Date: 17 Sep 84 09:35 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: Default Tedit menu Looks is a no-op To: Teditsupport The looks item in the middle-button menu seems to be a no-op when there isn't a selection. Should't this allow for setting the initial font looks? Also, that menu still comes up with Timesroman, Cream(!), etc. --Ron *start* 00226 00024 US Date: 17 Sep 84 14:45 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: First SHOW on PageLayout bombs In-reply-to: Jordan.pa's message of 16 Sep 84 17:51 PDT To: Jordan.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Fixed. Thanks. *start* 00225 00024 US Date: 17 Sep 84 15:42 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Glitch in typing in Other font In-reply-to: Kaplan.pa's message of 15 Sep 84 15:27 PDT To: Kaplan.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Fixed; thanks. *start* 00419 00024 US Date: 17 Sep 84 16:28 PDT From: Bobrow.pa Subject: TEdit: No way to abort a Put To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Bobrow.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 11-Sep-84 17:57:09 Machine: Dorado (Darwin) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying This can be a problem (a) if a server hangs (b) You want to add one more thing to a long file. danny *start* 00300 00024 US Date: 17 Sep 84 16:40 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: No way to abort a Put In-reply-to: Bobrow.pa's message of 17 Sep 84 16:28 PDT To: Bobrow.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa I'd have thought that you could get the TTY into the TEdit window, and hit ^E. Doesn't that work? *start* 00722 00024 US Date: 17 Sep 84 21:32 PDT From: trigg.pa Subject: TEdit: Problems Hardcopy'ing To: TEditSupport.pa cc: trigg.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 05:12:50 Machine: Dandelion (PrairieDog) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << When I tried to hardcopy a notecard tedit, it gave error "NIL - Non-Numeric Arg", IDIFFERENCE broken. The stack contained from top down: IDIFFERENCE, TEDIT.FORMATTEXTBOX, TEDIT.FORMATBOX, TEDIT.FORMATPAGE, TEDIT.FORMATBOX, TEDIT.FORMATBOX, etc. Could it be because there were bitmaps in the text? (I thought it just ignores those.) *start* 00348 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 17:01 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: LAFITE STATUS WINDOW OUT OF SYNCH In-reply-to: halvorsen.pa's message of 10 Sep 84 11:18 PDT To: halvorsen.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa Typical cause of this is that your LAFITEMAILWATCH process got killed. Does this match you recollection of the events? Bill *start* 00475 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 17:06 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Mail file menu In-reply-to: halvorsen.pa's message of 6 Sep 84 14:10 PDT To: halvorsen.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa What's in the menu is everything in LAFITE.PROFILE that was still INFILEP at the time you started Lafite, plus any folders you have referenced since. To get rid of a folder from that menu, use the middle-button "forget folder" command underneath the Browse command. Bill *start* 00636 00024 US Date: 13 Sep 84 17:06 PDT From: halvorsen.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: LAFITE STATUS WINDOW OUT OF SYNCH In-reply-to: vanMelle.pa's message of 13 Sep 84 17:01 PDT To: vanMelle.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa Typical cause of this is that your LAFITEMAILWATCH process got killed. Does this match you recollection of the events? Bill Yes, it does. I wasn't aware of it at the time though, therefore the message. Incidentally, is the clock update dependent on the LAFITEMAILWATCH process being alive, or could it be that I was fooled into thinking LAFITEMAILWATCH was running because of an active clock? Per-Kristian *start* 00583 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 11:10 PDT From: trigg.pa Subject: Lafite: Cabernet message overwrites Semillon's To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: trigg.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 12-Sep-84 12:41:26 Machine: Dandelion (PrairieDog) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << The messages above the title bar when I say "getMail" overwrite one another. That is, the semillon message is overwritten by the cabernet message. This didn't use to happen. *start* 00306 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 11:35 PDT From: burton.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Cabernet message overwrites Semillon's In-reply-to: trigg.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 11:10 PDT To: trigg.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa This was due to a bug in linelength and has been fixed. Thanks for the report. richard *start* 00414 00024 US Date: 18 Sep 84 10:29 PDT From: mittal.pa Subject: TEdit: TEDIT Hardcopy Breaks To: TEditSupport.pa,LISPSUPPORT.pa cc: mittal.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 18-Sep-84 09:06:21 Machine: Dorado (Galileo) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always, Impact: Fatal Both from Lafite and with simple document. This is in the full.sysout of 18Sep *start* 00534 00024 US Date: 18 Sep 84 10:15 PDT From: Kahn.pa Subject: TEdit: Non-existent fonts in a file To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Kahn.pa TEdit System Date: 28-Aug-84 13:13:51 Lisp System Date: 11-Sep-84 17:57:09 Machine: Dorado (DewDrop) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: ? Impact: Fatal When I created the file {ivy}letter>degroot.book;2 I did a char looks for times roman 16. It said no such font and I then used some other font. Today when I try to Tedit the file it breaks with font not found. *start* 00813 00024 US Date: 18 Sep 84 11:53 PDT From: nuyens.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Non-existent fonts in a file In-reply-to: Kahn.pa's message of 18 Sep 84 10:15 PDT To: Kahn.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Hi, while you are running in the 11-Sep sysout and I am in the 15-Sep [why does Interlisp have these dumb three letter Month abbreviations?] sysout, I am able to load the file without difficulty. Try loading a new init file from {eris}current> (You probably want INIT.KSA which must be renamed to INIT.LISP on your local disk, unless you have a DLion. Then just answer the question "Enter the name of your init" with {eris}current>init.ksa. You may need to run in the new Lisp, but If I Were You, I'd wait a day or two for the next loadup. Alternately, run in the 15-Sep Full.sysout Greg *start* 00563 00024 US Date: 19 Sep 84 00:56 PST From: foss.pa Subject: TEdit: m and n dashes fowl up spacing in hardcopy To: TEditSupport.pa cc: foss.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 05:12:50 Machine: Dorado (Ventana) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying I think you guys already know about this problem, but the m () and n () dashes crowd or squeeze together the characters that follow when printing out hardcopy. I've been using TimesRoman and Helvetica, font size 10 & 12. *start* 00458 00024 US Date: 19 Sep 84 10:07 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: m and n dashes fowl up spacing in hardcopy In-reply-to: foss.pa's message of 19 Sep 84 00:56 PST To: foss.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa I think this is a problem with the FONTS.WIDTHS file that you're using. If you put the file {Phylum}Fonts.Widths at the front of the list FONTWIDTHSFILES, you should get the right result. You can do this in your init file. *start* 00381 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 14:32 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND To: Kaplan cc: LispSupport I'm running in the DIG loadup. The call is (FONTCREATE 'TIMESROMAN 12 '(BOLD ITALIC REGULAR) 0 {STREAM}#14,23000) where the stream argument is an interpress output device. *start* 00665 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 14:55 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: masinter.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 14:32 PDT To: masinter.pa cc: sybalsky, LispSupport.pa Do you know if the printer has Classic bold-italic in size 12? We currently don't have printer widths for that on any of our search paths. It used to try faking the widths by using the press widths for Timesroman, then sending it to the printer, as classic. What did the printer used to do? We claim that if the printer can't print it, you ought to be warned in Lisp. --Ron *start* 00448 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 15:10 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: Kaplan.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 14:55 PDT To: Kaplan.pa cc: masinter.pa, sybalsky.pa, LispSupport.pa We claim that if the printer can't print it, you ought to be warned in Lisp. Well, it wasn't a warning, it was a crash. I wouldn't mind a warning. *start* 00354 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 15:48 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: Kaplan.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 14:55 PDT To: Kaplan.pa cc: masinter.pa, sybalsky.pa, LispSupport.pa I don't believe there are very many bold-italic fonts. *start* 00469 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 16:39 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: masinter.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 15:10 PDT To: masinter.pa cc: Kaplan.pa, sybalsky.pa, LispSupport.pa The document contains GACHA 10 characters. Now, a FONT NOT FOUND error seems reasonable when Lisp can't find a font--and you WERE trying to print it on an NS printer. *start* 00437 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 17:29 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: Sybalsky.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 16:39 PDT To: Sybalsky.pa cc: masinter.pa, Kaplan.pa, LispSupport.pa used to work and coerce fonts where possible, no? Again, "font not found, substituting MODERN 10" might be a reasonable message, no? *start* 00466 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 17:36 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: masinter.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 17:29 PDT To: masinter.pa cc: Sybalsky.pa, Kaplan.pa, LispSupport.pa Used to coerce Gacha 10 to Terminal 10. Still does. How are you proposing that the system decide what font to substitute for ClassicPiOne, if the guy asks for it? *start* 00504 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 18:31 PDT From: masinter.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: Sybalsky.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 17:36 PDT To: Sybalsky.pa cc: masinter.pa, Kaplan.pa, LispSupport.pa Sure, if you ask for ClassicPiOne, you get defaultfont. I think that its imperative for devices like the low-cost printers, and the coersion has to go on at the Lisp end to get the metrics right, no? *start* 00482 00024 US Date: 14 Sep 84 18:57 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: Re: attempting to create a hardcopy file of {eris}Library>COPYFILES.TEDIT causes FONT NOT FOUND In-reply-to: masinter.pa's message of 14 Sep 84 18:31 PDT To: masinter.pa cc: Sybalsky.pa, Kaplan.pa, LispSupport.pa The coercions really do have to go in at the lisp end. For example, since Interpress does relative positioning, getting the wrong widths in will get every xposition move screwed up. *start* 00888 00024 US Date: 18 Sep 84 11:27 PDT From: BrianSmith.pa Subject: Lafite: Editing Sent Messages To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: BrianSmith.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 05:12:50 Machine: Dorado (Smith) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 After I have sent a message to someone, I often decide that I want to edit it a little and send it to someone else as well. If you expand a "sent message" icon, and button it with the middle button (getting a "new edit process"), you end up with a TEDIT window, but without the "Deliver/Save-form" window, so that there is no way to send the resulting message, even though the text, typically, is all ready to go. Could it be changed so as to have the delivery window? Thanks Brian Note that expanding an "unsent message" icon, in contract, correctly has the delivery window ready to go. *start* 00577 00024 US Date: 19 Sep 84 12:45 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: Expanded Menu To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 15-Sep-84 12:54:27 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: good Thanks for the modularized menu. It's much more convenient, especially for para looks. Is there a way to SHAPE a submenu, without affecting the size of the editW? Re. Terminal font: <_> prints out as an underline. Carol *start* 00317 00024 US Date: 19 Sep 84 13:30 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Expanded Menu In-reply-to: ckiparsky.pa's message of 19 Sep 84 12:45 PDT To: ckiparsky.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Re Terminal font, The character code assignments have changed. As things stand, the former _ really IS an underline. *start* 00497 00024 US Date: 19 Sep 84 19:12 PDT From: Bobrow.pa Subject: TEdit: ARG NOT TEXTIMAGEDATA To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Bobrow.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 19-Sep-84 17:34:51 Machine: Dorado (Darwin) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious Doing Hardcopy on th simplest TEDIT document. Only inside of TEDIT fns; don't know if it is true outside of Loops. You can try it in {INDIGO}NEW>SMALLLOOPS.SYSOUT danny *start* 15014 00024 US Date: 20 Sep 84 15:55 PDT From: ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: NON-NUMERIC ARG To: TEditSupport.pa cc: ckiparsky.pa Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 15-Sep-84 12:54:27 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Once Impact: Minor Got para looks menu, then went back to text to insert before para to be selected. brought break:  '3xg|3s|9?r|s?|@0<x?~Og3njyg3>O?'3yy y̞O'3y?p>Ly'0 ?O33?qOy30 ?@<33sy30 >>O0|~gy90 ?O'3ygy?< ?O?'3ysy>p ?Og3njy|yg3?p ?@31 RT 01 JR 01Ig 00 00 00 01x 01)AT` 01)AX 01qX 0q*C 0q)B2 01z1p 00 00 00 0D9'(1EP$B(0mP$D(pmPPDp0H+Pp0H:0dp0/>%dp $0 0 01D 01EPP 0mPP 00mPP D00H+ D00H:0G00/>DI00 O00 DA0 C01 01 01 01ͪ 0~Gx01F$HD01G"D00"D00 "x00>@01D9"@0EP"@00mP 00mPP 00H+P 00H:0 00/>% 00 00 00 01D9 01EP 0pmP 0pmPP 00H+P 00H:0 00/>% 00 00 00 00J 00Hj$ 01X{u 00{n 01XYU 00HY 00H 00 00 00 0198 0R))09. 0pHP)* DDDDDDDppHP) DDDDDDDp0/9 00 0p DDDDDDDpp DDDDDDDp0;=&M00IM0pILDDDDDDDppI9LDDDDDDDp0I!hM00IiM0p:&LDDDDDDDpp DDDDDDDp0 00 0q< DDDDDDDpqBD ILDDDDDDDp0BD OM00rD 8FM0pBBD OLDDDDDDDppBBD" ILDDDDDDDp0"{" 00 0p DDDDDDDpp DDDDDDDp1qM00HH% 0pHH% DDDDDDDppNH% DDDDDDG0HH/0HHD(pOqC!ȌDDDDDDGp DDDDDDG0 0 qqLDDDDDDGpHH5(LDDDDDDG0HH=M0NH|# 0BD 0@B @$H 0rD! 0B @$H,Xq!pBBD" DDDDDDG0B% DDDDDDG0"!p DDDDDDG0A0 0 0 1!qqg DDDDDDG1q JR DDDDDDG01 JR 01r\g 0q RT DDDDDDG0q JR DDDDDDG01Ig 00 0p DDDDDDG0p DDDDDDG01^8M01 )M0p(LDDDDDDG0p9(LDDDDDDG00J)(M00HPD%)M0p(>D$LDDDDDDG0p DDDDDDG00 00 0q DDDDDDG0p@ DDDDDDG00@ 00@ 0p@ DDDDDDG0p@ DDDDDDG00@ 00 0p DDDDDDG0p DDDDDDG00 0??  TIMESROMAN 8 BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN :9z*start* 00646 00024 US Date: 20 Sep 84 08:25 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: Lafite: LAFITE Initialization breaks To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Newman.pasa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 19-Sep-84 13:04:52 Machine: Dandelion (207#14#) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Special Circumstances Impact: Moderate When Lafite initializes and there is a floppy mail file in the Lafite.profile, Lafite dies if the floppy is not in the floppy drive. I suggest that in this situation, Lafite should not die, but should gracefully inform the user and then take that mail file out of the Lafite.profile. >>Dave *start* 00559 00024 US Date: 20 Sep 84 09:57 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: LAFITE FEATURE? To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Newman.pasa Here's a suggestion for a possible Lafite feature ... A function that will scan a mailfile (all the messages in the file) for a keyword and bring the messges up for display that have the keyword. Is this in the works? Perhaps it already exists? ... Let me know; this would be quite handy. If no such thing exists and none is planned for the fututre, are there some LAFITE functions that would make this an easy task? >>Dave *start* 00561 00024 US Date: 21 Sep 84 10:07 PDT From: Bobrow.pa Subject: TEdit: (TEDIT "abc" NIL T) returns to wrong window To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Bobrow.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 20-Sep-84 10:54:19 Machine: Dorado (Darwin) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << (TEDIT "abc" NIL T) which does not spawn a process pops a new TTY window on return. Can't get back to original window without (TTYDISPLAYSTREAM TTY) danny *start* 05800 00024 US Date: 21 Sep 84 10:50 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: screen update glitch To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Masinter.pa Format: TEdit TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 18-Sep-84 17:35:43 Machine: Dandelion (LispTwo) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 15777 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying If you have the following window: j8@ @   `@@ `pt:`, 1 1Ȍ""F$'2dcH`D r!~~B""?D!HD DD"#@@B"" D!HD DD"" @@B$"" D!HD D8""  N""'$""D!DpD@"!øq994w sA<wgpBB<!c! @ @Yp!xq cxq B!A  H @"!A$ H@ B"!A$  DD  "b! !I; 8||\8p?;3p and you delete the words and replace them with you will get the following window: j8@ @   `@@ `pt:`, 1 1Ȍ""F$'2dcH`D r!~~B""?D!HD DD"#@@B"" D!HD DD"" @@B$"" D!HD D8""  N""'$""D!DpD@"!øq994w sA<wgpBB<!c0 ! @ @Yp!xq cxq B!`  H @"!$ H@ B"!$  DD  "b! !XC8x @`@ ,2"?" " " ^ TIMESROMAN  BMOBJ.GETFN2t TIMESROMAN  BMOBJ.GETFN2 TIMESROMAN  z*start* 00277 00024 US Date: 21 Sep 84 11:18 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: NON-NUMERIC ARG In-reply-to: ckiparsky.pa's message of 20 Sep 84 15:55 PDT To: ckiparsky.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa That's a bug that I believe is fixed in more recent versions of the system. *start* 00512 00024 US Date: 21 Sep 84 11:24 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: Lafite: Won't brows mail files on {Indigo} To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Orr.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 19-Sep-84 17:34:51 Machine: Dolphin (6#271#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 6000 Frequency: Twice, so far Impact: Merely Annoying, I suppose I tried twice to LaurelBrowse {Indigo}HowToGetRidOfWasps.mail, and twice it complained of CloseWindow broken and aborted.. Pfui. ~Julian~ *start* 00563 00024 US Date: 21 Sep 84 11:37 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: Lafite: Did it on Phylum, too To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Orr.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 19-Sep-84 17:34:51 Machine: Dolphin (6#271#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 6000 Frequency: Three, now Impact: Getting More annoying I did Copyfile from Indigo to {Phylum}Lafite>Wasps.mail, tried to LaurelBrowse, and got: UNDEFINED FUNCTION CLOSEMAILFOLDER (CLOSEMAILFOLDER broken) I wonder how many other mail files I can't read . . . ~Julian~ *start* 00434 00024 US Date: 21 Sep 84 14:43 PDT From: mont-reynaud.pa Subject: Lafite: >>Subject<< To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: mont-reynaud.pa Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 3-Jul-84 16:48:16 Machine-Type: Dolphin >>Message<< this is a test. If you actually receive this message, things are ok on my sending side. I DO have trouble getting my mail from PHYLUM to here (Dolphin in Lawyer's open area). *start* 00907 00024 US Date: 21 Sep 84 16:40 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: TEdit: Want forward-delete> To: TEditSupport.pa cc: JonL.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 20:17:02 Machine: Dandelion (25200051507) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << This one's been hanging around a long time -- just want to be sure that it isn't forgotten, or left out of the AR system. Date: 6 Jan 84 14:05 PDT From: Ahenderson.pa Subject: Lisp: TEdit To: LispSupport.pa cc: Ahenderson.pa Lisp-System-Date: 12-OCT-83 19:52:21 Machine-Type: Dorado Three suggestions from a new user of TEdit: 1. I would like Shift BS to do a "forward delete" (like Laurel modeless). Also, but not as important (except for consistency), Shift ^W should do forward word delete. . . . -- JonL -- *start* 00680 00024 US Date: 23 Sep 84 18:14 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: [Ahenderson.pa: Lisp: TEdit] To: TeditSupport Did I forward this recently? Apologies if so -- can't remember for sure. ----- Begin Forwarded Messages ----- Date: 9 Feb 84 15:28 PST From: Ahenderson.pa Subject: Lisp: TEdit To: LispSupport.pa cc: Ahenderson.pa Lisp-System-Date: 3-Feb-84 18:13:22 Machine-Type: Dorado Laurel modeless uses SHIFT as a generic "do the opposite". One case which I found very useful is SHIFT BS which means erase character to the right (cf. BS = erase character to the LEFT). Could TEdit be made to do the same thing? Austin ----- End Forwarded Messages ----- *start* 00616 00024 US Date: 24 Sep 84 10:06 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: Lafite: LAUREL BROWSE FAILS AGAIN!!!!! To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Orr.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 20-Sep-84 18:32:04 Machine: Dolphin (6#271#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 6000 Frequency: Fourth time, now Impact: More annoying This time I tried to Laurel Browse a file on my directory on Phylum, and again I got "UNDEFINED FUNCTION/CLOSEMAILFOLDER//(CLOSEMAILFOLDER broken). (The last time when I ended up in this spot, doing a regular browse on the file worked. I'll try it on my file now.) ~Julian~ *start* 00512 00024 US Date: 24 Sep 84 12:59 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: TEdit: ARG NOT LINEDESCRIPTOR: NIL in AR.EDIT To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Masinter.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 24-Sep-84 09:49:01 Machine: Dorado (Plaza) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Annoying I was buttoning somewhere in my AR window when I got this error, under \TEDIT.UPDATE.SHOWSEL \TEDIT.REFRESH.SHOWSEL ERRORSET \TEDIT.BUTTONEVENTFN \TEDIT.PROCIDLEFN DOUSERFNS *start* 00411 00024 US Date: 24 Sep 84 14:47 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: LAFITE FEATURE? In-reply-to: Newman.pasa's message of 20 Sep 84 09:57 PDT To: Newman.pasa cc: LafiteSupport.pa There is a library package LAFITEFIND, which when loaded gives you a Search menu when you middle-button the title bar. Among the things you can do is search for all messages that contain some arbitrary string. Bill *start* 00666 00024 US Date: 24 Sep 84 15:25 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: LAUREL BROWSE FAILS AGAIN!!!!! In-reply-to: Orr.pa's message of 24 Sep 84 10:06 PDT To: Orr.pa cc: LafiteSupport.pa As you might guess by now, there is a bug in the LaurelBrowse command; it won't work on ANY file. A recent name change escaped Masterscope's all-seeing eye. I am putting a new version out on Library>Lafite.dcom. Meanwhile, the workaround is to MOVD(\LAFITE.CLOSE.FOLDER CLOSEMAILFOLDER). By the way, it still won't work on {indigo} files, as you wanted it to in your first message, because it requires write access to the file. Bill *start* 00532 00024 US Date: 24 Sep 84 16:51 PDT From: herring.pa Subject: Tedit bug in Substitute affecting display at least To: Sybalsky,Teditsupport cc: herring.pa I have an easy-to-demonstrate case of the (expanded-menu) Substitute command munging at least the display. I think it munges something else because redisplay makes things worse & scrolling off & back onto the window doesn't help. This is with Harmony>Basics>Full.sysout;4. See file TeditBug24Sept.;2, which has instructions at its start. Michael H *start* 00439 00024 US Date: 24 Sep 84 17:00 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: TEdit: Can't find Classic To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Orr.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 20-Sep-84 18:32:04 Machine: Dolphin (6#271#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 6000 Frequency: Two or three times this afternoon Impact: Annoying TEdit can't find Classic when called for, either in Lafite or straight TEdit windows. Pfui. ~Julian~ *start* 00472 00024 US Date: 24 Sep 84 18:09 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: Nonstandard fonts? To: TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 19-Sep-84 12:36:46 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 24,2 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Moderate Want to use TimesRomanBold72. How can I get it if the font menus don't offer it? It's in the font library, but the menu won't allow me to look at it! -- DMR -- *start* 00297 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 12:47 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Nonstandard fonts? In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 24 Sep 84 18:09 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Use the expanded charlooks menu. You can specify "other" font names, and any size you like. *start* 00316 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 12:42 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Can't find Classic In-reply-to: Orr.pa's message of 24 Sep 84 17:00 PDT To: Orr.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa This is probably NOT a TEdit/Lafite problem: Are you able to build a Classic fontdescriptor by calling FONTCREATE by hand? *start* 00485 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 14:10 PDT From: Ckiparsky.pa Subject: TEdit: INFORMATION, PLEASE To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Ckiparsky.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 24-Sep-84 18:23:26 Machine: Dandelion (25200005410) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: >> Always, Intermittent, Once << Impact: >> Fatal, Serious, Moderate, Annoying, Minor << How do I use the page layout menu? I'd like to have 3 columns of different widths. Carol *start* 00547 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 13:43 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: TEdit: Font failures To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Orr.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 20-Sep-84 18:32:04 Machine: Dolphin (6#271#) Microcode version: 24,1 Memory size: 6000 Frequency: Several times now Impact: Real annoying TEdit, especially in a Lafite window, refuses to find fonts like OldEnglish, Classic 18, and others. Sometimes when it refuses if you repeat the request it will find the font you want, but not often. This is ridiculous. ~J~ *start* 00633 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 14:31 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Can't find Classic In-reply-to: Sybalsky.pa's message of 25 Sep 84 12:42 PDT To: Sybalsky.pa cc: Orr.pa, TEditSupport.pa Don't know; didn't try it. Unfortunately I'm not a programmer, just a user, so these things don't always occur to me. Since I can get Classic sometimes and not others, and never OldEnglish or Cream, the problem appears to be partly communications and partly the new Init.Lisp Dan Russell had me fetch which probably only looks at [Eris]fonts, a fairly small selection. I'll have to find out how he fixed that. ~Julian *start* 00262 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 14:52 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Can't find Classic In-reply-to: Sybalsky.pa's message of 25 Sep 84 12:42 PDT To: Sybalsky.pa cc: Orr.pa, TEditSupport.pa FURTHER DATA: FontCreate breaks all the time, too. ~J~ *start* 00864 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 11:11 PDT From: Sannella.pa Subject: [trigg.pa: Lisp: Vanishing cursor in TEdit window] To: TeditSupport.pa ----- Begin Forwarded Messages ----- Date: 24 Sep 84 20:10 PDT From: trigg.pa Subject: Lisp: Vanishing cursor in TEdit window To: LispSupport.pa cc: trigg.pa Lisp System Date: 20-Sep-84 18:32:04 Machine: Dandelion (PrairieDog) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 In TEdit after middle button'ing an imageobj, my BUTTONEVENTINFN returns the litatom CHANGED, the window redisplays the changed imageobj, but I get no cursor. (Not till I click in the window, that is.) I inspected the current selection and found the "onflg" to be NIL. (Looks like that flag is usually on when the tedit is active.) Any advice on how to get my cursor back? Thanks. - Randy ----- End Forwarded Messages ----- *start* 00621 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 12:11 PDT From: card.pa Subject: TEdit: Can't put empty file To: TEditSupport.pa cc: card.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 15-Sep-84 12:54:27 Machine: Dandelion (25200046744) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 5777 Frequency: Once Impact: Moderate Attempt to put a file for which the contents have been deleted results in the break ARG NOT PIECE LASTPIECE in TEDIT.FORMATTEDFILEP. I was only trying to do this because for the zillionth time I was unable to delete a file on chat because someone or other got confused as was still holding on to it. *start* 00709 00024 US Date: 25 Sep 84 16:04 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Font failures In-reply-to: Orr.pa's message of 25 Sep 84 13:43 PDT To: Orr.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa TEdit uses exactly the STANDARD LISP FONT-FINDING ALGORITHMS, which have changed in the past week or so. You must (1) Update the variable DISPLAYFONTDIRECTORIES to have all the directories you want searched. (2) Set DISPLAYFONTEXTENSIONS to be the list (DISPLAYFONT STRIKE AC). Then things should work pretty much as they used to. BTW, "This is ridiculous" may be true, but is offensive, since it makes several implicit assumptions about the state of the world. Don't expect speedy replies to offensive bug reports. *start* 00733 00024 US Date: 26 Sep 84 09:47 PDT From: Orr.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Font failures In-reply-to: Sybalsky.pa's message of 25 Sep 84 16:04 PDT To: Sybalsky.pa cc: Orr.pa, TEditSupport.pa I apologize; I did not intend to be rude or offensive. I ought to be prepared for the amount of thrashing necessary to get used to using a strange system and not get so frustrated at having to learn new incantations for tasks previously done in another manner. Perhaps my disappointment is worse because I've come to like using TEdit so much. It appears from the subsequent rash of messages on the subject that there is a straightforward solution to the problems I was experiencing, for which I thank you all very much. ~Julian~ *start* 00512 00024 US Date: 26 Sep 84 12:43 PDT From: jordan.pa Subject: TEdit: M- and N- dashes and dancers To: TEditSupport.pa cc: jordan.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 20:17:02 Machine: Dorado (Project-ARI) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor Are CRTL-X characters font-dependent? Well, in any case, if you do it in helvetica or gacha you get a little black box on your screen, not a dash or whatever. TR works fine. dan *start* 00444 00024 US Date: 26 Sep 84 13:30 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: M- and N- dashes and dancers In-reply-to: jordan.pa's message of 26 Sep 84 12:43 PDT To: jordan.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa The characters are really there in the printer fonts, but don't exist in all the display versions of the fonts. If you load your fonts first from {Indigo}EightBit> you'll get display fonts with the extra characters in them. *start* 00482 00024 US Date: 26 Sep 84 15:07 PDT From: Newman.pasa Subject: TEdit: Selectin the last paragraph throws you into 9305 To: TEditSupport.pa cc: Newman.pasa TEdit-System-Date: 24-May-84 17:31:57 Lisp-System-Date: 21-Jun-84 10:50:28 Machine-Type: Dandelion If you have not yet typed a on the last paragrapg of a TEDIT document and you select that paragraph, (the WHOLE paragraph) your machine will fall into a 9305 state from which Teleraid can recover. >>Dave *start* 00210 00024 US Date: 26 Sep 84 16:29 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: Miscalculation in COMPACTMAILFOLDER (84382 NEQ 77350) To: LafiteSupport cc: Masinter.pa I don't know exactly what the problem is. *start* 00621 00024 US Date: 26 Sep 84 16:50 PDT Sender: vanMelle.pa Subject: TEdit: Please add a consistency check to \CHTOPC To: TEditSupport.pa from: nuyens TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 24-Sep-84 09:49:01 Machine: Dorado (Archimedes) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious After a ctrl-shift deletion of the first three lines of a doc, setupgetch dies because it gets 1 as a nonpiece. \chtopc will return 1 if given 0 as charnumber. A number of messy explosions could be avoided. A consistency check failure announcement is somewhat nicer. Greg *start* 00589 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 02:46 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: TEdit: PULLING TEXT FROM TOO SHORT A LINE and ARG NOT PIECE To: TEditSupport.pa cc: JonL.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 23-Sep-84 17:48:34 Machine: Dorado (DewDrop) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Serious I've gotten several of these errors during the past 20 mins; also coincides with a badly mangled display of the text. Seems to have started after I did a CTRL-SHIFT-select of one paragraph to just beyond another paragraph. -- JonL -- *start* 00554 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 04:25 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: TEdit: Lots of GC's during hardcopy To: TEditSupport.pa,LafiteSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 23-Sep-84 17:48:34 Machine: Dorado (DewDrop) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying I hardcopy'd a msg from a Lafite folder, of about 18000 characters, and it caused a flurry of GCs. possibly several hundred. looked as though it was in a very tigh loop calling RECLAIM. Is this to be expected? -- JonL -- *start* 01092 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 08:44 PDT From: BrianSmith.pa Subject: Lafite: Request for Blind Copies ("bc: ... ") To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: BrianSmith.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 21-Sep-84 19:19:45 Machine: Dorado (Smith) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Helpful Lafite does not appear to support the notion of a "blind copy": addresses for recipients to whom the message is sent, but where the header of the message does not contain the line that names them. On TOPS-20, I understand, one can use "bc: ... " in the header, in place of the normal "cc: ... ", to list blind copy recipients. For example, the note Subject: Confidential Topic To: Primary-recipient cc: me-the-sender bc: voyeur-a, voyeur-b would be send to 4 recipients, but each would receive a message of approximately the following form: Date: ... From: ... Subject: Confidential Topic To: Primary-recipient cc: me-the-sender I have used this facility on other systems, and would welcome it in Lafite. Any chance? Thanks Brian *start* 00444 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 08:57 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: Lafite: Sort mail file? To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 05:12:50 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 24,2 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Minor I'd like to sort the contents of my mail file by date. (Things are totally out of order.) Is there any way of doing this? *start* 00646 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 09:15 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: non-efficient use of right hand To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 05:12:50 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 24,2 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying I can't do a select with the right hand (on the mouse) and hit the DEL key with the left. Since this is such a common operation, wouldn't it be great if (or something) also meant DEL? This would allow two-handed editting.... much faster. Isn't there a way I can do this within my INIT file? *start* 00290 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 09:15 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Selectin the last paragraph throws you into 9305 In-reply-to: Newman.pasa's message of 26 Sep 84 15:07 PDT To: Newman.pasa cc: TEditSupport.pa I think that's fixed in more recent TEdits. Thanks, tho. *start* 00259 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 09:20 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Please add a consistency check to \CHTOPC In-reply-to: nuyens's message of 26 Sep 84 16:50 PDT To: nuyens.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Can you reproduce that problem reliably? *start* 00361 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 09:27 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: PULLING TEXT FROM TOO SHORT A LINE and ARG NOT PIECE In-reply-to: JonL.pa's message of 27 Sep 84 02:46 PDT To: JonL.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa Were the paragraphs you were moving around justified, or did they have para leading on them? I'm trying to set up a replication.... *start* 00459 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 09:33 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: Lots of GC's during hardcopy In-reply-to: JonL.pa's message of 27 Sep 84 04:25 PDT To: JonL.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa, LafiteSupport.pa The page-layout code caches a shitload of stuff for the duration of one page's formatting, then throws it all away. This causes lots of GC activity; the alternative, as best I can tell, is to double the time it takes to run a hardcopy. *start* 00452 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 09:42 PDT From: Sybalsky.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: non-efficient use of right hand In-reply-to: DMRussell.pa's message of 27 Sep 84 09:15 PDT To: DMRussell.pa cc: TEditSupport.pa You can always hold the ctrl key while you select, which will delete what you selected. Alternatively, use TEDIT.SETSYNTAX (see TEdit.Press for details) to set any charcode you like to have the same effect as DELETE does. *start* 00995 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 18:34 PDT From: Masinter.pa Subject: [Mersfelder.pasa: U. of Toronto] To: TEditSupport fyi ----- Begin Forwarded Messages ----- Date: 27 Sep 84 15:40 PDT From: Mersfelder.pasa Subject: U. of Toronto To:1100Support.pasa, 1100MarketingSupport^.pasa cc: Mersfelder.pasa The Old English Dictionary project at the University of Toronto has had a lot of exposure, apparently due to the system they're using (D-Lion with 8045 printer). As most of you know, they are trying to use TEdit to make entries into their Old English Dictionary. This requires special characters and fonts, which we have recently provided both for the screen and printer. The project has attracted a crowd, the most recent visitors being the president of the University along with the president of Xerox Canada. Much work remains to be done, but it is encouraging to see this unique application on the road to success. -Janet ----- End Forwarded Messages ----- *start* 00674 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 19:47 PDT From: JonL.pa Subject: Re: TEdit: PULLING TEXT FROM TOO SHORT A LINE and ARG NOT PIECE In-reply-to: Sybalsky.pa's message of 27 Sep 84 09:27 PDT To: Sybalsky.pa cc: JonL.pa, TEditSupport.pa No, no "justification" or "leading"; rather vanilla text which I was composing in a Lafite message sender. I showed it to Greg, who also voiced a similar complaint -- and was the one who "put the finger" on moving paragraphs around. About the only hint I think I can now remember is that it was roughly CTRL-SHIFT-selecting the second paragraph to a place just after the fourth paragraph in a five-paragraph message. -- JonL -- *start* 01086 00024 US Date: 27 Sep 84 19:58 PDT From: jordan.pa Subject: TEdit: "moving text down after DEL" error To: TEditSupport.pa cc: jordan.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 20:17:02 Machine: Dorado (Project-ARI) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Once Impact: Serious I selected several characters to be deleted, began typing and was thrown into a break with the message: "moving text down after DEL -86" The function was TEDIT.DO.BLUEPENDINGDELETE. The SEL arg was bound to a normal-looking(?) {SELECTION} object, the TEXTOBJ arg bound to a {TEXTOBJ}. (In the latter the TXTHISTORY slot was "(Delete RIGHT 12 5038 {PIECE}#4,143204 NIL NIL NIL)" ) In the text window the line had improperly wrapped, being broken in the middle of a character (i.e., not between characters). Reshaping the window brought everything to normal: In the new window my selection had been deleted, lines properly wrapped, with no other changes. Dan p.s. what info is most useful for you in these "once" cases? *start* 00556 00024 US Date: 28 Sep 84 11:14 EDT From: Gocek.henr Subject: Lafite: Multi-hardcopy To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: Gocek.henr Lafite-System-Date: 28-Feb-84 13:10:33 Lisp-System-Date: 20-Sep-84 15:31:06 Machine-Type: 42MB Dandelion and Dolphin When I Hardcopy more than one message simultaneously, all of the messages are printed on different pages except the first two, which are printed without a page break between them. LAFITENEWPAGEFLG is T. No dashes separate the first two messages. This happens every time and to ther Lisp users. Gary *start* 00633 00024 US Date: 28 Sep 84 12:27 PDT From: vanMelle.pa Subject: Re: Lafite: Multi-hardcopy In-reply-to: Gocek.henr's message of 28 Sep 84 11:14 EDT To: Gocek.henr cc: LafiteSupport.pa Hmmm, you appear to be running in a brand new Harmony sysout, but with an ancient Lafite. Please either make sure {Eris}Harmony>Library> is on the front of your search path when you load Lafite (as it should be when you load ANY library packages into Harmony), or else use the Full.sysout from {Eris}Harmony>Basics> instead of Lisp.sysout. Should the bug persist when you have compatible software, do report back. Bill *start* 00635 00024 US Date: 28 Sep 84 17:30 PDT From: Kaplan.pa Subject: TEdit: Characters getting clipped To: Lispsupport, TEditSupport.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 25-Sep-84 18:59:38 Machine: Dorado (Ahwahnee) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying Every once in awhile (haven't really tracked it down but I think it has to do with blitting characters over after a delete), the right pixel or two of a character gets clipped off. This sort of thing used to happen, but I haven't seen it for quite awhile, until now. This is Harmony of a day or so ago. *start* 00824 00024 US Date: 29 Sep 84 13:15 PDT From: BrianSmith.pa Subject: Lafite: "Delivering ... " message remains if send fails To: LafiteSupport.pa cc: BrianSmith.pa Lafite System Date: 14-Aug-84 15:48:07 Lisp System Date: 21-Sep-84 19:19:45 Machine: Dorado (Smith) Microcode version: 24,4 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Annoying If a message send fails (as for example happens if you have an invalid recipient name), you are correctly returned to TEDIT to modify the message, but the "delivering ... "message remains, which is quite misleading. P.S.: Any chance of having the "delivering ... " message include "to nnn recipients", the way laurel does? This is often instructive, especially if you have copied a whole distribution list by accident, in replying to a general message. Thanks Brian *start* 00523 00024 US Date: 29 Sep 84 13:55 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: Paragraph selection region too SMALL To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 05:12:50 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 24,2 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious Can I make it wider? I'm ALWAYS being sent off into the middle of my document whenever I try to select an entire paragraph because I accidentally move one pixel to the left. Gack! *start* 00852 00024 US Date: 29 Sep 84 14:13 PDT From: DMRussell.pa Subject: TEdit: Paragraph selection revisited To: TEditSupport.pa cc: DMRussell.pa TEdit System Date: 10-Sep-84 16:32:57 Lisp System Date: 17-Sep-84 05:12:50 Machine: Dorado (Russell) Microcode version: 24,2 Memory size: 10000 Frequency: Always Impact: Serious Ooops. Sorry. WRONG analysis! My Tedit window was too close to the left hand edge of the screen. Thus, if I put the mouse into the proper place for a para select, and buttoned with the middle button, the scroll bar would pop up and send me into never-never land! Suggestion for better behavior: make the scroll bar STAY OUT of the tedit window. This should mean that the Tedit window cannot be placed too close to the left edge of the screen! Besides, the para select region is REALLY too small anyway!