Number: 2163 Date: 12-Sep-84 14':37':25 Submitter: le.pasa Source: Maryann Quayle (U of Pittsburgh) Subject: COPYFILE from 1108 running FTPSERVER to 1108 causes MP 9318 (in FTP machine) Assigned To: Attn: Stansbury Status: Open In/By: HARMONY RELEASE Problem Type: Bug Impact: Fatal Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Absolutely System: Operating System Subsystem: DLion Disk Machine: 1108 Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "12-Sep-84 14':50':21" Subject': Status':(New->Open)]' ["vanMelle" "14-Sep-84 15':54':58" Attn': System':(Communications->Operating% System) Subsystem':(PUP% Protocols->DLion% Disk)] Description: Machine A (1108) and Machine B (1108) are on the same net. Machine A is loaded with FTPSERVER.dcom, and Process is added with (ADD.PROCESS ''(\FTPSERVER)). On machine B': (COPYFILE ''{DSK}file ''{0#A''s no.#}file) throws Machine A into 9318. Note': appears only to happen with two 1108''s. Also, COPYFILE from Machine A appears to work. ' ' Backtrace using READSYS on Machine B ':' ' \MP.ERROR' \LISPERROR' \PUTFIXP' \DFSMAKELEADERPAGE' \DFSCREATEFILE' \DFSGETSTREAMFORFILE' \DFSOPENFILE' \OPENFILE' OPENSTREAM' OPENFILE' ERRORSET' \SFTP.OPEN.FROM.PLIST' \SFTP.STORE' \SFTP.COMMANDLOOP' \ERRORSET' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: vanMelle Edit-Date: 14-Sep-84 15':54':58