Number: 2013 Date: 29-Aug-84 13':35':48 Submitter: Wogulis.pasa Source: MGITTINS.RX , Wogulis.pasa Subject: PP X always prints (X), apparently X is bound in PP Assigned To: Attn: Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Minor Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Perhaps System: Language Support Subsystem: Read and Print Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: CAROL Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "29-Aug-84 13':54':03" Status':(New->Open) Priority':(->Perhaps)]' ["Masinter" " 1-Sep-84 11':25':40" Subject':] Description: ' From': MGITTINS.RX' Date': 15-Aug-84 19':18':14' Subject': New and old Action Requests':' To': 1100Support.PASA' cc': Mgittins.RX,Masinter.PA' ' -------' Our Reference': AIL48 Submitted by': STL Rel': Fugue4' ' ' ' If you type PP X where X has been bound to some value, X is printed ' rather than the value. For any other variable name you try, you get the ' variable"s value printed. Note that (PRETTYINT ''(X)) prints the value ' of X like it should.' -------' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Masinter Edit-Date: 1-Sep-84 11':25':40