Number: 1945 Date: 23-Aug-84 19':07':41 Submitter: halvorsen Source: halvorsen Subject: Break under SCROLLBYREPAINTFN under LAB.EXPOSEMESSAGE Assigned To: Attn: Release Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Once Priority: Perhaps System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Window System Machine: 1108 Disk: Lisp Version: 9-Aug-84 18':38':02 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 3071 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["vanMelle" "25-Aug-84 20':58':53" Attn': System':(Text->Windows% and% Graphics) Subsystem':(Lafite->Window% System) Description':]' ["" "27-Aug-84 18':16':44" Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed) Difficulty':(->Easy) Description':] Description: I moved my browser part way off the window so that only the menu and title bar showed. When I did a getmail (which resulted in 1 msg being retrieved) I ended up in a break "NIL- Non numeric arg, FLOAT broken). The stack looked like this':' ' NIL' 60':BT!' PLUS' SCROLLBYREPAINTFN' LAB.EXPOSEMESSAGE' \LAFITE.GETNEWMAIL' ERRORSET' \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC' \EVALFORM' ERRORSET' \MAKE.PROCESS0' T' ' 61':BTV' PLUS' WINDOW {WINDOW}#7,125702' XDELTA 0' YDELTA 23' CONTINUOUSFLG NIL' DSP {STREAM}#7,62150' EXTENT (0 -587 525 612)' X NIL' CRHEIGHT NIL' CRWIDTH NIL' CRLEFT NIL' CRBOTTOM NIL' WHOLEHEIGHT 25' WHOLEWIDTH 525' SCROLLBYREPAINTFN' MAILFOLDER {MAILFOLDER}#4,174700' MSGDESCRIPTOR {LAFITEMSG}#7,22340' WINDOW {WINDOW}#7,125702' YPOS -587' CLIPREGION (0 -576 525 25)' LAB.EXPOSEMESSAGE' MAILFOLDER {MAILFOLDER}#4,174700' WINDOW {WINDOW}#7,125702' REPORTWINDOW {WINDOW}#7,77000' OUTSTREAM {STREAM}#7,141150' FIRSTMESSAGE {LAFITEMSG}#7,22340' \LAFITE.GETNEWMAIL' ERRORSET' WINDOW {WINDOW}#7,125702' MAILFOLDER {MAILFOLDER}#4,174700' ITEM ("Get Mail" (QUOTE \LAFITE.GETMAIL) ' "Retrieves new messages and puts them into this mail folder.")' MENU {MENU}#6,152572' LISPXHIST NIL' RESETY NIL' RESETZ NIL' \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC' *FORM* (\LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC (QUOTE ' {WINDOW}#7,125702) (QUOTE {MAILFOLDER}#4,174700) (' QUOTE &) (QUOTE {MENU}#6,152572))' *ARGVAL* NIL' *TAIL* NIL' *FN* \LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC' \EVALFORM' ERRORSET' \INTERRUPTABLE T' #MYHANDLE# {PROCESS}#10,136400' #FORM# (\LAFITE.GETMAIL.PROC (QUOTE ' {WINDOW}#7,125702) (QUOTE {MAILFOLDER}#4,174700) (' QUOTE &) (QUOTE {MENU}#6,152572))' HELPFLAG BREAK!' \CURRENTDISPLAYLINE 7' \#DISPLAYLINES 15' \LINEBUF.OFD {STREAM}#7,62064' \PRIMREADTABLE {READTABLEP}#1,102770' \PRIMTERMTABLE {TERMTABLEP}#1,101740' \PRIMTERMSA {CHARTABLE}#1,122600' TtyDisplayStream {STREAM}#6,146320' \TERM.OFD {STREAM}#6,146320' \TTYWINDOW NIL' \PRIMOUT.OFD {STREAM}#6,146320' \PRIMIN.OFD {STREAM}#7,62064' \MAKE.PROCESS0' T' -------' ' Date': 25 Aug 84 20':54 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': AR#1945': Break under SCROLLBYREPAINTFN' To': Burton' cc':, Halvorsen' ' I''m passing this one off to you. It seems to be repeatable, and it looks kosher from Lafite''s point of view. The error seems to be coming from a (SETQ X (PLUS CRBOTTOM CRHEIGHT)) in SCROLLBYREPAINTFN, and both CRBOTTOM and CRHEIGHT are NIL. In fact, so are CRWIDTH and CRLEFT, all of which are extracted from a call to INTERSECTREGIONS, which apparently returned NIL.' --------' ' Date': 27 Aug 84 18':15 PDT' From':' Subject': AR# 1945': break under SCROLLBYREPAINTFN' To': Halvorsen' cc':,, LispSupport' ' Fixed. Turned out that SCROLLBYREPAINTFN wasn''t checking for the situation where the entire window was off screen.' ' After fixing this, I discovered that the code in MOVEW that notices to redisplay the parts of a window that were off the screen wasn''t handling this case either so I fixed that too.' ' LispSupport': This later change should be documented in the release message since it means that windows moved from completely off the screen to back on the screen will get redisplayed.' ' Richard' ' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: 27-Aug-84 18':16':46