Number: Date: 21-Aug-84 12':11':43 Submitter: Masinter Source: Masinter Subject: PROMPTFORWORD calls EQMEMB with args reversed Assigned To: JonL Attn: Release Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Design - Impl Impact: Minor Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Priority: Unlikely System: Language Support Subsystem: Read and Print Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: 21-Aug-84 06':58':35 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 4096 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "21-Aug-84 12':13':57" Attn': Status':(New->Open) System':(->Language% Support) Subsystem':(->Read% and% Print)]' ["" " 4-Sep-84 22':01':15" Assigned% To': Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed)] Description: just noticed reading source Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: 4-Sep-84 22':01':15