Number: 1889 Date: 17-Aug-84 17':37':42 Submitter: Le.pasa Source: Sam Hahn (Stanford) Subject: Right button shouldn''t activate caret Assigned To: Attn: Sybalsky Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Design - UI Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Perhaps System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Window System Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Carol Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella" "20-Aug-84 18':53':06" Subject': Status':(New->Open) Problem% Type':(->Design% -% UI) Priority':(->Perhaps) Description':]' ["" "28-Aug-84 18':50':40" Attn': Description':] Description: ' The user right buttons a Tedit or Executive window to bury it but instead activates the caret and the window resurfaces. He suggests that only the left-button activate the window.' --------' Date': 28 Aug 84 18':49 PDT' From':' Subject': ar 1889': right button activating windows' To': le.pasa' cc': Sybalsky,' ' The decision of whether or not the right button activates the window is made on a per window basis. Most windows including the exec window do not. TEDIT does right buttoning in the main window is considered a selection. I tried right buttoning in the title (where the window command menu comes up) and it didn''t activate. I don''t know whether or not Tedit can/should/will change this. I changed the attn to Sybalsky.' ' This didn''t say which system he was running in but this may have changed since Carol so you may want to see if he still isn''t happy with Harmony.' ' Richard' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: 28-Aug-84 18':50':40