Number: 1524 Date: 27-Jun-84 14':56':33 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Sannella.PA Subject: Fix hardreturn bug that caused 9318 on Standalone Dlion Assigned To: Attn: Charnley, vanMelle Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Serious Difficulty: Hard Frequency: Intermittent Priority: Absolutely System: Language Support Subsystem: Stack and Interpreter Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: Description: ' Date': 18 Jun 84 16':07 PDT' From': Dering.pasa' Subject': Booting Carol on Stand-alone 1108' To':' cc': Dering.pasa,1100Support.pasa,' ' Mike' ' The atom-smashed version of lisp.sysout of 14-Jun-84 on {Rose}carol falls into 9318 after entering pup host number when booted on a standalone 1108.' ' We no longer have the "unsmashed" version on Rose, but the same problem was encountered when I loaded the unsmashed sysout from floppy.' ' Jim and I tried teleraiding but we did not get very much information. The Lisp stack was the following':' ' \MP.ERROR' \LISPERROR' \ILLEGAL.ARG' \PUTBASE.UFN' \MAKEFREEBLCK' \DECUSECOUNT' BLOCK' GETPUP' EXCHANGEPUPS' \PUP.SETTIME' \ETHEREVENTFN' \PUP.SETTIME' \ETHEREVENTFM' \DECIVEEVENT' MAKESYS' \EVALFORM' EVAL' \EVALFORM' \EVPROGN' COND' \EVALFORM' LISPX' ERRORSET' EVALQT' \REPEATEDLYEVALQT' \EVALFORNM' ERRORSET' \MAKE.PROCESS0' T' ' If I boot a standalone 1108 with full.sysout from 8-june-84 there is no problem.' ' We cannot release CAROL for beta testing until this problem is solved.' ' If you have some suggestions as to what we might try in Teleraid, we will be happy to cooperate.' ' [bvm': problem does not happen on Dolphin. Dolphin also appears to handle more cases of RETURN in uCode than Dandelion. Likely problem is that either the Dandelion uCode handles some case wrong, or the ufn for that case is wrong.]' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: vanMelle Edit-Date: 12-Jul-84 15':12':32