Number: 1395 Date: 12-Jun-84 16':15':57 Submitter: le.pasa Source: Roger Beeman, Boeing Subject: COLOR bugs Lisp Version: Fugue4/Fugue6 Description: ' 1. X3, and 3mb microcode crashed system on (LOGOUT) because user is not told in the documentation to set (DISPLAYOFF T).' ' 2. LOADED COLOR.DCOM and called (COLORDEMO). COLORMAPCREATE broke (called by COLORMAPOF) . Inspect code of COLORDISPLAY and find that LastSystemColorMap is NOBIND and must be set to NIL. Also, we had to set \STOPCOLOR to \DOLPHINSTOPCOLOR. ' ' 3. Called (WELL 5) and get break saying 16 (or 17 or 18) are Illegal arguments. We did not try to go beyond 15 colors. ' -------' ' Date': 12 Jun 84 17':40 PDT' From':' Subject': Request for documentation change' To': 1100support.pasa' cc': martino.pasa, lispsupport, vanmelle' ' During their visit Monday, Boeing asked why they could not run color on a Dolphin that had both sets of net ucode.' ' I found out that the two net ucode configuration was only released to support gateways and that it wasnt intended to support a normal workstation. Especially not color, which takes so much of the memory bandwidth that a gateway running color would be ghastly.' ' But they just wanted a workstation that lived on both nets and didnt understand why it didnt work. Turns out that it''s because there is no room.' ' When this was explained to them, they were only a little mollified and demanded to know why this limitation was not in the documentation (where it is explained that the floating point doesnt fit in this configuration). I calmed them down by saying that I''d get it included next release (of documentation).' ' I think this is Guide, rather than Lisp manual, documentation. If so, could whoever maintains this please respond indicating whether they are willing to make this minor change?' ' Beau' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: le.pasa Edit-Date: 18-Jun-84 11':24':41 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Color Machine: 1100 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Moderate Frequency: Everytime Impact: Annoying Priority: Perhaps Status: Open Problem Type: Design - UI Source Files: