Number: 612 Date: 10-Apr-84 14':41':44 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: Masterscope treats word "FIND" specially Assigned To: Masinter Attn: Status: Closed In/By: Problem Type: Design - UI Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Everytime Priority: Hopefully System: Programming Environment Subsystem: Masterscope Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: [removed FIND as synonym for SHOW]' ["Sannella.PA" "21-Aug-84 18':42':13" Attn': Status':(Fixed->Closed)] Description: ' Date': 9 Apr 84 15':48 PST' From':' Subject': Lisp': Masterscope confused by "FIND"' To':' cc':' ' Lisp System Date': 7-Apr-84 20':16':56' Machine': Dorado (Archimedes)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 10000' Frequency': Always' Impact': Annoying' ' I have a file named FIND. Anytime I try to ask masterscope a question about it, say' ' . ANALYZE ON FIND' or' . WHO ON FIND CALLS LAFITE' ' it responds' ' should I LOADFROM {PHYLUM}SHOW.;1 ?' ' I eventually realized that FIND was the problem, even though FIND is not a documented Masterscope keyword, and solved the problems by asking instead' ' . ANALYZE ON ''FIND' ' etc.' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 21-Aug-84 18':42':13