Number: 568 Date: 10-Apr-84 9':35':49 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: Document/change new arg to READBITMAP Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 6 Apr 84 15':51 PST' From':' Subject': [Martin.pasa': [VANBUER@USC-ECL.ARPA': CHANGEBACKGROUND and bitmaps]]' To': Burton' cc': LispSupport' ' AR': Window/other' ' READBITMAP barfed, non-numeric arg, when I tried to merely shift-select this into my EXEC window. The READBITMAP wanted' ' (24 14 1' ' rather than (24 14' ' as the first line. Did the format of bitmaps on files changed? Wasn''t it made backward compatible?' ' ----- Forwarded Messages -----' ' Date': 5 Apr 84 16':56 PST' From': Martin.pasa' Subject': [VANBUER@USC-ECL.ARPA': CHANGEBACKGROUND and bitmaps]' To': LispUsers^.pa' cc': Martin.pasa' ' Thought you all might like to see this. ' ' ----- Forwarded Messages -----' ' Received': from USC-ECL.ARPA by PARC-MAXC.ARPA; 30 MAR 84 08':27':10 PST' Date': 30 Mar 84 08':26 PST' From': VANBUER@USC-ECL.ARPA' Subject': CHANGEBACKGROUND and bitmaps' To': Martin.pasa' cc': VanBuer@USC-ECL.ARPA' ' From playing around with this, the restriction on bitmaps to get "right" results' is that the width of the bitmap must be a multiple of 8 and at least 16. The' height is unrestricted.' Try this one':' (SETQ BBB(READBITMAP))' (24 14' "@@AOO@@@"' "@@B@@H@@"' "@@B@@H@@"' "@@D@@D@@"' "@@D@@D@@"' "@@H@@B@@"' "@@H@@B@@"' "OO@@@A@@"' "@@H@@B@@"' "@@H@@B@@"' "@@D@@D@@"' "@@D@@D@@"' "@@B@@H@@"' "@@B@@H@@")' (CHANGEBACKGROUND BBB)' ' Amazingly, the distortion is only 1% even though it''s only a 14x24 tile.' Darrel' -------' ' ----- End of Forwarded Messages -----' ' ----- End of Forwarded Messages -----' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Other Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Impact: Annoying Priority: Perhaps Status: Open Problem Type: Documentation Source Files: