Number: 535 Date: 5-Apr-84 14':01':33 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: ROACH.PA Subject: Want feature': change all chars in given font to other font Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 3 APR 84 17':07 PST' From': ROACH.PA' Subject': 2 more for the TEDIT wish list' To': LISPSUPPORT' cc': ROACH' ' (1) Changing all characters with a given font in a document' to some other font. E.g., changing all TIMESROMAN chars to' GACHA chars without affecting the HIPPO chars. A workaround':' (SETFONTDESCRIPTOR ''TIMESROMAN ... GACHAFONT), Get the file, Put' the file, (SETFONTDESCRIPTOR ''TIMESROMAN ... TIMESROMANFONT)' ...' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Text Subsystem: TEdit Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Impact: Minor Priority: Unlikely Status: Wish Problem Type: Design - UI Source Files: