Number: 469 Date: 3-Apr-84 9':34':49 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Denber.wbst Subject: Lispusers package DATETIME doesn''t work (should be withdrawn from release) Assigned To: Attn: Status: Fixed In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Minor Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Unlikely System: Other Software Subsystem: Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: [deleted from LispUsers, should get removed from packages database]' ["Masinter" "11-Sep-84 17':59':06" Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed) Disposition':] Description: ' Date': 2 Apr 84 14':57 EST' From': Denber.wbst' Subject': Lisp': LISPUSERS' To':' Lisp-System-Date': 1-Mar-84 14':24':22' Machine-Type': Dolphin' ' I realize Lispusers packages are unsupported, but is there any mechanism for fixing/removing those that don''t work? I tried to use DATETIME and was unable to make it do anything useful. In particular, a call to PARSEDATETIME, eg. (PARSEDATETIME "11 PM") results in an EOF error.' ' It seems that the eof character they are appending to the string (the vertical bar) is not recognized as such. The READ in EXPANDINPUT then runs off the end. I tried using a different character (a $) and it worked (I made $ a breakchr in DTRDTBL). Unfortunately, the $ caused other problems later on. The source doesn''t seem to have been changed since 1978. Has anyone used it lately besides me?' ' - Michel' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Masinter Edit-Date: 11-Sep-84 17':59':07