Number: 326 Date: 27-Mar-84 11':12':22 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: Tedit leaves INCLUDEd files open Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 26 Mar 84 18':43 PST' From':' Subject': TEdit': INCLUDE leaves open files' To': TEditSupport' cc':, VanMelle, Halvorsen' TEdit-System-Date': 2-Mar-84 16':54':27' Lisp-System-Date': 15-Mar-84 00':13':18' Machine-Type': Dandelion' ' If you INCLUDE some files into an already-open TEDIT, OPENP shows both the main file and the included files to be open.' ' However, if you then PUT and QUIT out of TEDIT, the main file closes, but the included files hang around open.' ' (Bill - thanks for the word that I had 41 (count''em) files open!)' ' -Meg' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 19-Jun-84 18':59':59 Attn: Assigned To: Sybalsky In/By: Carol Disposition: System: Text Subsystem: TEdit Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Annoying Priority: Hopefully Status: Closed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: