Number: 310 Date: 26-Mar-84 16':06':20 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: Shades are aligned to SCREENBITMAP, rather than to destination Lisp Version: 15-Mar-84 Description: ' Date': 26 Mar 84 14':41 PST' From':' Subject': Lisp': Shade alignment with windows' To':' ' Lisp-System-Date': 15-Mar-84 00':13':18' Machine-Type': Dolphin' ' Shades are aligned to the SCREENBITMAP, rather than the display streams to which they are directed. The effect of this is that when the relative parity of the display stream to the screen changes (b/c of a mOVEW or SCROLLW), then subsequent use of the same shade will not align with existing uses (so it will not erase when XORd, for example).' ' Example':' (SETQ W (CREATEW))' (DSPFILL NIL 3598 W ''INVERT) (* Shades)' (DSPFILL NIL 3598 W ''INVERT) (* Clears)' (DSPFILL NIL 3598 W ''INVERT) (* Reshades)' (RELMOVEW W ''(1 . 1)) (* Off by 1)' (DSPFILL NIL 3598 W ''INVERT) (* SHRIEK!)' ' This is a moderately serious bug which requires a clumsy workaround in DEdit and anyone else who shades with textured patterns in user adjustable windows.' ' Beau' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Window System Machine: 1100 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Intermittent Impact: Moderate Priority: Hopefully Status: Open Problem Type: Bug Source Files: