Number: 226 Date: 21-Mar-84 14':10':28 Submitter: le.pasa Source: Teknowledge Subject: MP 9016 (notFreeTrap - Stack allocation error) under Load Lisp Version: Fugue.5 Description: ' Date': Wed, 21 Mar 84 13':51 PST' From': Raim.pasa' Subject': Teknowledge bug' To': LE' cc': 1100Support, Raim' ' Bill White at Teknowledge reports the following':' ' System': Fugue.5' Machine': 1108' ' The question he asks is': "Why does TeleRaid break with Invalid Address?" Here is the scenario':' ' Bill was loading files, copying corresponding sources to {core}, and ended up in 9016.' ' Hit UNDO and got Teleraid cursor' ' Hit ^B ' ' Instead of break, fell into 9004.' ' Hit UNDO and got Teleraid cursor' ' Went to another 1108, loaded Teleraid' ' Typed (TELERAID 201Q)' ' Got Virtual Raid and @-prompt':' ' Typed L' ' Displayed 1': and then went into break': "Invalid address"' ' ERRORSET' \EVAL' ...' REMOTEMAP' VMAPPAGE' VGETBASEPTR0' V\BACKTRACE' VRAIDCOMMAND' ERRORSET' VRAID' TELERAID' ' -----' ' Date': 21 Mar 84 15':41 PST' From':' Subject': Partial postmortem of Teknowledge MP 9016' To': 1100Support.pasa, LispSupport' cc':' ' I talked Bill White thru some teleraiding. They had gotten a 9016, from which they tried ^B from the TeleRaid server, only to get a 9305. The latter he remotely TeleRaided, from which it was apparent the stack was trashed. The top frame extension was odd-aligned.' ' We laboriously tried parsing the stack farther back and found it was deep in interpreted code, in \EVALFORM in \EVAL in PROG1. The \EVALFORM (and \EVAL) were of a (LOADB00nn --), part of an advised LOAD. Everything looked kosher up until the \EVALFORM. The frame for \EVALFORM was the last intelligible thing before the odd-aligned frame, and itself was slightly garbaged': the first word of its BF was trashed with 35563, a plausible nearby stack address, 4 less than that of the misaligned FX. The PC of the \EVALFORM indicated it was executing the APPLYFN opcode.' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Edit-Date: 7-Jun-84 17':46':56 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: [tl': First, the AR is OS/Virtual Memory (not processes). That is because it has to do with Invalid Address, which is a property of the virtual memory system. Second, I''m having a hard time distilling what the Action Request here is. What happened that you don''t want to happen? Well, the first AR was that, when loading, he hit a 9016; fix the system so that it doesn''t happen. That isn''t a great AR since we don''t know why. 3/22/84]' [mjs 3/31/84 added follow-on message below]' [Date': 2 Apr 84 12':48 PST' From':' AR 226': change to Attn Charnley; Priority Hopefully] System: Operating System Subsystem: Virtual Memory Machine: 1108 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Once Impact: Moderate Priority: Hopefully Status: Closed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: