Number: 176 Date: 18-Mar-84 16':49':01 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Subject: SYSOUT[{FLOPPY}] produces bad sysout Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 10 Mar 84 00':45 PST' From':' Subject': Lisp': Carol (Mar 1) Cannot be loaded from Floppies' To':' cc': Halasz' Lisp-System-Date': 1-Mar-84 14':24':22' Machine-Type': Dandelion' ' Here''s a puzzler. If I load current>full.sysout or next>full.sysout from PHYLUM using Othello, everything works fine. However, it does not work if I take either file and write it to floppies using either a COPYFILE or a SYSOUT method, and then install on a DLion using the InstallTool. When I use the floppies, everything runs until I try to access Phylum using either CHAT or a DIR command or I try to start Lafite using a Phylum active mail file. At this point, the DLion invariably bomb into RAID (9915) under \RTP.SOCKET.PROCESS with a \UNKNOWN.UFN error.' The stack looks like':' ' 1': RAID' 2': \UNKNOWN.UFN' 3': NIL' 4': \RTP.SOCKET.PROCESS' 5': \EVALFORM' 6': \EVAL' 7': ERRORSET' 8': \MAKE.PROCESS0' 9': T' ' What gives??? This is very, very annoying since it means one cannot transport the Carol release via floppies.' ' ' Frank' -----' Date': 15 Mar 84 12':42 PST' From': Martin.pasa' Subject': Re': Lisp': Carol (Mar 1) Cannot be loaded from Floppies' In-reply-to':''s message of 10 Mar 84 00':45 PST' To':,' cc':' ' I don''t know if this relates to Frank''s problem or not.' ' I also tried to do a COPYFILE of a sysout (from a dolphin running FTP) and on the third floppy, I got three consecutive RECORDNOTFOUND errors. I think this was shortly after formatting the floppy. I OK''d out of each of those Breaks (what else should I do?). The COPYFILE seemed to continue okay. However, the final sysout would only run for a couple of minutes.' ' I rebuilt the floppies in Tajo, and everything worked fine.' ' -----' Date': 16 MAR 84 15':18 PST' From': ROACH.PA' Subject': Re': Lisp': Carol (Mar 1) Cannot be loaded from Floppies' To': Martin.pasa, Halasz, Roach' cc': LispSupport' ' In response to the message sent 15 Mar 84 12':42 PST from Martin.pasa' ' I think I had a bug where one page per floppy was getting' garbaged. I haven''t had a chance to check my fix yet though.' Kelly' ' -----' ' Date': 20 MAR 84 21':56 PST' From': ROACH.PA' Subject': AR 176' To': LISPSUPPORT' cc': ROACH' ' I believe FLOPPY was writing out one bad page per floppy in a sysout.' This problem is now fixed in SOURCES>FLOPPY.DCOM. I''ve tried' using COPYFILE in SYSOUT mode, installing the sysout, and then chatting' without 9915s with this FLOPPY.DCOM.' Kelly' ' -----' ' Date': 5 APR 84 10':22 PST' From': ROACH.PA' Subject': AR176 WORKAROUND' To': LISPSUPPORT' ' Although AR176 has been fixed, FUGUE.6 has gone out the door' without it and customers who expect to SYSOUT even though it isn''t' "supported" (read documented) are likely to gripe. I think the' following patch will help':' (ADVISE ''(\PFLOPPY.TRUNCATEFILE IN \SFLOPPY.CLOSESMALLFILE)' ''BEFORE' ''LAST' ''(SETQ LASTPAGE (ADD1 LASTPAGE)))' This patch should be suggested to any user in possession of Fugue.6' griping about 9005s, sysouts almost working but not quite, not being' able to chat in a sysout made by floppy, etc.' Kelly' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 8-May-84 17':17':45 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Fugue.6 (9-Apr-84) Disposition: System: Operating System Subsystem: DLion Floppy Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Fatal Priority: Absolutely Status: Closed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: