Number: 137 Date: 17-Mar-84 0':25':08 Submitter: Masinter.PA Source: Halvorsen Subject: Prometheus Script wrong for 10MB disk Lisp Version: Description: Date': 14 Mar 84 11':41':07 PST (Wednesday)' From': JFung.pasa' Subject': Re': Sysout from floppies for Carol.1/Fugue.6' In-reply-to': Your message of 13 MAR 84 23':38 PST' To': MASINTER.PA,' cc':,,, 1100Support, JFung' ' I would appreciate hearing any problems on this one.' ' I am confused by a message from re': FAILING INSTALLATIONUTILITY' ' ----------------------------------------------------------------' Date': 28 Feb 84 14':51 PST' From':' Subject': Re': Lisp': FAILING INSTALLATIONUTILITY' In-reply-to': JFung.PASA''s message of 28 Feb 84 09':00':39 PST (Tuesday)' To': JFung.PASA' cc':,,' ' I am NOT referring to the InstallLispTool of 29-Nov-83, but rather to the current InstallLispTool (26-Jan-84). The problem is that there are 3500 taken up by diagnostics, defaultly 1000 pages is assigned to DSK, this does not leave enough room on the disk to fetch full.sysout. I had to reduce the allocation to DSK reformatting with Othello.' ----------------------------------------------------------------' ' This morning I tried to install on 10Mb using "carol" released installation floppy. I was not able to have any problems.' ' The volume configurations are ' Diagnostics': 3500 pages' Dsk': 1000 pages' Lisp 11688 pages' ' This gives a default of 9688 pages for vMem.' ' The Full.sysout is about 5900 pages, and Lisp.Sysout is about 4600 pages. ' ' As I recall when John Vittal and Tayloe S. went to London, they are using the 10Mb machine and with same Installation Floppy. I was not able to locate John (He might be in Boston again), maybe Tayloe can clarify this for me.' ' I must be missing something again from message. ' ' ' Confused one,' /Jerry ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 26-Apr-84 9':38':16 Attn: Release Assigned To: JFung.pasa In/By: Disposition: System: Other Software Subsystem: Installation Utility Machine: 1108 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Impact: Serious Priority: Absolutely Status: Fixed Problem Type: Bug Source Files: