Number: 74 Date: 17-Mar-84 0':08':06 Submitter: roach.PA Source: Subject: Propose fns CREATEREADTABLE & CREATETERMTABLE Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 21 NOV 83 17':22 PST' From': ROACH.PA' Subject': CREATEREADTABLE' To': LISPSUPPORT' cc': ROACH' ' COPYREADTABLE is "the only function that creates a readtable"' (IRM p14.24). If I''m in the business of creating readtables for ' non-lisp work, I''m forced to copy a readtable, smash it to blankness,' then set it to what I want. Suppose the only way to create a bitmap' was to copy a bitmap etc. I''d like a function CREATEREADTABLE that' returns a completely blank readtable. This would also allow' COPYREADTABLE to be implemented using CREATEREADTABLE and function' RESETREADTABLE. CREATETERMTABLE is missing too.' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: roach.PA Edit-Date: 4-Apr-84 9':59':50 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Language Support Subsystem: Read and Print Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Annoying Priority: Perhaps Status: Wish Problem Type: Design - Impl Source Files: ATBL