Number: 72 Date: 17-Mar-84 0':07':35 Submitter: roach.PA Source: Subject: Proposal to reorganize Readtables Lisp Version: Description: Date': 16 NOV 83 15':01 PST' From': ROACH.PA' Subject': MORE READTABLE INCONSISTENCY' To': LISPSUPPORT' cc': ROACH' ' If you LOAD a file it gets read with FILERDTBL, but if you' READ a file it gets read with \PRIMREADTABLE. It would be nice' if LOAD & READ used the same readtable. Perhaps FILERDTBL could' be dispensed with altogether? I think the following setup is' a reasonable proposal for the way all the system readtables should' look at loadup':' CHAR CODE SYNTAX' seprs 0-32 SEPRCHAR' " 34 STRINGDELIM' % 37 ESCAPE' '' 39 (MACRO FIRST NONIMMEDIATE ESCQUOTE READ%'')' ( 40 LEFTPAREN' ) 41 RIGHTPAREN' [ 91 LEFTBRACKET' ] 93 RIGHTBRACKET' Sort of a compromise between \PRIMREADTABLE and FILERDTBL.' \SYSREADTABLE and EDITRDTBL would also start this way. (I also' have uses for backquote, comma, & vertical bar, but these are' separate proposals.)' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: roach.PA Edit-Date: 4-Apr-84 9':57':50 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Language Support Subsystem: Read and Print Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Hard Frequency: Everytime Impact: Moderate Priority: Unlikely Status: Wish Problem Type: Design - UI Source Files: