Number: 2224

Date: 21-Sep-84 16':15':36

Submitter: Sannella.PA

Source: Sannella.PA

Subject: DF can load functions from wrong version of file

Assigned To: Masinter

Attn: Release

Status: Fixed

In/By: Harmony?

Problem Type: Bug

Impact: Serious



Priority: Perhaps

System: Programming Environment

Subsystem: File Package

Machine: 1132


Lisp Version: 21-Sep-84 13':44':49

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 5124

Memory Size: 4096

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: Fixed in EDIT'
["masinter" "21-Sep-84 16':37':11" Subject':]'
["Masinter" "24-Sep-84 13':20':20" Subject': Assigned% To': Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed) In/By': Disposition': Description':]

Description: '
mjs 9/21/84':  People seem to be complaining a lot recently about the file package.  Most of the problems are of the form':  the file package loaded a function from a different file than the one I expected.  It is hard to tell if this is a real bug or not --- experiments should be done.'
Date': 15 Sep 84 00':07 PST'
Subject': FILEPKG glitch'
To': Lispsupport, Masinter'
Starting out with Grapher loaded from <lispcore>library, I did LOADFROM Grapher from {Phylum}<Vanlehn>Lisp>.'
I then connected to <Lispcore>Dig> and did'
I got a warning message that the grapher on ...library was newer than the one on Vanlehn, and then it commenced to search on the library version.'
It didn''t pay attention to the loadfrom, presumably found the library one by searching directories which included library but not Vanlehn.'
Is this a bug or a feature?   (At least it warned me; maybe it didn''t used to do that).'
Date': 15 Sep 84 00':10 PST'
Subject': More on FILEPKG glitch--a true bug this time'
To': Lispsupport, Masinter'
I then did EDITCALLERS(FOO <Vanlehn>Lisp>Grapher), i.e.,'
explicitly specifying the version I wanted.'
The editcallers said it was looking in the specified place, but then when it went to load the functions, it got them off of Library.'
This is bordering on a show stopper.'
(There is a different bug that JonL hit where RECOMPILE will take an EXPR property over what''s on the file even if they bear no relation. I think, even if RECOMPILEDEFAULT is CHANGES, that it makes sense to assume only that the real EXPRs bear any resemblance to what the user might wnat to compile.'
Date': 16-Sep-84  9':24':48 PDT'
Subject': Re':  FILEPKG show stopper'
To': Masinter, Lispsupport'
Perhaps I picked the wrong symptom to illustrate the kinds of problems I''ve encountered--maybe the recompiling one has been there all along.  But still, I''ve been doing this sort of thing all along and never been burned before (at least to my knowledge).'
But I''ve also had problems making files.  Doing LOADFROM of a file that had been renamed from one directory to another, making edits, then trying to dump it while not being connected to the place I LOADFROMed it.  Think I''ve gotten messages like can''t dump cause can''t find previous version, or somesuch.  At least, I think this is the scenario, but maybe it''s some variation on this that screws you.'
But I know that I''ve never before been told that I couldn''t dump something after I had LOADFROM''ed it unless I had also deleted or moved the symbolics before trying to dump.'
Date': 20 Sep 84 10':52 PDT'
Subject': Lisp': DF loads function from wrong file'
Lisp System Date': 15-Sep-84 12':54':27'
Machine': Dandelion (25200046744)'
Microcode version': 24,4'
Memory size': 5777'
Frequency': Always'
Impact': Serious'
In certain circumstances it turns out to be very difficult to cause the correct symbolic version of a function to be loaded.'
I wanted to explore the latest version of grapher on {ERIS}<LISPCORE>LIBRARY>.  I used Masterscope to analyze this version.  When I attempted to examine one function with DF, it gave me a lightly infuriating message that the version I wanted wasn''t the current version and so it was loading the function from <LISP>CURRENT>.  I tried to insist by loading GRAPHER.DCOM from the right place, thereby clobbering the older version in core.  This time when I tried to see the function using DF, it again said that the version I wanted wasn''t the current one (listing yet another version, different f rom the two in question) and proceeded again to load the wrong symbolic one.'
The only way I could find to insist was to load the symbolic version I wanted, save it on my own directory, and compile it myself.  40 min to examine a simple 10-line function.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Masinter

Edit-Date: 24-Sep-84 13':20':21