Number: 2224 Date: 21-Sep-84 16':15':36 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: Sannella.PA Subject: DF can load functions from wrong version of file Assigned To: Masinter Attn: Release Status: Fixed In/By: Harmony? Problem Type: Bug Impact: Serious Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Perhaps System: Programming Environment Subsystem: File Package Machine: 1132 Disk: Lisp Version: 21-Sep-84 13':44':49 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 4096 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: Fixed in EDIT' ["masinter" "21-Sep-84 16':37':11" Subject':]' ["Masinter" "24-Sep-84 13':20':20" Subject': Assigned% To': Attn': Status':(Open->Fixed) In/By': Disposition': Description':] Description: ' mjs 9/21/84': People seem to be complaining a lot recently about the file package. Most of the problems are of the form': the file package loaded a function from a different file than the one I expected. It is hard to tell if this is a real bug or not --- experiments should be done.' ' -----' ' Date': 15 Sep 84 00':07 PST' From':' Subject': FILEPKG glitch' To': Lispsupport, Masinter' cc':' ' Starting out with Grapher loaded from <lispcore>library, I did LOADFROM Grapher from {Phylum}<Vanlehn>Lisp>.' ' I then connected to <Lispcore>Dig> and did' ' FINDCALLERS(FOO GRAPHER)' ' I got a warning message that the grapher on ...library was newer than the one on Vanlehn, and then it commenced to search on the library version.' ' It didn''t pay attention to the loadfrom, presumably found the library one by searching directories which included library but not Vanlehn.' ' Is this a bug or a feature? (At least it warned me; maybe it didn''t used to do that).' ' --Ron' ' -----' ' Date': 15 Sep 84 00':10 PST' From':' Subject': More on FILEPKG glitch--a true bug this time' To': Lispsupport, Masinter' ' I then did EDITCALLERS(FOO <Vanlehn>Lisp>Grapher), i.e.,' explicitly specifying the version I wanted.' ' The editcallers said it was looking in the specified place, but then when it went to load the functions, it got them off of Library.' ' This is bordering on a show stopper.' ' --Ron' ' -----' ' ' (There is a different bug that JonL hit where RECOMPILE will take an EXPR property over what''s on the file even if they bear no relation. I think, even if RECOMPILEDEFAULT is CHANGES, that it makes sense to assume only that the real EXPRs bear any resemblance to what the user might wnat to compile.' ' -----' ' From':' Date': 16-Sep-84 9':24':48 PDT' Subject': Re': FILEPKG show stopper' To': Masinter, Lispsupport' ' Perhaps I picked the wrong symptom to illustrate the kinds of problems I''ve encountered--maybe the recompiling one has been there all along. But still, I''ve been doing this sort of thing all along and never been burned before (at least to my knowledge).' ' But I''ve also had problems making files. Doing LOADFROM of a file that had been renamed from one directory to another, making edits, then trying to dump it while not being connected to the place I LOADFROMed it. Think I''ve gotten messages like can''t dump cause can''t find previous version, or somesuch. At least, I think this is the scenario, but maybe it''s some variation on this that screws you.' ' But I know that I''ve never before been told that I couldn''t dump something after I had LOADFROM''ed it unless I had also deleted or moved the symbolics before trying to dump.' ' --Ron' ' Date': 20 Sep 84 10':52 PDT' From':' Subject': Lisp': DF loads function from wrong file' To':,Masinter' cc':,Kaplan' ' Lisp System Date': 15-Sep-84 12':54':27' Machine': Dandelion (25200046744)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 5777' Frequency': Always' Impact': Serious' ' In certain circumstances it turns out to be very difficult to cause the correct symbolic version of a function to be loaded.' ' I wanted to explore the latest version of grapher on {ERIS}<LISPCORE>LIBRARY>. I used Masterscope to analyze this version. When I attempted to examine one function with DF, it gave me a lightly infuriating message that the version I wanted wasn''t the current version and so it was loading the function from <LISP>CURRENT>. I tried to insist by loading GRAPHER.DCOM from the right place, thereby clobbering the older version in core. This time when I tried to see the function using DF, it again said that the version I wanted wasn''t the current one (listing yet another version, different f rom the two in question) and proceeded again to load the wrong symbolic one.' ' The only way I could find to insist was to load the symbolic version I wanted, save it on my own directory, and compile it myself. 40 min to examine a simple 10-line function.' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Masinter Edit-Date: 24-Sep-84 13':20':21