Number: 2219 Date: 20-Sep-84 18':06':33 Submitter: Kaplan Source: Kaplan Subject: Interpress font widths are wrong Assigned To: Attn: Sheil, Sybalsky, Kaplan Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Serious Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Priority: Absolutely System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Fonts Machine: 1132 Disk: Lisp Version: 20-Sep-84 14':53':29 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 4096 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "21-Sep-84 15':55':58" Attn': Status':(New->Open) System':(Text->Windows% and% Graphics) Subsystem':(->Fonts)] Description: We do not have the correct widths for the fonts on Lispprint under Services 8. If those fonts are distributed to customers, then the correct widths must be distributed also.' ' If AISBU has machines on nets where the printers and fonts are maintained by OSD, then it must be arranged that Lisp can get access to the correct width information for those sites, which might not be at all the same as the widths that we use internally or distributed directly.' ' --Ron' ' Here are messages on this topic':' Date': 17 Sep 84 17':32 PDT' From':' Subject': Interpress font widths' To': Sheil, Raim.pasa, Dering.pasa, Bird.pasa, Sybalsky, Gascon' cc':, Lispsupport' ' It seems that the Interpress widths (.WD) files that we have on our release staging direction ({Eris}<Lisp>Fonts>) do not correspond exactly to the Services 8 fonts that we have on the printer Lispprint':.' ' The consequence of this is quite significant': Tedit justification is bananas, and DSPXPOSITION to an Interpress stream gives the wrong results.' ' Someone must be assigned to coordinate with the Font Center (or whoever) to obtain the widths files and the display files (.AC?) that correspond to what is on the printer.' ' This must be done before release.' ' --Ron' ' ' Date': 18 Sep 84 12':43 PDT' From': Bird.pasa' Subject': Re': Interpress font widths' In-reply-to':''s message of 17 Sep 84 17':32 PDT' To':' cc':, Raim.pasa, Dering.pasa, Bird.pasa,,,, Phillips.pasa' ' Ron--' ' I have asked Joan Phillips to resolve this problem with you. Joan has a great deal of knowledge about OSD products as well as extensive contacts.' ' --Mike' ' ' Date': 18 Sep 84 16':26':32 PDT (Tuesday)' From': Phillips.PASA' Subject':Interpress Font Widths' To':' cc': Bird, Phillips' ' Ron,' ' We may have the wrong Interpress widths files. I spoke with Sue Baptiste, OSD Marketing, who referred me to Brian Oshika 8-586-2081. I suggest that you talk with Brian as I don''t know all of the particulars about your setup. Brian is a developer for OSD and can assist you in solving the problem. ' ' Joan' ' ' Date': 18 Sep 84 17':25 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': Interpress Font Widths' In-reply-to': Phillips.PASA''s message of 18 Sep 84 16':26':32 PDT (Tuesday)' To': Phillips.PASA' cc': Kaplan, Bird.PASA' ' Joan, thanks for tracking this down, but it isn''t exactly MY problem. It is the AISBU''s problem. We have no idea where the widths files on Eris came from but those are the ones that are being distributed to customers with Interlisp-D, as I understand it. We do know that they don''t correspond to our Services 8 printer fonts.' ' The problem is for somebody in AISBU to gather the widths that correspond to the fonts that are being distributed to customers with Services 8.0. When those files are obtained, we will put them on the staging directory on Eris so that we can confirm that they are correct.' ' Michael, can you talk to Brian Oshika. I don''t want to be in this loop.' ' --Ron' ' ' Date': 19 Sep 84 14':12 PDT' From': Bird.pasa' Subject': Interpress font widths' To':' cc': Bird.pasa, Phillips.pasa, Dering.pasa,, Pahlavan.pasa' ' Beau--' ' Ron has found a problem connected with the Services 8.0 release on your Interpress printer. I need somebody at PARC who can supply information to the people down here and at El Segundo.' ' A quick preliminary check came up with no concrete ideas as to why your fonts should suddenly have gone "bananas". Joan Phillips (phillips.pasa) needs answers to the following questions in order to progress this':' ' 1. Is there anyone up there who might know where your .WD files came from?' 2. What are the differences that Ron observed between the .WD files on {eris}<lisp>fonts> and the Services 8 fonts on Lispprint?' 3. Are you running OS 4.2 or OS 5.0?' 4. What version of Services 8 are you running?' 5. Has this problem occurred in all versions of services 8, or only the version you tried on Monday?' ' In case this turns out to be a show stopper, can we release with the version of Services that you were using before this problem arose on Monday?' ' --Mike' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 21-Sep-84 15':56':00