Number: 2186

Date: 16-Sep-84 15':04':23

Submitter: Roach

Source: Roach

Subject: Bad display after substituting long strings for shorter strings

Assigned To: 

Attn: Sybalsky

Status: Open


Problem Type: Bug

Impact: Moderate


Frequency: Everytime


System: Text

Subsystem: TEdit

Machine: 1132


Lisp Version: 15-Sep-84 03':48':38

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 5124

Memory Size: 4096

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["Sannella.PA" "18-Sep-84 12':30':24" Subject': Attn': Status':(New->Open) Impact':(Serious->Moderate)]

Description: In the newest TEDIT, there seem to be some problems substituting long strings for shorter strings.  The following example illustrates.  Create a window containing 6 lines of "ASDF<CR>" as shown':'
     !ASDF          !'
     !ASDF          !'
     !ASDF          !'
     !ASDF          !'
     !ASDF          !'
     !ASDF          !'
     !              !'
     !              !'
Select the entire text and Substitute without query "1234" for "A".  You get the window'
     !1234SDF       !'
     !1234SDF       !'
     !1234SDF       !'
     !1234SDF       !'
     !              !'
     !4SDF          !'
     !1234SDF       !'
     !1234SDF       !'
     !              !'
with the first 4 lines selected.  Redisplaying the window makes it look the way it ought to.  Before redisplaying, you can try, but without success, mouse selecting into the misformatted region of the window.


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date: 18-Sep-84 12':30':25