Number: 2165 Date: 12-Sep-84 15':02':59 Submitter: Jellinek Source: Jellinek Subject: Filebrowser shouldn''t give FILE NOT FOUND during UPDATE Assigned To: Attn: Jellinek Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Design - UI Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Hard Frequency: Everytime Priority: Perhaps System: Windows and Graphics Subsystem: Library Machine: 1108 Disk: Lisp Version: 11-Sep-84 18':48':58 Source Files: Microcode Version: 5124 Memory Size: 7167 File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "12-Sep-84 18':38':27" Status':(New->Open)] Description: ' Date': 12 Sep 84 14':21 PDT' From':' Subject': File bowser shouldn''t give FILE NOT FOUND during UPDATE' ' I just tried to update a file browser onto a file server that rejected my connection attempts. It tried twice, then dropped me into a "FILE NOT FOUND" error with my file pattern as the file name.' ' I suggest that the FB suppress that error break. Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 12-Sep-84 18':38':28