Number: 2110

Date:  7-Sep-84 14':02':20

Submitter: Jellinek

Source: Jellinek

Subject: Want new filepkgtype': OPCODE

Assigned To: 

Attn: Jellinek, Masinter, vanMelle

Status: Open


Problem Type: Design - Impl

Impact: Annoying

Difficulty: Moderate

Frequency: Intermittent

Priority: Unlikely

System: Programming Environment

Subsystem: File Package

Machine: 1108


Lisp Version:  5-Sep-84 16':37':47

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 5124

Memory Size: 7167

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: [problem is that \OPCODES has to be collected in one place to know about all of the UFNs. This probably could be redesigned to distribute the info, but I''m not convinced that the pain of doing this is worth the value added -- right now, at least you *know* where the opcodes are defined. ]'
["Masinter" "10-Sep-84 15':26':26" Status':(New->Open) Disposition':]'
["Masinter" "10-Sep-84 18':10':12" Problem% Type':(->Design% -% Impl) Impact':(->Annoying) Difficulty':(->Moderate) Frequency':(->Intermittent) Priority':(->Unlikely)]

Description: '
I''d like there to be a new file package type called OPCODES.  Usage':'
would cause the DOPCODE and DOPVAL (and other?) properties of MISC7 to be written out, and when loaded would update \OPCODES and \OPCODEARRAY appropriately.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Masinter

Edit-Date: 10-Sep-84 18':10':13