Number: 2088

Date:  6-Sep-84 17':09':22

Submitter: Masinter

Source: Masinter, MikeDixon

Subject: microcode page cross when too few args (gives MP 9013)

Assigned To: 

Attn: Charnley, Purcell, Herring

Status: Closed

In/By: Harmony

Problem Type: Bug

Impact: Serious

Difficulty: Moderate

Frequency: Intermittent

Priority: Hopefully

System: Language Support

Subsystem: Microcode

Machine: 1108


Lisp Version:  4-Sep-84 19':45':00

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 5124

Memory Size: 7167

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["Sannella.PA" "11-Sep-84 11':07':34" Subject': Description':]'
["Charnley" "25-Sep-84 11':01':48" Status':(Open->Closed) In/By':]

Description: '
Date':  2 Sep 84 12':18 PDT'
Subject': Another microcode page-cross/page-fault problem (12K)'
To': Charnley, Herring, Purcell'
cc': LispSupport'
OK, here''s the situation':'
CROCK.PROCESS starts at location '
At PC=775 is a function call'
775':     6   11  47 | 221      FN1       SIN'
where the | is a page break.'
Now, SIN is being called with 1 argument, when it expects 2. The system dies with a 9013 (bad PC in function call). The frame at the top of stack shows'
16706':  140400 16660 [N, alink]'
16710':  144034    54 [fn header]'
16712':  17064 146002 [next, pc]'
17042':       1   1310 (arg passed to SIN)'
17044':       0      0 NIL (looks like FN1 added the extra NIL)'
17046':  100000  17042 (looks like right BF flags)'
17050   140000   2004 (FX flags, alink not stored)'
17052     ....'
I.e., looks like some kind of page fault during this function call.'
Date':  7 Sep 84 16':14 PDT'
Subject': Re': Lisp': Dlion crashes on 9013 when the CROCK clock is displayed'
In-reply-to':''s message of 7 Sep 84 14':00 PDT'
it is a known pagefault problem. hit "stop" and you can keep on running. Hopefully will be fixed next week.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Charnley

Edit-Date: 25-Sep-84 11':01':50