Number: 2028 Date: 31-Aug-84 09':59':24 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: dcatton.rx <will pickles at AIL> Subject: After sysout, info on DLIONFS directory size saved Assigned To: Attn: Stansbury Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Bug Impact: Serious Difficulty: Frequency: Priority: Absolutely System: Operating System Subsystem: DLion Disk Machine: 1108 Disk: Lisp Version: pre-Carol Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "10-Sep-84 12':10':27" Description':] Description: ' From': dcatton.rx' Date': 31-Aug-84 9':20':17' To':' cc':' ' tton.rxs' Action Request on DLion local filing' ' I made a sysout on a 42mb for training purposes , the machine having a 16000' DSK partition. I put the sysout out onto floppy and moved over to a 10mb machine' I had not upto this point done a MKDIR.' The sysout loaded fine on the 10mb, I then did a (VOLUMEDISPLAY ''ON]' and was interested to know that I still had a 16000 page DSK. I then did' a MKDIR , it made the usual noises about supplanting the COREDEVICE and' then hung , MP1108 and mouse still tracking. after a few minutes it 9915''ed' but wouldnt recover thru teleraid.' ' This is a serious problem for us and shows up a prob with the information base passed to mkdir.' ' Please respond as sson a possible with work around, yur assignment of XSIS ar numbers' ' kind regards ' ' will pickles at AIL' this action request has our internal referrence number AIL62' ' -----' ' From': dcatton.rx' Date': 31-Aug-84 14':55':59' Subject': dlion local filing' To':' cc':' ' ' to LISPSUPPORT.PA ' and copy to tayloe ' ' action request' problems with local filing' I configured a sysout for training purposes on a 42mb machine (with a DSK partition of 16000) and saved it off onto FLOPPY. At no time did I do a MKDIR.On loading the floppies into a 10mb machine the sysout came up ok, I did a (VOLUMEDISPLAY ''ON) and was interested to see that I had a 16000 page DSK, ' I then did a (MKDIR ''DSK) , it said it was going to supplant the {COREDEVICE} and then everything went quiet though mouse tracks OK and MP is 1108.' It strikes me that VOLUMEDISPLAY isnt being truthful and passes bad information to MKDIR.' This is a severe problem to us.' this has our internal reference number AIL 62' please advise us of any XSIS AR number allocation' kind regards' Will Pickles at AIL' ' -----' ' Subject': Re': dlion local filing problems' In-reply-to': dcatton.rx''s message of 31-Aug-84 9':20':17' To': dcatton.rx' cc':' From': LispSupport' ' I have submitted this as "AR XXX': After sysout, info on DLIONFS directory size saved". Unfortunately, you didn''t give us much information. In particular, what was the MAKESYSDATE of the lisp sysout (the one loaded on the Dlion where the SYSOUT was made)? I seem to remember that Martin Gittens took back with him a pre-Carol release version of the lisp sysout. This version may have had the problem you mentioned.' ' I don''t have any workaround handy -- perhaps when Tayloe gets back next week he can think of something that you can do.' ' -----' ' From': mgittins.rx' Date': 6-Sep-84 14':56':59' Subject': re AR2028' To':' cc':' ' ' re AR2028' ' thank you for your reply. The Carol software being used was that sent to us as formal release with MAKESYSDATE of 20/6/84 15':58':32 ' repeat MAKESYSDATE of 20/6/84 15':58':32' in the mean time I have a temporary work around by smashing the local DSK before sysout making itEVICE.repeat a COREDEVICE' The resulting sysout now seems to correctly maintain any DSK volume found on the target machine. ...but seems too fragile to use, 9915''s , maybe the subject of a later AR....' ' kind regards' ' Will Pickles at AIL' ' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 10-Sep-84 12':10':32