Number: 2008

Date: 29-Aug-84 09':47':32

Submitter: Wogulis.pasa

Source: MGITTINS.RX , Wogulis.pasa

Subject: FXPRINTER doesn''t call RS232INIT correctly.

Assigned To: 

Attn: Barrara.pasa,Le.pasa

Status: Open


Problem Type: Bug

Impact: Moderate


Frequency: Everytime

Priority: Perhaps

System: Communications

Subsystem: RS232



Lisp Version: Fugue6

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["Sannella.PA" "29-Aug-84 13':49':26" Attn': Status':(New->Open) Priority':(->Perhaps)]'
["Sannella.PA" "29-Aug-84 13':49':33" Attn': Status':(New->Open) Priority':(->Perhaps) Disposition': Edit-By': Edit-Date':]

Description: '
Date': 15-Aug-84 19':18':14'
Subject': New and old Action Requests':'
To': 1100Support.PASA'
cc': Mgittins.RX,Masinter.PA'
Our Reference':	AIL37	Submiited by':	AUWE			Rel':	Fue6'
FXPRINTER doesn''t call RS232INIT correctly.'
If you call RS232INIT with the modem control parameter set to anything '
but NIL as the first ever call to RS232INIT, it breaks or hangs. In our '
SIEMENS code, I put an extra call to just (RS232INIT) in front of the '
real call to set the speed and everything. '


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date: 29-Aug-84 13':49':34